Chapter 198: Who Put Us on the Fire?_1

Xia Bowen's mouth twitched into a bitter smile as he saw the people off.

After coming back, he collapsed into the sofa and remained silent.

Xia Ming, following behind him, wore an equally sour expression.

Xia Bowen, examining Xia Ming's ghastly face, rubbed his forehead and asked with disbelief, "What's wrong with you now?"

Xia Ming said, "Dad, have we been thrown onto the fire?"

Xia Bowen retorted, "Who puts us onto the fire?"

Xia Ming fell silent.

"You're also a leader of a department, involved in major decisions. Tell me with a fair mind, who is it that has thrown us onto the fire?"

Standing at the door, Xia Ming's hands clenched tightly, "I know you now hate my mother to death."

"Shouldn't I hate her?"

Xia Bowen's voice was somewhat icy.

"Even now, she shows not the slightest remorse, not a single move towards reconciliation, but instead, she's grown to hate me.

I really don't understand, on what grounds does she have the right to hate me?