Come on, aren't we all quite eloquent?

Originally, everyone thought the Prince of Chu would not attend the court session.

After all, he's just a leisurely prince...

And from a merchant background.

What does he know about state affairs, right?

No one took Lin Shen's appearance too seriously.

They just saw it as a face-saving move. After all, even a prince without real power, it's not quite appropriate to stay away from the civil and military officials for so long.

Soon, eunuchs led them into the Taihe Hall.

Lin Shen's status wasn't low, standing at the forefront among the officials.

This made him feel a bit desperate.

He couldn't sneak away to find a corner to nap or slack off anymore.

For over half an hour at the beginning...

It was all very tedious Q&A.

Officials from different departments reported intelligence from different industries.

Wei Zheng stood aside, nitpicking one by one, using harsh words to "humiliate" them.

Lin Shen wasn't interested in this, feeling drowsy.

After these matters were dealt with.

Li Shimin sat in his chair, squinting, and softly said, "Yesterday, I had a long conversation with the Prince of Chu, and what the Prince of Chu said made me feel ashamed."

"Upon reflection, I believe that merchants are also an important part of a country. I want to elevate the social status of merchants. What do you all think?"

This statement caused a stir in the entire court.

All eyes fell on Lin Shen.

So that's why the Prince of Chu came today...

He's here to talk about this.

Lin Shen didn't speak, still yawning lethargically.

Wei Zheng was the first to speak up: "I think it's inappropriate."

Li Shimin asked, "Why inappropriate?"

Wei Zheng said with a bow, "Merchants are generally people who prioritize profit over righteousness..."

Lin Shen pretended to cough on the side.

Wei Zheng immediately straightened his face and said seriously, "Not all merchants are like the Prince of Chu, caring for the people as a sage."

Lin Shen nodded in satisfaction.

The officials in the court looked at Wei Zheng in astonishment...

When did this upright old man start to flatter people?

Wei Zheng remained composed and continued, "I believe it's not wise to rely solely on the Prince of Chu to judge all merchants, Your Majesty should think twice."

"I agree."

"I agree."

Many people looked at Lin Shen cautiously, fearing that the Prince of Chu would suddenly change his mind.

To their relief, Lin Shen didn't.

Li Shimin smiled slightly and continued, "I knew you would say that. Both the Prince of Chu and I are not fools, so we've come up with a solution."

"From today onwards, we will impose a new tax on merchants throughout the country."

"Let them contribute half of their annual profits to do some practical things for the local community, such as building roads, schools..."

The words from Li Shimin made the civil and military officials in the court deeply contemplate.


This proposal is indeed too bold.

To demand half of the net profits directly...

It must be said, this is a good idea...

But in the court, which official doesn't have a few businesses? Which official doesn't rely on some merchants to earn money for them?

This proposal means cutting into their flesh and blood!

Hou Junji couldn't help but speak up, "Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate. The merchant tax is already high, and a tax rate of thirty is already the limit. If they have to give up half of their profits..."

Before he finished speaking.

He was interrupted by Lin Shen, "If those merchants are not convinced, let them come to me."

"Give them a chance to be remembered by the local gentry and common people. Isn't that enough? If it weren't for the fact that all merchants want to be in this despicable status for a lifetime?"

"I... can't this prince set an example for the merchants of the world?"

"It's just giving half."

"What this prince has given to the people of the world is not just half, but multiples, even tens of times the benefits!"

Lin Shen looked directly at Hou Junji, his eyes cold.

Hou Junji had nothing to say...

He bowed to Lin Shen and returned to his place.

The others were similarly speechless.

With Lin Shen here, there was hardly any room for discussion on this matter.

Unless Lin Shen opposed it.

But since this proposal was put forward by Lin Shen, how could he oppose it?

Li Shimin smiled at Lin Shen and continued, "Since you all have no objections, then this matter is decided and will be handled by the Ministry of Revenue."

"Under the Ministry of Revenue, another department will be established, called the Ministry of Commerce, specifically responsible for this matter."

Xiao Yu stepped forward from among the officials and bowed.

Li Shimin continued, "There is another matter, also discussed by the Prince of Chu and me."

"I believe Confucius' teaching of education without discrimination is a great virtue. I want to establish official schools in every county and township, allowing all illiterate people in the world to learn to read and write in these schools."

"And under the Ministry of Rites, another department will be established, called the Ministry of Education."

"All teachers in all schools across the country with the degree of scholar are eligible to become teachers in these schools, with the rank starting from the ninth grade. What do you all think?"

This news caused an even greater sensation.

If the matter of merchant taxation only affected some interests...

This decision would affect the fundamental of the country.

Especially for those big families...

This is equivalent to cutting off their monopoly on the court.

There are smart people.

Like Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling, these people didn't stand up. They are not from big families, their families are quite small.

The impact of this decision on them is not that significant.

But some of the slightly larger families couldn't sit still.

A fourth-rank official stood up and said loudly, "Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate. If schools are set up in every county and township, it will cost a lot!"

Lin Shen casually said on the side, "Let those merchants donate their usual net profits to do infrastructure projects. The money saved can be used to implement this decision."


All eyes suddenly shifted to Lin Shen.

Looking at Lin Shen, who was leaning against the pillar, relaxed and carefree, then turning to Li Shimin, who was smiling with satisfaction.

They were waiting for this!

So the matter of merchants was brought up for this!

Who said that the Prince of Chu, with a merchant background, doesn't understand national affairs?

This is clearly arranging things very openly.

Since you said this is going to cost money...

Then I've just saved you the money, so don't worry about not having enough money...

Those who disagreed with this decision looked at Lin Shen, sweating coldly.

Too ruthless.

The road is blocked, and there's righteousness on both sides.

The methods of the Prince of Chu are indeed terrifying...

In the court, there was silence.

Lin Shen smiled and looked at them.

Weren't you all quite talkative just now? Why is everyone so quiet now?