Chapter 193: Have I Made It Difficult for You?_1

The next morning.

Gu Huai'an and Song Yunuan... took a bunch of kids for a run.

What Song Yunuan wore was always different from the villagers and even the people of the time.

Their family had fabric.

Song Yunuan could design.

Xia Guilan was skilled at making clothes and liked to dress up her daughter.

Thus, Song Yunuan's clothes were always the most fashionable and elegant.

When Chu Zizhou's family arrived at Erdao River Village, what they saw was a young girl dressed in a beige linen casual outfit, with a pair of white sneakers on her feet.

All three women were stunned for a moment.

Whose daughter is this? She's so pretty.

And her smiling face was so likable.

Chu Zizhou hurriedly introduced them, saying, "... I have to go to the county for a meeting later. After we eat, you can rest well. Once rested, Little Nuan will take you out, everything has been arranged, you can do whatever you like."