Chapter 281: Senior Sister Becomes Wife

Xiao Dizi sadly watched the carriage of the little devil leave the alleyway and complained to Old Mr. Ji, "Master, just look at that girl! She's heartless. After all the kindness I've shown her, how could she suspect me? You should know the kind of person I am, Master. Don't listen to Little Nuan's nonsense. Next time she comes by, I'm not even going to open the door for her, hmph!"

Old Mr. Ji's heart was already heavy with clouds, but Song Yunuan's interruption made him feel somewhat relieved.

He knew that Song Yunuan did it on purpose.

She purposely wanted to prevent him from being thrown off balance.

It was Wei Qingmei who had harmed his daughter.

Every time he thought of it, his heart ached so much that it felt like he couldn't breathe.