Chapter 07 Besides this face, can't you see anything else?_1

The introduction letter for the young girl listed her as a member of Erdao River Village from the Sunflower Commune, Song Yunuan.

She even visited First Steamed Dumpling Shop in the provincial capital?

Not having time to think too much, facing the extremely handsome Gu Huai'an, the waitress immediately beamed with a smile and kindly asked him which kind he would like.

Gu Huai'an glanced at Song Yunuan, who had already sat down.

He pointed at the menu, "Five of each kind!"

After paying, he carried his plate and sat down leisurely across from Song Yunuan.

Song Yunuan blinked her eyes.

[The young man is so handsome. Is this a little side dish being served to me? It smells so good, I want to eat!]

[I hope the young man doesn't speak—just purse his lips and keep a cool attitude. Stay like that, don't move; let me eat first before you...]

Then, her thoughts took a turn: [Oh, I'll bite each one to see which tastes best, sigh, the vegetable filling isn't as good, the meat filling is the best, I'll eat that first—I'm such a smart guy!]

Gu Huai'an looked on indescribably as Song Yunuan bit each dumpling and finally ate the ones with meat filling, then lifted his eyes to another waitress and asked, "Excuse me, which kind of filling is tastier?"

Song Yunuan looked up at Gu Huai'an, who had intentionally followed her in and sat across from her but wasn't speaking to her, her eyes shining like bright stars as she blurted out, "Officer, the ones with vegetable filling are the tastiest!"

Gu Huai'an: ...

Little liar!

He said with a half-smile, "I'm not a cop, nor am I your uncle. You can call me comrade."

But in your heart, you're calling me little brother!!!

Song Yunuan's eyes curved: "Calling you comrade seems too distant; is it alright if I just call you by your name? What's your esteemed surname?"

Gu Huai'an curled the corner of his mouth, his gaze deep as he looked at Song Yunuan as if he were watching a little fox.

[So aloof, yet so appealing!]

[Even more handsome up close; even his eyelashes are curly.]

Gu Huai'an: ...

Aside from this face, can't you see anything else?

A few moments later, he took out a business card from his pocket and laid it in front of Song Yunuan.

Song Yunuan took it.

Having a business card wasn't strange at that time.

But in fact, they were quite scarce; work permits were more common.

The business card was exquisitely made, exuding a subdued luxury.

Written on it was Professor of History Department, Beidu University: Gu Huai'an!

Song Yunuan's eyes moved, "You're a teacher!"

[Maybe the institution is fake, but the name should be real.]

[Why isn't the young man leaving? Could he be waiting for my name?]

[Hee hee, I won't tell you!]

Gu Huai'an glanced outside; Xiao Wu was at the door looking at him as if he had seen a ghost.

He sat upright—a sign of his extraordinary background—even when toning down his presence, the aura he emitted was still commanding.

The customers in the shop glanced over, then hurriedly looked away.

Everyone admired the young girl; the man was sitting right across from her, yet she was still eating so heartily.

Indeed, the new-born calf wasn't afraid of the tiger.

Song Yunuan was waiting for the waitress to come over and ask her. If she didn't, Song would start a conversation out of nothing.

She analyzed that the Song family's annihilation came so quickly for two reasons: Firstly, the Song family had no one left, and secondly, there were few who knew the truth. Lin Qing was free to take revenge without question.

Today, she was going to stir things up on her own!

Gu Huai'an saw the girl's eyes sparkling, she must be thinking about something, but he couldn't hear it. By now, Gu Huai'an was sure that he could only hear thoughts that concerned him.

Moreover, among all the people on the street, he could only hear the thoughts of this one girl.

Gu Huai'an thought indifferently how the world was really full of wonders.

As Song Yunuan expected, the waitress excused herself from her shift. She came over with two bowls of hot water, gave one to Gu Huai'an with a smile, handed the other to Song Yunuan, and asked curiously, "Young lady, you mentioned something earlier about a mix-up and switching back—what was that about?"

Song Yunuan took the bowl and sweetly said thank you, then like an innocent girl, "I am from Erdao River Village's Song family. My name is Song Yunuan; everyone calls me Little Nuan. Seventeen years ago, my birth mother gave birth to me at Nanshan County Town Hospital. My adoptive mother was an official from the provincial city, who also went to the same hospital that day. A mistake happened, and I was switched with my adoptive mother's biological daughter. It was just over a week ago that I was returned... But I feel so lucky, our Nanshan steamed dumplings are even tastier than those in the provincial city."

Then she added, "Not to hide it from you, sister, but my adoptive parents have also been kind to me. I pretty much grew up eating the dumplings from the First Steamed Dumpling Shop."

The waitress thought to herself, silly girl, that's because you are their biological daughter, but now that they know the truth, weren't you immediately sent back?

She expressed her feelings: "Little Nuan, you are a fortunate young girl."

Song Yunuan nodded, "I think I'm very lucky too." Then she added, "By the way, sister, can I ask you how to get to the judiciary department in the county town? I want to inquire about something."

"Go out, walk straight, turn at the first intersection, the first white building is it," the waitress couldn't help but ask out of curiosity, "Little Nuan, what do you want to inquire about?"

Gu Huai'an finally learned her name and her family's address.

He felt a bit surprised inside.

How could she openly reveal her personal details in such a public setting, even digging a pit for the waitress? What was her objective?

He saw Song Yunuan put down her chopsticks, sigh, and say, "There's a guy in Erdao River Village called Wang Zhuzi, who beat his wife horribly. Just yesterday, he broke his wife's leg and was going to sell their two daughters. My father sent Wang Zhuzi to the Sunflower Commune's police station. However, many people are saying how a wife beaten is like dough kneaded—it's all just domestic affairs, just a couple quarreling, not something to be meddled with. Why arrest Zhuzi!"

Then she slammed her hand on the table, indignantly saying, "What nonsense, I want to go ask the person in charge of the relevant department if beating a wife is a domestic affair. Can't even walk—is that just a couple quarreling?"

The waitress was also angered enough to slam the table, "That's not quarreling, that's breaking the law. Little Nuan, I'll go with you to the Women's Federation, let's talk to your family first."

By then, Gu Huai'an didn't want to listen any longer.

Firstly, Song Yunuan no longer called him 'little brother,' and secondly, he already knew what the girl wanted.

Gu Huai'an silently pushed a plate filled with large steamed dumplings toward her, then stood up and left without saying a word.

By the time Song Yunuan reacted and rushed out, the handsome young man had already driven off. Within a few breaths, he had disappeared from view.

Song Yunuan scratched her head in confusion. She entered the shop, and the waitress said, "Wait for me, I'll go ask for leave."

But Song Yunuan gave her a look and deliberately raised her voice, "The comrade from earlier said to leave all the dumplings for me, could you please pack them up and set them aside for me, thank you!"

The waitress was taken aback at first, but when she saw Little Nuan wink, she understood at once—she wanted to share with her.

If they were divided among everyone in the shop, she could only get two.

With four kids and two elders at home, one bite each wouldn't be enough.

But now, she could get ten.

She decisively said, "Alright, Comrade Little Nuan, I'll get them packed for you!"