Chapter 120 Disaster Diverted East?_1

Lin Du and Hu Zhi exchanged a glance, a bit puzzled about what this damn girl Lin Qing was up to.

How the color changed, they were the clearest about it.

How did she get involved with someone else?

Could it be that the Jade Ruyi was swapped by the person Lin Qing mentioned?

Or perhaps, the Jade Ruyi was fake from the beginning?

For a moment, Lin Du was a bit confused.

After coming to his senses, he finally asked, "Who are you talking about, who did the tampering?"

"I'm not sure, I'll go ask him first. Maybe it's a misunderstanding."

Lin Du couldn't help but ask, "Who is this person you're talking about?"

Lin Qing furrowed her brow, not too pleased, and said, "It's the village where my sister went to during the movement, Erdao River Village in Nanshan County Town. I gave the Jade Ruyi to Xiujuan to play with, and then she gave it to Song Mingsheng."

"Song Mingsheng, Song Mingsheng? Who is he?" Lin Du asked suspiciously.