Princess Changle Arrives

In the second year of Zhenguan, in the capital city of Chang'an, in the Tai Ping District near the Imperial City, on a secluded road.


"Princess, please slow down." A young maid followed behind a lively young girl, with a helpless expression on her face.


The young girl stopped, turned around, and looked somewhat displeased at the maid, furrowing her brows as she softly said, "When we're out, you should call me 'Miss.' This is a secret outing, a secret outing! Understand?"


The maid reluctantly agreed, "Yes, Miss."


The young girl stretched lazily, "Alright, I... I haven't been out to play for a long time. Let's see what changes have occurred in Chang'an City."


She was Li Shimin's eldest daughter, Li Lizhi.


This name wasn't very familiar to outsiders.


Most people referred to her by her title, calling her Princess Changle.


Life in the Imperial City was too boring.


She couldn't bear the loneliness anymore, so she brought her two maids out of the Imperial City, just like before, wanting to see the colorful world outside.


Princess Changle led the way, with the two maids obediently following behind. Of course, several skilled guards from the Imperial City were lurking in disguise as commoners, protecting Princess Changle in secret.


Not long after they set off, a building caught her eye.


Causing her to involuntarily gasp.


Oh my god...


When did such a wealthy person appear in Chang'an City?


A signboard made of redwood, with the words "Ruyi Supermarket" written in regular script.


The entire gate was made of an unknown metal, looking majestic and imposing.


Nowadays in Chang'an City, wooden doors were used everywhere.


Iron was expensive, especially good iron...


This gate was probably worth a fortune.


Only the Imperial City used iron gates, and the quality probably couldn't even compare to the quality of this gate.


Most importantly, there were no traces of casting on this gate...


This craftsmanship was truly extraordinary.


Princess Changle calculated with her fingers.


Soon, she furrowed her brows.


Unable to calculate, anyway, this was a considerable amount.


Princess Changle pointed with her finger, "Let's go, let's go to that shop!"


With that, she strode over.


In the Ruyi Supermarket.


Lin Shen was lazily yawning.


Last night, while lying in bed at home watching anime, a system bell rang in his mind.


A system called "Divine-level Supermarket," bound to him.


And it brought him, along with the small shop left by his deceased parents, to the Tang Dynasty.


The system's functions were simple.


There was only a system mall and a lottery template.


The system mall was divided into four categories, with the three basic ones being: general merchandise, military skills, industry and agriculture...


There was also a special item category.


Except for special items, once any item in the three basic categories was unlocked, it could be exchanged for free and unlimited from the system mall.


Like the three items Lin Shen got from the novice gift pack: fish tofu snacks, matches, and solar-powered night lights, could be exchanged unlimitedly from the system mall.


As for the lottery template, it required silver to support it, with the following pricing for ordinary items in the three major categories.


One hundred taels of silver for a common lottery.


One thousand taels of silver for an intermediate lottery.


Ten thousand taels of silver for an advanced lottery.


Above that.


There was a one hundred thousand taels of silver for a divine-level unlock!


As for the special category item lottery, it was quite peculiar. The unified lottery price for special category items was one hundred thousand taels of silver each time, and the items in the special category lottery were disposable and could not be exchanged unlimitedly.


To obtain more and better items, one needed to spend a large amount of silver.


This supermarket had to be managed well.


He stayed up all night to tidy up the shop, and today he couldn't wait to open for business.


Fortunately, it was in the novice gift pack.


In addition to those three items, Lin Shen also received a special category item: "Dragon Ancestral Bloodline!"


This bloodline caused his entire body's qualities to undergo tremendous evolution.


He tried it last night.


He crushed a cobblestone into powder with just one hand!


The phrase "able to lift a cauldron" probably couldn't describe his current strength...


This made him even more eager for the items in the system mall.


He just didn't know when there would be customers.


He was thinking like this.


Suddenly, the door of the shop was pushed open.


Three women cautiously walked in, while also expressing admiration for the gate.


Lin Shen couldn't help but find it amusing.


People in the Tang Dynasty really hadn't seen much of the world. Just an ordinary titanium alloy gate made them react like this...


"What would the three guests like?" Lin Shen stood up and looked at the leading girl, saying softly.


Although Changle tried to dress as simply as possible.


But the simple life that the Emperor's daughter could think of was also the standard of an ordinary lady.


Lin Shen could see at a glance that she was a wealthy girl from a wealthy family.


A big customer!


Seeing Lin Shen, Princess Changle's eyes lit up.


Compared to other men of this era, Lin Shen was too handsome.


Tall and handsome!


His skin was fair and tender, even better than hers, the princess.


But the clothes he wore were strange, and Princess Changle had never seen this style of clothing before.


And his hair...


Clean and neat short hair.


This appearance was not ordinary.


Princess Changle coughed lightly and adopted a generous posture, "What do you sell here?"


Lin Shen whispered, "The store just opened today, and there are only three items for now: matches, fish tofu, and solar-powered night lights."


The consecutive three terms she had never heard of made Princess Changle's head spin.


She knew what fire was.


But what were matches?


Wood for making fire?


She also knew tofu, but what was this fish tofu... made of fish?


And the solar-powered night light, the name was contradictory, she was even more confused, unable to make head or tail of it.


"What are these things?" Princess Changle furrowed her brows, questioning.


Lin Shen got up and took three things from the nearby shelf, placing them on the counter, "These are the three items."


Seeing their appearance, Princess Changle still couldn't understand what these three things were for.


A dry paper box.


Something that seemed to be made of silver, like a sachet.


And one made of glass craftsmanship?


Seeing Princess Changle's puzzled expression.


Lin Shen picked up the matches and began to explain, "These are matches, as the name suggests, they are used to start a fire..."


Princess Changle furrowed her brows even deeper, "Fire starter?"


Lin Shen shook his head, took out a match from the matchbox, and lightly scraped it on the sandpaper.


With a whoosh, a flame burst out.


Princess Changle was startled.


A flame?!


Fire could be produced like this?!

This was much more convenient than a fire starter!

There was such a convenient and magical thing in the world.


"This thing, if used for daily life such as lighting and other consumption, there are one hundred in a box, which can be used to start a fire one hundred times." Lin Shen continued to explain.


Princess Changle looked at this small box, somewhat incredulous.


This was much more convenient than the fire starter.


She took a deep breath, wanting to pat the counter with her hand, but when she looked closely, the counter was made of pure, translucent glass, making her unable to put her hand down, afraid of damaging it. So she gently put her hand down and said forcefully, "Whatever these matches are, I want as many as you have!"