Ruyi Supermarket is Famous!!

Everyone watched as Chen San knocked over the glass.

The crisp sound was like the sound of their hearts breaking.

This treasure they valued so much...

It was destroyed by Chen San in such a careless manner.

"Chen San, what are you doing!"

"How could you do such a thing."

An elderly man couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Sinful, what you're doing is sinful!"

Chen San's palms were sweating.

He was nervous now too.

For the first time in his life, he was doing something like this...

But he still had to follow the script Lin Shen provided. He took a deep breath, putting on an innocent expression. "It's just a broken cup, why such a big reaction."

As soon as he said this, he was met with a fierce rebuke.

"Just breaking a cup, do you know how valuable this crystal cup is?"

"This delicate thing, you've ruined it like this, you'll be punished by the heavens!"

"In Chang'an, how could such a scoundrel like you appear?"

Chen San shrugged, tapping the table lightly. "This thing isn't as valuable as you think. You can guess, how much do you think I spent to buy it?"

The people in the teahouse pondered for a moment.

Soon, someone called out a price, "I say, at least ten million guan, right?"

Ten million guan, equivalent to ten million taels of silver.

The annual income of the Tang Dynasty treasury was only over thirty million taels.

This person's guess amounted to one-third of the entire annual income of the Tang Dynasty.

Chen San looked at the person and gestured with his hand, "Brother, do I look like someone who can come up with that much money?"

The person was speechless.

Just now, they said Chen San was a land ruffian...

Let alone ten million taels of silver, even without the "ten million," he couldn't afford it.

Someone urged, "Stop beating around the bush, just tell us how much you spent on this cup?"

Chen San raised a finger.

"Ten thousand taels of silver?" someone tentatively asked.

Chen San shook his head.

"One hundred thousand taels of silver?"

Chen San still shook his head, "Why does the price keep getting higher? I can't come up with that much silver."

"One thousand taels?"

This guess also only made Chen San shake his head.

"Could it be just one hundred taels of silver?"

The person who said this even startled themselves.

If such a good-quality cup only cost one hundred taels of silver, it would be too cheap...

You know, even a piece of decent glassware would cost hundreds of taels of silver.

Chen San sighed and shook his head, "You guys have overestimated me, Chen San. Let alone one hundred taels of silver, I can't come up with that much money now."

"This cup, only cost one tael of silver."

One tael of silver?

The people in the teahouse looked at Chen San as if he were an idiot.

One tael of silver couldn't even buy a piece of glass, and he wanted to buy such a good transparent cup?


"Could it be that you stole it from someone else's house, and left one tael of silver to say you bought this cup?" Someone didn't hesitate to voice their suspicion.

As soon as this was said, it caused laughter throughout the teahouse.

Chen San slammed the table suddenly, shouting, "Let me tell you, you can say I, Chen San, don't have money, but you can't say my character is bad!"

"This cup was indeed bought by me!"

"At the Ruyi Supermarket in Tai Ping Fang, the owner told me that he has as many of these cups as I want!"

With that, Chen San reached into his bosom, took out another glass cup, and placed it squarely on the table for everyone to see.

"Look, it's just one broken, I still have one left."

"Now you should all believe what I, Chen San, said."

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the cup on the table.

It was exactly the same!

Someone glanced at the ground, and the glass shards were still there.

The broken cup just now wasn't an illusion...

This glass cup was indeed a new one.

Nothing is more convincing than the facts happening right in front of your eyes.

There are many rare items in the world.

But not many people like Chen San can continuously take them out one after another.

"Chen San, is there really someone selling these crystal cups for one tael of silver?" someone in the crowd asked.

Chen San nodded, emphasizing, "Yes, at the Ruyi Supermarket in Tai Ping Fang!"

"Let me tell you, that shop is truly miraculous!"

"In addition to these crystal cups, there are many other good things..."

"Have you ever seen soap that can make people clean and fragrant? It's much better than soapberry!"

"Have you ever seen kitchen knives that can cut hair? They're all sold at the Ruyi Supermarket in Tai Ping Fang, and the prices are all cheap, not even one item costs more than ten taels of silver!"

No one realized that this was an advertisement.

They were all deeply attracted by the contents of Chen San's words.

Soap, kitchen knives...

And this glass cup.

They all deeply captivated them.

The Ruyi Supermarket in Tai Ping Fang was almost remembered by everyone in the teahouse, with its somewhat strange name.

Such scenes didn't just happen in this teahouse.

A similar scene occurred in a restaurant in the West Market.

The speed at which ordinary people spread information was much faster than that among the nobles.

It didn't take a day.

The East Market, West Market, and several neighboring districts all knew that there was a Ruyi Supermarket in Tai Ping Fang, where rare and rare items were sold...

And the prices were cheap.

Even commoners could afford them.

Those who believed went directly to the shop with silver to buy things.

Those who didn't believe came with a skeptical attitude to take a look...

Seeing the door made entirely of seamless metal.

Seeing Lin Shen moving boxes of glass cups out.

Seeing piles of kitchen knives stacked on the counter.

And smelling the faint

 spicy fragrance of fish tofu...

All of this proved that the rumors in the streets were completely true.

The things in this shop were truly inexhaustible, with a variety of novel types and excellent quality, and they were all cheap.

Ruyi Supermarket was on fire!

From the subtle circulation among the nobles, it suddenly poured into the hands of the common people.

By the time the shop closed for the day.

Lin Shen looked at the accounts in front of him and smiled, unable to close his mouth.

Over five thousand taels of silver were earned today!

More than twice as much as before.

And this was just the effect of one day of publicity.

If the whole Chang'an city knew about his shop, wouldn't he make a fortune?

Lin Shen didn't continue with the lottery.

The items in the shop had not saturated the market yet, and there was still plenty of capacity to dig into the pockets of the people of Chang'an. There was no need to introduce new items to distract them from spending.

He planned to save up one hundred thousand taels of silver and try his luck with a special lottery.

What if he drew another item as amazing as the Dragon Bloodline?

People always needed to have dreams.