Chapter 88 Poisoned_3


"No harm done, Princess Consort. There's no need for concern," Lu Tong said as she took the handkerchief passed to her by the maid and dabbed at the sweat on the Princess Consort's neck, her motion suddenly pausing.

There was a slight swelling at Pei Yunshu's neck and shoulders.

Had she been more robust, such swelling might easily have been overlooked, but Pei Yunshu was slender. Even with her pregnancy, she appeared rather frail. Her neck was thin and long, which made the swelling all too easy for Lu Tong to spot.

She reached out gently pressing on the swollen area.

"Ouch," Pei Yunshu cried.

"What are you doing?" The tall maid slapped Lu Tong's hand away furiously and glared at her.

"Qiong Ying, don't be like that," Pei Yunshu scolded softly, then turned to Lu Tong with an apologetic touch to the back of her neck, "Doctor, this maid of mine has a quick temper. Please pay her no mind."