Visit by Sun Simia

A sage.

This is the evaluation of His Highness the King of Chu by the people of Chang'an City.

No one thinks this evaluation is exaggerated.

Some people have even started preparing to build a shrine for His Highness the King of Chu.

After seeing the potion produced by His Highness the King of Chu that can kill locusts, no one doubts the authenticity of this matter anymore.

A person looked at the square characters on the red paper and suddenly asked, "Then why do we still need to pay?"

Immediately, almost everyone cast disdainful glances at him.

"Even if you go to the pharmacy now to get a prescription, it will cost half a tael or a full tael of silver. Do you still think ten wen is expensive?"

"I heard that His Highness the King of Chu took out at least thirty million taels of silver worth of grain. Ten wen is probably not even enough to cover the cost."

"I think His Highness the King of Chu must have his reasons for charging money."

The man who initially raised the question "Why do we have to pay?" was humiliated and left with a red face, slipping away from the crowd without daring to stay any longer.

No one thinks there is anything wrong with charging money.

A sage!

Whatever they, as commoners, don't understand, it must be right if a sage does it.

Charging money made many city dwellers who wanted to see this novelty hesitate.

Even if it's just ten wen...

Wouldn't it be delightful to buy a few pastries and bring them back to share with their wives and children?

They don't need to kill locusts anyway.

But many people from the rural areas, upon hearing this news, couldn't wait to rush into the supermarket to buy a bottle of insecticide and bring it back to kill those evil locusts.

The sale of insecticide is much more cautious than other goods.

Names, addresses, and even the intended use need to be registered.

After registration, they need to be repeatedly instructed on how to use it...

The staff at the supermarket is not enough.

Lin Shen even brought over more than twenty literate people from the Jinwuwei.

This made those who came to see out of curiosity even less interested.

This caution is not unreasonable.

Insecticide can be used as poison.

The news that Ruyi Supermarket started selling insecticide that can kill locusts spread throughout Chang'an City almost instantly, even faster than the news of Lin Shen becoming the King of Chu.

It took less than half an hour from the East Market to the West Market.

At a teahouse in the West Market.

An old man in Daoist robes was having tea with pastries, while a young Daoist servant waited by his side eagerly.


The door of the teahouse suddenly burst open.

A rough-looking man shouted at the top of his lungs, "His Highness the King of Chu's Ruyi Supermarket is now selling potion that can effectively kill locusts, for just ten wen per bottle!"

"According to His Highness the King of Chu, one bottle of potion can kill locusts in an area of ​​one acre!"

"If anyone needs it, you can go to His Highness the King of Chu's supermarket to buy it..."

The teahouse instantly became lively.

A potion that can kill locusts?

This is really something new...

The current way to kill locusts is very simple and crude.

Either it's done manually...

But given the current signs of locust plague in the Tang Dynasty, even if people work to exhaustion, it's unlikely that they can kill all the locusts.

Either it's by using fire to lure and kill them.

This method has some effect, but in the face of a locust plague, its effectiveness is not significant.

The Daoist elder suddenly turned his head, staring at the rough-looking man with a serious expression.

The young Daoist servant timidly asked, "Master, is there really a potion that can kill locusts?"

The Daoist elder hesitated and shook his head, "I don't have the ability to research such a thing, but His Highness the King of Chu is kind-hearted and worthy of being called a saint in the world. With his status, there is no need to lie..."

The young Daoist nodded as if he understood.

The Daoist elder no longer remained polite, quickly finished eating the pastries, and gently patted the young Daoist's head, "Eat quickly, we'll go see His Highness the King of Chu later."

The Ruyi Supermarket was bustling today.

There were many more people buying pesticides than expected.

The Daoist elder and the young Daoist waited in line at the door for half an hour before finally reaching the entrance of the shop.

Seeing the old man, Chen San hurriedly walked over to greet him, "Old sir, are you here to buy insecticide too?"

Sun Simiao'sattitude was very respectful, bowing and saluting, "I am Sun Simiao. I have come to pay respects to His Highness the King of Chu. May I know if His Highness is available now?"

