You, a princess, can't even compare to commoners.

Lin Shen couldn't quite understand Princess Changle's logic.

"He's just checking out a shop."

What identity does Princess Changle emphasize with him?

Lin Shen asked in confusion, "What's wrong with being the King of Chu? I remember there's no law in the Great Tang that prohibits princes from engaging in business."

Princess Changle shook her head, "It's not about that. You are the King of Chu, a prince! You're the only prince from a different surname in the Great Tang, and you still have to personally check out a shop?"

Lin Shen shrugged, "So what? Chen San and the others still have to take care of my supermarket affairs."

"What about servants?" Princess Changle asked.

Lin Shen thought for a moment, "I asked them to tidy up my Chu King's Mansion. You know, the house your father gave me is too big. It can't be inhabited without cleaning for a few days."

Princess Changle gritted her teeth, "But you can't go alone, it's beneath your dignity."

Lin Shen raised his hand and lightly flicked Princess Changle's forehead, "You, your mentality is not good."

Princess Changle was puzzled, "What do you mean? As a prince, you shouldn't be handling such trivial matters yourself."

Lin Shen lifted the curtain of the carriage and pointed outside, "Tell me, what's the difference between you and those people outside?"

Princess Changle straightened her chest, proud, "I am a princess, they are just commoners."

Lin Shen asked again, "And then?"

"I am superior, they are just... lower class," Princess Changle paused for a moment, then said without hesitation.

Lin Shen waved his hand, "What I mean is, besides being a princess or a commoner, what other differences are there between you?"

There was a hint of confusion in Princess Changle's eyes.

She couldn't quite understand the meaning behind these words.

Lin Shen let go of the curtain, withdrew his hand, and said softly, "In my eyes, besides being slightly prettier and cuter than them, you may not even be comparable to these commoners."

At first, when Princess Changle heard Lin Shen praise her for being pretty and cute, her face blushed.

But when she heard the latter part of his words, she stood up angrily and stared at Lin Shen, "How am I not as good as those commoners!"

Lin Shen said, "Those commoners can earn two taels of silver a month."

Princess Changle retorted, "I receive twenty taels of silver as my monthly allowance. My estate also pays more than fifty taels of silver in taxes every month."

Lin Shen sneered, "Your allowance is given by your parents, and so is the estate. If you were thrown into Chang'an City without these things, could you earn even one tael of silver in a month?"

Princess Changle pouted, "But I'm a princess, why should I earn money myself?"

Lin Shen looked at her and asked, "Have you ever thought about why you are a princess?"

"Because my father is the Emperor of the Great Tang," Princess Changle replied.

Lin Shen asked, "And why is he the Emperor of the Great Tang?"

Princess Changle couldn't answer this question.

Her little brain had never thought about such things.

Lin Shen smiled and said, "That's your dad, Li Shimin, the current Emperor of the Great Tang, who worked hard with his own hands to achieve his current position."

"You are just fortunate to have a good father, so you don't need to earn money with your own hands, and that's why you're a princess."

"They only need to use their own hands to earn money because they don't have such a good background."

Princess Changle's eyes flickered.

For the first time since her birth, she began to ponder these questions.

Princess Changle felt discouraged, "So I really can't compare to those commoners?"

Lin Shen reached out and patted her head, "For now, that's how it is in my eyes."

Princess Changle became even more disheartened.

Lin Shen said with a smile, "I'm telling you all this not to discourage you."

"Just to share a perspective with you."

Princess Changle lifted her head, looking at Lin Shen expectantly.

Lin Shen continued, "Whether it's being a princess, a prince, or even an emperor, it's just a position, an identity. There's no difference between them and commoners, craftsmen, or soldiers."

"And there's no superiority or inferiority."

Princess Changle pouted, frowning, "But... but..."

But for a long time, she couldn't find anything to say.

Lin Shen said, "Are you trying to say, why do the people worship your father?"

Princess Changle nodded, "If there's no difference, why do they show such respect to my father?"

Lin Shen shook his head and said softly, "The reason they respect your father is not because he's the emperor, but because his existence can guide the Great Tang towards a better era."

"Just like those people outside, they respect me not because I'm the King of Chu."

"But because I can feed them, provide things to kill locusts."

Princess Changle was puzzled, "Then why do they respect me?"

Lin Shen rubbed Princess Changle's head, feeling the softness, making it hard for him to stop, "Because you are Li Shimin's daughter, they think you might have the ability to become someone like your father, so they respect you."

"Having such a superiority complex is not a good thing."

"You are ultimately just an ordinary person, or even a person inferior to commoners. If you think having the identity of a princess can dominate over commoners, I will be very disappointed in you."

The Thousand Bull Guards outside the carriage broke out in a cold sweat when they heard these words.

This... was too rebellious!

It's practically subverting the entire dynasty's etiquette and laws.

But the one who said these words was the King of Chu...

They could only pretend they hadn't heard anything.

Princess Changle pondered.

Princess Chengyang also held her head, lost in thought.

The last sentence had the greatest impact on both of them.

To avoid becoming someone who disappoints Lin Shen, they forced themselves to start accepting these complex ideas.

These concepts from the future were not something that these backward-thinking ancient people could understand.

But this was a seed...

Li Shimin was the Emperor for the Ages.

His children were not simple characters either.

The current Great Tang is still very open-minded.

This is a great opportunity for change.

Lin Shen came to the Great Tang without ever thinking about integrating into this feudal society.

Becoming a backward ancient person in the feudal era.

Even if he was alone, he would make a sound and try to change this era.

Not to mention, he still had the supermarket system, a powerful weapon.

He wanted to lead the Great Tang towards a better evolution.

Of course, he could consider retaining polygamy for a while...

Lin Shen patted Princess Changle's head again, "So, as a prince, it's no big deal for me to personally check out a shop."

"Do you want to come with me

 to take a look?"