The Guarantee of an Elder Sister

"It's something girls use, similar to lip balm, but of much better quality than what you usually use, and with many more color options," Lin Shen explained softly, tilting his head. "I remember one of your guards came to inquire before, didn't he mention anything about lip balm to you?"

A guard?

Princess Changle quickly realized.

Lin Shen was referring to the Qian Niu guard sent by her father, the emperor.

The Qian Niu guard was under her father's jurisdiction.

As just a princess, how could the Qian Niu guard report to her?

Princess Changle cleared her throat. "Ahem, it seems I need to punish him when I get back. He didn't even tell me about something so crucial."

Seeing her putting on a strong front, Lin Shen instantly understood.

He waved his hand, no longer probing this little girl, and said softly, "I can let you try it out."

Princess Changle's eyes lit up. "Really? How do we try it?"

Lin Shen shrugged. "Let your sister come over, I'll use it on her."

Princess Changle widened her eyes. "Why let my sister come? Can't I do it?"

Lin Shen said earnestly, "I just think your sister is cuter."

Princess Changle raised her hand and pinched her own face.

For the first time, she doubted her own appearance.

Was being pretty not worth mentioning in the face of cuteness?

Lin Shen turned away with a smile, facing the little girl, and asked softly, "What's your name?"

"Hello, boss. You can call me Chengyang," Princess Chengyang said obediently from the side.

Lin Shen beckoned. "Come over here."

Chengyang obediently extended her hand.

Lin Shen casually picked up a lipstick and lightly swiped it on Chengyang's wrist, leaving a faint, light red mark.

"A light color like this is most suitable for a girl like you," Lin Shen said with a smile as he put it away.

Chengyang's eyes lit up.

This color...

If it could be applied to the lips, that would be amazing!

"Thank you, boss," Chengyang said excitedly, cradling her wrist, reluctant to put it down.

Seeing this beautifully delicate little girl, a mischievous thought suddenly arose in Lin Shen's mind.

"Do you want this lipstick?" Lin Shen said in a light tone.

Chengyang nodded. "But I don't have that much money. It might take me several months to save up to buy a lipstick."

Lin Shen continued, "Your sister is the first customer in my shop. As a favor to her, as long as you call me 'good brother,' I'll give you one for free."

Princess Changle, listening on the side, gritted her teeth in annoyance.

She was supposed to be the first customer!

How come this opportunity for a freebie went to Chengyang?

"I'll call you 'good brother,' too. Will you give me a lipstick?" Princess Changle said with a hint of envy, timidly.

Lin Shen looked at Princess Changle, pretending to be hesitant.

Feeling satisfied inside.

Teasing little girls felt great indeed.

After all, Lin Shen was not a pushover.

Princess Changle coquettishly said, "Good brother~ Is it okay?"

Lin Shen generously waved his hand and handed a lipstick to Princess Changle. "Okay, okay, just because of your 'good brother' call, I'll give you one too."

Chengyang, who had been hesitating, saw Princess Changle happily holding the lipstick and immediately made up her mind.

Even if she had to call him 'good brother' eight or ten times, she could do it.

After all, the boss was handsome. Calling him 'good brother' wouldn't make her lose anything.

Taking a deep breath, Chengyang timidly said, "Okay, good brother~"

This soft, gentle voice made Lin Shen's heart tingle.

"Alright, then this lipstick is for you," Lin Shen said generously, handing over the item.

Chengyang was pleasantly surprised.

A lipstick that cost one hundred taels of silver, just for calling him 'good brother'? 

"Thank you, boss," Chengyang said excitedly.

Lin Shen shook his head, correcting her immediately. "From now on, remember to call me 'good brother,' okay?"

Chengyang hesitated for a moment, then nodded, repeating, "Thank you, good brother~"

Lin Shen felt extremely satisfied.

Little girls were indeed the most obedient creatures in the world.

Princess Changle, holding the lipstick in her hand and eyeing Chengyang's, felt that the one in the other person's hand seemed better.

But it was still one hundred taels of silver!

Certainly, when she went back today, she would pester her father to get her hands on the income from her fiefdom...

And buy all the colors available.

Even if she couldn't use them, they would make excellent decorations at home.

After selecting some more items and leaving behind more than twenty taels of silver, they hurriedly left.

Just as they stepped out of the supermarket's gate.

Princess Changle said indignantly, "Sister, you should let me use this lipstick too sometimes."

Chengyang firmly refused, "Why! This was given to me by good brother."

"That's because he gave it to you for my sake," Princess Changle argued confidently, staring straight at Chengyang's lipstick. "If I weren't your sister, good brother wouldn't have given you the lipstick."

Chengyang shook her head. "That's not true. Good brother would definitely give me the lipstick. I think he gave it to you because of my face."

Princess Changle, enraged, clenched her fists. "Why would you say that?"

Chengyang made a face. "Because you're a tomboy, with no feminine charm at all. Good brother wouldn't like a girl like you. He clearly prefers cute types like me."

Princess Changle took a deep breath. "You little brat! How dare you speak ill of your sister? Where am I lacking in femininity... I'll beat you up!"

Chengyang hummed disdainfully. "If you hit me, I'll tell good brother that you're not cute at all, and he'll dislike you and stop selling things to you."

This threat made Princess Changle hesitate for a moment, then she tried to appease Chengyang. "We're sisters, do we have to do this?"

"In consideration of being your sister, I'll let you use the lipstick occasionally. Mine will be shared with you too. When I get the income from my father's land, I'll buy you one directly!" 

Chengyang hesitated, then reluctantly agreed, "Fine, but remember, you owe me a lipstick."

Watching this scene, the Qian Niu guard sighed deeply.

These two little troublemakers...

The Li family was indeed not easy to serve.

As night fell.

Lin Shen opened the system panel, and today's accounts caught his eye.

The income was two thousand one hundred and twenty-six taels, similar to the previous days.

The customers were still mostly nobles.

But slightly better than the previous days, with two or three commoners brave enough to walk in