Chapter 221 She Can't Attend the Meeting_1

Principal Cui said excitedly, "Yes, yes, yes, Little Nuan is from Nanshan County Town, we're all family."

He was the most excited of all.

Even Old Shang was a bit envious.

According to the standards, it seems that Old Cui might soon be considered his equal.

Despite the sourness in his heart, having a Staff and Cadre College in Nanshan County Town was a source of pride for every resident.

Just wait until this September, when major factories and units from across the province send people to study, by then, Nanshan County Town will no longer be the same as it used to be.

Deputy County Mayor Zhao said cheerfully, "I'm going to the post office to give Kou County a call to share the good news. We also have a meeting with Old Mr. Hu and the teachers this afternoon. Let's think carefully about how to talk to those teachers..."

Deputy County Mayor Zhao then added, "Little Nuan, you should attend too. You're smart and insightful, and you can offer us your opinions and ideas."