Chapter 48: Lin Qing, are you sick?_1

Asheng had just picked up the candy that Lin Qing threw onto the ground, which she had snatched from Xiujuan Sister. He pouted his little buttocks as he picked it up, the little guy looking like he was about to cry.

Song Yunuan, feeling heartbroken, picked up her little brother as Old Man Song looked on with a bit of worry.

Song Yunuan waved them off, then she asked about what had happened.

Asheng, with his extraordinary memory, recounted the conversation and the other party's expressions to Song Yunuan.

Song Yunuan, looking at where Lin Qing and her group had disappeared to, finally understood the question that had been puzzling her all this time.

She was utterly speechless.

At the same time, she really believed that a spit storm could drown a person.

She said to Asheng, "Go tell Grandpa and Aunt that you all wait for me on the road behind the guesthouse. I'm going to speak with Lin Qing for a bit and will find you afterwards."