(XXXIII) Entrance Exam (Part Six)

Leon appeared on top of the Pseudohaje as he twisted both swords down and pierced them into the skull of the cobra. He summoned dozens of spirit swords, plunging them around his body.

The Buffafrog's vocal sac rapidly expanded as flames escaped the corners of its mouth. It lowered its head, kicking with its hind legs as it pierced the hood of the Pseudohaje with its horns.

It lifted the cobra, expelling flames from its mouth as the Pseudohaje screeched in pain, flicking its tail rapidly as it became a charred corpse and slowly lost its life.

Leon panted heavily as the notifications appeared before him, giving him a significant boost in experience for the level gap between him and the Pseudohaje but also a heavy penalty for interfering in a battle already in place. However, he still managed to squeeze out a level up, reaching level seventeen.

"Not bad, boy." The frog replied as Leon vanished from his position on the cobra and reappeared on his head.

"Thanks. Now, it's time to keep this partnership going." Leon said, kneeling down and grinning as he placed his hand against the frog's skin, activating [Tame Magical Beast].

The green strands of light emitted from his fingertips as they rapidly expanded, covering the frog's body as a large reticle appeared and a percentage began to calculate randomly.

"Oi! What are you doing up there, boy?" The Buffafrog asked, looking his eyes upward but unable to view the young man as Bella appeared on his shoulder.

"Master, are you sure we should be doing this?" She asked, tilting her head as her runes began to emit a soft light.

"Absolutely!" Leon exclaimed, ignoring the Buffafrog. His eyes were fixated on the percentage reflecting his chance to tame the frog successfully, "You saw how he was able to defeat a stronger monster, even with our help; it was an amazing feat!"

"Un!" Bella mewed, nodding her head vigorously.

"I won't ask again, boy!" He shouted, bobbing his head up and down as the green threads wrapped around his body, suddenly binding him tightly as the percentage shot to 100%.

[Ruby Buffafrog successfully tamed]

[Please provide the name of the Ruby Buffafrog…]

"Hikaeru." Leon replied, jumping off the frog's head as he dismissed the notifications, landing before the Buffafrog as it suddenly began shrinking from the size of a house to the size of an SUV.

"Oi!" Hikaeru exclaimed, shaking his head as the fur around its neck fluttered back and forth, "What did you do to me, boy?"

"Is that any way to thank someone who helped save your life?" Leon asked, placing his hands on his hips as he stared into the frog's eyes.

"Saved my life?!?" He ribbited in disbelief, "You did nothing of the sort! You were merely a gnat on a cow's arse!"

"Wait!" Hikaeru shouted, interrupting Leon before he could reply. The frog appeared closer and looked around the young man and Shadow Carbuncle, "How did you two grow so quickly?"

"Hehe!" Bella giggled, leaping onto Leon's shoulder as she shook her head, "No, ya funny froggo!"

"It was you…" Leon sighed, shaking his head as he placed his palm against his forehead.

"Me what, boy?" Hikaeru exclaimed, coming forward as he bumped his mouth against the young man's chest, "Speak clearly!"

"You shrunk." He replied flatly.

"Shrunk?!?" The Buffafrog recoiled, looking around frantically before leaping over to the river and looking at his reflection, "What in tarnation?!?

What did you do to me, boy?!?" He yelled, flipping around as the young man and Shadow Carbuncle casually approached, "I ain't ever been this small! Even as a hatchling, I was bigger than this!"

"You can think of it as a condensing of your power. Same output, but smaller and more agile body to utilize it." Leon replied, "It's better this way; plus, you wouldn't have been able to fit inside the Magical Beast Ranch."

"What's a magical beast ranch?" Hikaeru asked, leaping toward him, intrigued.

"Oh!" Bella exclaimed, "It's a wonderful place! I can show you around if you'd like!"

"That's a great idea!" Leon smirked, dismissing the two of them as a white light swirled around the creatures, and they quickly vanished, leaving the young man alone as he began dismantling the corpse of the Rancorous Pseudohaje.

Inside, he found the medal he was searching for an examination medal with a diamond etching on both faces of the gold coin.

[Examination Medallion]

[Rank: S]

[Medal utilized in the second examination of the Exvius Academy. Worth 150 points.]

He grinned, placing in his inventory with the other six medallions totaling an additional 210 points. He finished his task of dismantling the cobra as he put the scavenged materials in his inventory and began to stroll through the forest, whistling as he went in the direction of the altar.

'This should easily ensure I reach first place.' Leon thought as he proceeded through the forest. The sun had begun setting as he entered a clearing with a massive crater in the center.

Bridges were erected around the perimeter toward the large stone pillar in the crater's center. In the middle of the platform, an altar sat with indents of various sizes for the medallions to be inserted.

Three people were battling on the platform as two young men ganged up against a young woman. She desperately fended off the two aggressors.

Leon's eyes narrowed as he glared at the two despicable young men who would gang up on a woman, dashing forward as he drew his swords to engage the both of them.

He raced across the bridge as the young woman utilized her bow as a melee weapon, deflecting attacks and attempting to stab them with an arrow in her other hand.

"Tch!" She clicked her tongue, noticing the young man approaching, 'Another one..?'

In a moment of disbelief, she was stunned as Leon dashed forward, thrusting his sword as a torrent of water shot from his blade, sending one of the attackers soaring away.

"I'm here to help!"