Chapter 74 Various Forces_1

In the residence of the Minister of the Imperial Treasury, Lady Dong was sitting in front of a mirror, applying her makeup.

Today, in the afternoon, the final session of the autumn examinations would be over, and Lady Dong planned to go to the entrance of the Tribute Court to pick up Dong Lin.

She had only one son, Dong Lin, who, due to his poor health, had never participated before, to the extent that he didn't even know which direction the grand entrance of the Tribute Court faced. This year, as Dong Lin was attending the examination for the first time, regardless of whether he passed or not, Lady Dong wanted to show herself in front of others. Naturally, she needed to dress splendidly to give her son face.

A maidservant was inserting a Pearl and Jade Hairpin into her hair bun but the action was too forceful, tugging at her hair, causing Lady Dong to exclaim in pain, "Aiyo!" The maidservant hurriedly knelt down to apologize.