Chapter 75 Hill Seedlings and Ravine Pines_2

"Hah, human life really is worth less than grass."


At this moment, Official Hu was vigorously arguing with someone over whether human life was indeed cheaper than grass.

In the dilapidated straw hut of the fish market, a group of scholars squeezed at the door, confronting the government officers carrying swords.

After the case at the Tribute Court, the officers from the Trial Court swiftly took over the Wu Family residence. The mourning decorations inside the house had not yet been completely removed, and the white lanterns were rudely torn down by the officers, leaving the place in disarray and emphasizing the desolation of the now empty house.

Official Hu was so angry that his face turned red, and he barred the door with his arms, refusing to let the officers leave, "You are pushing people too far!"