(LVIII) The Number Three Student

With the midterms rapidly approaching, Leon had begun his silent campaign of gathering intelligence on potential participants, studying their abilities meticulously. His goals were twofold: to avoid any surprises if he ended up facing them in the final phase of the Fall Midterm Student Showcase and to scout for any promising recruits for his Darkwing Guild.

Leon headed to the library, a vast, silent sanctuary filled with knowledge. The grand halls, lined with towering bookshelves, provided the perfect backdrop for his search. As he perused the aisles, his eyes scanning for any Skillbooks that might prove worthwhile, he noticed a young woman with green hair and glasses sitting in a corner, surrounded by a mountain of books.

Curiosity piqued, and Leon approached her, his tone polite but authoritative, "Hello, I am Leon Astrahart, the Third Prince of Renia, Regent Count of Othniel, Commander of Fort Dawnstar, and Guildmaster of the Darkwing Guild."