Sun Simiao?

This name made Chen San's mind go blank for a moment.

"Are you... are you really Master Sun Simiao?" Chen San looked at him, his voice hesitant.

Sun Simiao nodded calmly, "I dare not claim to be a master immortal. I am just an ordinary rural doctor."

Chen San was stunned.

Is this the Sun Simiao who wrote the "Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold"?

The divine doctor who refused noble titles from Li Shimin?

The immortal who is now over eighty years old... He looks no different from a man in his forties or fifties.

Chen San bowed respectfully to him, "Master Immortal, please wait a moment. His Highness is resting in the back room. Let me inform him."

Sun Simiao nodded.

Lin Shen was napping in the back room. Afternoon naps had always been his tradition.

Chen San carefully woke him up and whispered, "Your Highness, Master Sun Simiao is here to see you."

Lin Shen's head was still a bit foggy, and he didn't quite react, "Master doctor? Who is that?"

"Sun Simiao, Master Immortal Sun." Chen San emphasized, repeating it again.

Lin Shen instantly became more awake, waving his hand and saying, "Quick, bring him in."

Chen San walked out.

Lin Shen sat up in bed, squinting slightly.

In the entire Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao was one of the few people who earned his respect.

This old gentleman was a treasure of traditional Chinese medicine.

It can even be said that without this old gentleman, traditional Chinese medicine would hardly differ from ancient Western medicine.

Before long, Sun Simiao was led in by Chen San.

Seeing the room, Sun Simiao was somewhat surprised.

Is this the residence of a prince?

The room was exquisite, and the furniture inside was of a style he had never seen before, all looking extraordinary...

But for a prince of such high status in the entire Tang Dynasty, is it too simple?

Lin Shen was now fully awake, looking curiously at the legendary old man in front of him, and asked softly, "Are you Master Sun Simiao?"

Sun Simiao nodded, "I am Sun Simiao. I have seen His Highness the King of Chu."

Lin Shen was a bit uncomfortable, waving his hand, "Oh, oh, it's nothing. Just find a chair and sit down. What brings you here to see me?"

Sun Simiao nodded, "Today, when this old man was having a meal at the teahouse, I heard a ruffian say that Your Highness the King of Chu has produced a potion that can exterminate locusts. Is it true or false?"

Lin Shen said, "Of course, it's true."

As he spoke, he shouted outside, "Chen San, bring a bottle of insecticide in."

Clatter clatter—

Chen San put down what he was doing, picked up the insecticide brought by the farmer from the shelf, and hurriedly slipped into the inner room.

  1. In the Tang Dynasty, one silver coin typically equated to a certain quantity of copper coins (wen). The currency system during the Tang Dynasty consisted of a bimetallic standard, with both copper coins and silver ingots in circulation. The value of silver coins was usually expressed in terms of the quantity of copper coins. Depending on the specific period and circumstances, one silver coin might have been equivalent to several hundred to several thousand wen (the unit of currency at that time). For instance, according to historical records such as the Tang Hui Yao, during the Zhenguan period (627-649 AD), one liang (unit of weight) of silver was equivalent to 1000 wen of copper coins. Therefore, during the Tang Dynasty, the value of one silver coin varied over time but generally could be exchanged for a significant quantity of copper coins.
  2. "金吾卫" (Jinwuwei) refers to a department in the ancient Chinese imperial system, commonly known as the Imperial Guards. They were responsible for safeguarding the palace and ensuring the security of the emperor.
  3. Sun Simiao (孙思邈) was a prominent Chinese physician, pharmacologist, and author who lived during the Tang Dynasty (AD 581–682). He is widely regarded as one of the most distinguished figures in the history of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Sun Simiao's contributions to medicine are vast and enduring, earning him the title "King of Medicine" in Chinese history.
    Sun Simiao's most famous work is the "Qianjin Yaofang" (千金要方), which translates to "Essential Formulas Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold." This comprehensive medical text covers a wide range of topics, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietetics, pediatrics, and gynecology. It is considered one of the most important classics in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and has had a profound influence on medical practice throughout Chinese history.