The astonishment of Emperor Li Shimin

Princess Changle subconsciously asked, "How does this thing emit light? I didn't see you ignite it..."

Lin Shen smiled mysteriously and shook his head, saying, "That's a trade secret, I can't easily divulge it."

"However, this thing has a downside."

"What downside?" Princess Changle asked in return.

Lin Shen replied, "Just like its name suggests, during the day, it needs to be placed under the sun to absorb solar energy and store it, so it can emit light at night."

Princess Changle's eyes widened in astonishment. This sounded just like a magical treasure from a fairy tale!

"How much does this thing cost?" Princess Changle asked excitedly. This beautiful and practical item was perfectly in line with her tastes as a princess.

Lin Shen held up two fingers and said, "For something like this, it's only two taels of silver."

Princess Changle breathed a sigh of relief. Two taels of silver were still within her budget. But now she was conflicted. These items were all so good!

She beckoned to her maid and asked, "How much money do we have now?"

The maid opened the purse and counted quietly. Soon she replied, "Princess... Miss, you still have twelve taels of silver."

Princess Changle couldn't help but frown. She regretted her poverty! 

After hesitating for a while, Princess Changle sighed, "Give me a box of matches, two of these lights, and exchange the rest for fish tofu."

She took out the purse and placed it gently on the counter. She didn't intend to leave herself even a tael of silver.

Lin Shen chuckled and agreed, "No problem, please wait a moment, I'll pack them for you."

"And you must help me promote these items!"

He casually grabbed a cloth bag and soon packed everything for Princess Changle.

With twelve taels of silver, Lin Shen had met one-tenth of his basic sales target on the first day of opening. Even the possibility of achieving the advanced sales target was within reach.

Princess Changle happily hugged the items and headed towards the East Palace. She changed into her regular clothes, holding the matches, fish tofu, and solar night lights. Her excitement overrode her initial intention of simply enjoying herself outside.

Meanwhile, Emperor Li Shimin was handling state affairs under the service of Empress Changsun.

Dong dong dong—

Suddenly, a knocking sound echoed.

"Come in," Li Shimin replied concisely.

Creak—the door was pushed open, and Princess Changle bounced in. "Father, I've come to see you."

Empress Changsun reached out and embraced her, indulgently saying, "You're already such a big girl. At your age, I had already married your father. You should calm down a bit."

Princess Changle held onto Empress Changsun's arm and coquettishly said, "Mother, Changle knows."

Li Shimin raised his head, wearing a gentle smile. "Little Changle, what brings you to see your father?"

At this, Princess Changle raised her head proudly and exclaimed, "Father, today I went out of the palace to play and stumbled upon a fascinating shop..."

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but frown. "Out to play again? Did you bring guards with you?"

Princess Changle's body stiffened, and she shrunk her neck. "I did, Father. Don't worry, I'm safe."

Li Shimin sighed. His eldest daughter was most like him—young, restless, and unable to stay idle. In a place like the palace, it was indeed stifling for her spirit.

"Remember, you must always pay attention to your safety. Bring more guards with you. You know, the outside world can be dangerous," Li Shimin said, reaching out to pat Princess Changle's head, indulgently.

Since he couldn't control her, he could only ensure her safety. Only Changle could receive such treatment. Other princesses wouldn't have it so easy if they wanted to leave the palace.

As a princess, she should act like one.

Princess Changle nodded obediently. "I understand, Father."

Li Shimin asked, "You mentioned encountering an interesting shop. What's that about?"

Princess Changle's voice became excited again. "Let me tell you, Father, that shop is so interesting! You know, the door of that shop is made of metal without any visible casting marks! You can see inside from the outside. And there's a table inside made of crystal glass!"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up, and he glanced at the nearby table.

Even as an emperor, he only used crystal glass cups. While the metal door wasn't something he envied, using crystal glass for a table was something he had only dreamed of. Was there really someone in the Tang Dynasty who could afford such a thing?

He felt a little envious...

He also wanted to enjoy such a rare treasure.

"Which shop is it?" Li Shimin asked curiously.

Princess Changle frowned and shook her head. "I don't know. It doesn't seem to be owned by any of those uncles' families. The owner is a bit strange. He looks like a person from our Tang Dynasty, but he keeps his hair short and wears clothes that aren't from our Tang Dynasty..."

Li Shimin furrowed his brows slightly.

He had never heard of a prominent family in Chang'an having such an unconventional person.

Could it be a hidden family?

As he was thinking, Princess Changle continued excitedly, "The things they sell inside are also interesting, Father! Look!"

She took out the matches.

The greenish color, reflecting a faint shimmer under the oil lamp's light.

"What is this?" Li Shimin asked curiously, never having seen such a thing before.

Princess Changle proudly said, "This is called a match, used for starting fires. It's much better than fire flints. The owner said that as long as they don't touch water and remain dry, they can be stored for as long as you want!"

Princess Changle skillfully took one out and lit it.

An orange flame burst forth, startling Li Shimin.

To be able to start a fire so easily, and without showing any signs of flames beforehand?

More importantly...

As long as they didn't touch water, they could be stored for a long time.

Having been in the military for so many years, Li Shimin immediately thought of the strategic value of this thing.

If his army always had such a treasure...

Cooking and heating would be so much more convenient.

His daughter went out of the palace for a trip, and actually found such a treasure!

Truly, Li Tang was blessed by the heavens, a great auspice!

Placing the match on the table, Princess Changle then picked up the fish tofu and tore open the packaging, holding it out to Li Shimin. "And this, Father, this thing is delicious!"