(LXXXVII) Tobi Kadachi

The eighth floor of Tam-Tarra Tower was a hellish expanse of volcanic fury. It was dominated by a vast caldera, with molten lava flowing through deep fissures, creating a river of searing heat that carved its way through the rocky terrain. 

Thick clouds of smoke and ash choked the air, and the oppressive heat made it difficult to breathe. Scorched rock formations and occasional bursts of flame added to the perilous environment.

Leon, Annamarie, Kuro, and Arimur took cautious steps as they advanced through the treacherous landscape. The lava flowed in unpredictable patterns, and sudden eruptions added to the chaos. 

The ground beneath them was uneven and cracked, with occasional geysers of molten rock spouting up and threatening to engulf anyone who was not quick on their feet.