Chapter 84 Sunken Boat_2

The master's offspring are masters generation after generation, and the servant's offspring are servants generation after generation...

Isn't that so? He had been running around for days, seeking help and giving gifts, to get Jiu'er into school, but Fan Zhenglian always gave him the brush-off. And when he tried hard to please Zhao Feiyan, she had the audacity to re-gift the local products he carefully prepared to the servants, ridiculing them as "pickles offered by poor ghosts".

Jiu'er couldn't get into the official school and could only attend those disreputable private schools. Even if there was an opportunity to compete in the future, what would the Shengjing officialdom be like in many years? Would it be as it is now, with the Ministry of Rites Examiners colluding with others, and rampant corruption in the tribute examinations? Whether Jiu'er would end up like him, or become another Wu Youcai who never made a name for himself, no one could say for sure.