Chapter 218: Dance a Disco for Me_1

And it was at this moment.

A few silhouettes staggered over from the front.

They froze when they saw Song Yunuan.

There were three in all, a tall one, a skinny one, and a fatty.

The tall one said, "I've had a bit too much to drink today, you two take a good look, isn't that a young lady?"

"It's a young lady."

"She's really pretty."

"She's alone!"

"She… she's holding a stick in her hand?"

The fatty laughed out loud, "That's probably for courage because she's scared to walk at night, right?"

The skinny one squinted his eyes, "She's walking towards us."

Song Yunuan walked up to the three men with the stick in hand. After some thought, she determined they were definitely locals, drunk, and didn't seem like good news.

Song Yunuan had intended to pass by them, wander a few more circles around the area, and if no one else came out, just go back to sleep.

Unsurprisingly, she was stopped by the three men with ill intentions.