Chapter 39: Uncle, do you have something to tell us by stopping us?_1

Liu Jincui's complexion changed drastically, her heart beating in extreme panic.

The young man in the black windbreaker was obviously a person of high status, wealthy and powerful.

Such people were almost always the favored sons of Heavenly Dao.

They carried great fortune with them.

They never dared to provoke them.

Liu Jincui immediately turned back to look at Song Yunuan.

As Liu Jincui's eyes darted about in confusion, Song Yunuan had already neatly jumped down.

Sun Dazhuang, sitting on the shaft of the carriage, didn't dare to move.

He believed that if he dared to reach for his lower back, he would be finished on the spot.

Song Yunuan was actually also puzzled. She glanced around and took the initiative to speak, "Uncle, is there something you need by stopping us?"

Chu Zizhou was stunned.


No, beautiful girl, you've got guts to match your looks.

Too funny, oh my, he's going to die of laughter.

Gu Huai'an has become an uncle!