Chapter 36 Why Did You Squash My Pen?_1

Old Mrs. Sun squinted her eyes, "Are you registered in the city?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Your uncle's household registration is rural; you won't be able to register there."

"Then I'll ask if I can register separately. Please wait for me; I'll be right back."

Without waiting for Old Mrs. Sun to respond, Song Yunuan happily strode inside.

There's a saying: a guilty conscience needs no accuser.

Old Mrs. Sun wanted to follow her inside, but as she gazed at the solemn and imposing characters, she thought better of it and gave up.

Song Yunuan didn't dawdle; upon entering, she grabbed a policewoman and asked where the station chief was, saying she had important case information to report.

The policewoman, without a word, led her to find Station Chief Ho of the police station.

Station Chief Ho had retired from the ranks; he had a clear and piercing gaze, and with just a meeting, Song Yunuan's mind was filled with this person's details.

Song Yunuan was shocked.