Chapter 129 Just Want to Tell You a Secret_1

All this information was too confusing, and Song Yunuan was bewildered.

Xia Guilan didn't have the time to ask what was happening; she hurried to the kang, where Grandma Xia, lying on it, struggled to turn her head.

Song Yunuan was taken aback, Grandma Xia's complexion was waxen, her eyes cloudy and unfocused, as if she were truly at death's door.

Seeing so many people standing in the room, Grandma Xia looked over at each one before her gaze settled on Song Yunuan, and she managed a feeble smile.

Old Mrs. Song was now sitting by the kang, and even took a pulse, breathing a sigh of relief; as long as the person was alive, that was enough.

She hoped that nothing would happen to actually scare Little Nuan.

In fact, she was quite reluctant to let Little Nuan come at all.

But she couldn't show it.