Chapter 189 Finally Back Home!_1


Gu Huai'an gave a slight smile and said warmly to Song Liang, "Uncle Song, Old Mr. Ji called me and hoped I could pay attention to the matter. I happened not to have anything pressing these past few days, so I rushed over overnight. Luckily, I made it in time."

Song Liang hurriedly said, "That... that's too much trouble."

Gu Huai'an smiled gently as jade: "It's no trouble at all!"

Song Yunuan blinked her eyes: "Then, how should I introduce you to my little uncle later?"

Indeed, how should she introduce him?

The train arrived at the station.

Xia Xindong, wearing sunglasses, walked out with Secretary Bai.

Even with the sunglasses, he still saw a pretty little girl hopping and waving her hands at him.

Xia Guilan was overwhelmed with tears, her hands and feet at a loss, as Song Liang stepped forward to greet them.

His lips moved, but he didn't know what to say.

Song Yunuan's voice was cheerful: "Little uncle, I'm here!"