It didn't take long for Veron to arrive at his destination. After the transporter had gathered enough energy it teleported him directly to the provided coordinates.
Veron found himself standing in the void of space, a vast amount of cosmic dust clouds and various gasses seemed to be all that occupied the space. He could feel that the amount of space available to him was only about 2 light years. It was also peculiar to him that none of the typical universal laws were currently in effect. Normally gravity would be acting upon these materials to try and gather them together, but it seemed like someone had pressed the pause button as everything remained still.
Slightly confused Veron decided to take a look at the instructions he received, he soon discovered the problem which ended up not being a problem at all.
This space had been specifically built for him and his world. It would only begin to function after his world had taken root in the space, and the laws contained within it would then rule over the whole of his domain.
Having found this out he didn't hesitate to remove the core from his pocket dimension. Once it was out in the open it immediately began to draw all the ambient matter and energy towards itself. Fortunately the coordinates from the transporter deposited him directly in the center of his domain, so he didn't have to worry about wasted space or missed materials.
The 7 Paragons had also appeared out in the open; and they immediately began to perform their duty by channeling their power into the core to accelerate its processes.
The first thing the core did was gather a vast amount of gaseous matter to generate a local star. Despite the fact that the core itself would eventually become the inhabitable world, the functions of the core were also programmed to build a suitable environment for its growth. Thus necessitating the building of a source of natural light, and protections from cosmic events such as comets and asteroids.
Veron also channeled what energy he could into the process. However having divided his power to boost the initial potential of his creations, he was extremely limited in the amount of divine energy he had access to.
Time passed as the World Core further integrated itself with the space, spreading thick tendrils to the edges of the domain to ensure that all the matter had been gathered and put to use.
Planets formed around the newly birthed sun, and the world core took its place at a predetermined safe distance. It nestled itself roughly 8 light minutes away from the sun, and had very large neighbors to attract wayward space matter. All in all it looked very similar to the solar system Veron had enjoyed during his mortality. The biggest difference was the absolute perfection in orbit and rotation, which fixed the time of each day at exactly 24 hours, and a year at exactly 365 days. The length of time during which light and dark would prevail over a certain hemisphere was still variable, the tilt of the the planet would bring seasons and thus variations in the length of day.
Once everything was finished Veron took a look at his newly organized domain and felt a great swell of pride.
"It is good." Was all he said, yet the paragons felt wonderfully excited as they took it to mean they had done a good job.
After spending a few moments to appreciate the majesty of it all, Veron turned to his new creations to give them their first set of instructions.
"Children I have a task for you." Instantly the 7 knelt before him in a semi circle. Icarus was in the middle and the others spread to his left and right. Nodding Veron continued.
"Now that all things have been made both spiritually and physically, you may now go down and inhabit the world that I have made for you. You are to create man and women in your own image, and give unto them my law that they may grow and multiply. They shall be free to chose what they will as it is written in the law, and none of us may interfere with their choices whatever the consequences may be. If they seek us they shall find us, and through them our power will grow."
You could say that these instructions were redundant, as these were some of the first laws written in the core. Nevertheless Veron wanted to reiterate their importance before he sent them on their way.
A resounding chorus of "Thy will be done." sounded once Veron was done speaking. Immediately after which they rushed to their respective continents to begin their work.
It was a rather novel experience to watch them work. They copied his process almost exactly as they formed the first man and women of their respective species. The only difference was that each individual needed to naturally generate their own core, rather than have one planted inside of them as the paragons did.
It was fairly simple for them to do so, all they needed to do was channel the world laws and a core naturally formed. These first mortals were blessed with perfect bodies and cores. They had the absolute highest potential a being could have, mostly due to the loving care of the paragons as they worked. Yet another big part of their abilities came from the quality of materials with which they were made.
Veron smiled as he watched them work, he couldn't help but be filled with a sense of excitement as his vision came to be. There was a moment that surprised him however. He felt a slow trickle of energy flow towards him from the 7 paragons, he was incredibly curious as to why that was so he descended to ask some questions.
Icarus was currently teaching his new children what he called the law. It was basically all the commandments and their attached blessings, with the occasional reminder that disobedience would lead to a forfeiture of those same blessings.
Veron waited patiently while the instruction lasted, after about an hour the mortals went about their business and Icarus turned to Veron to address him.
"Forgive me Father, It took a bit longer than I thought to help them memorize the law. But they know it now and will live by its principles."
Veron couldn't help himself but chuckle a little bit, it seemed that Icarus was more than serious when it came to the performance of his duty. He only hoped that time and temperance would allow him to grow. He knew that Icarus was acting out of a paternal care for his new children, but time had shown that children tend to run from overbearing parents.
"Thank you Icarus for taking your duty so seriously, but please remember to teach them with love and patience. Many a child has strayed from home due to a parents inability to understand them. These mortals are our children, mine as much as yours. And I would strongly urge temperance and patience when dealing with them."
"Thy will, my hands."
Veron nodded and began to walk while Icarus fell in line next to him.
"I felt something." Veron began as they walked among the trees. "I feel like my power is growing but I am not certain as to why. My children are barely born, they have hardly had time to breath let alone grow in any significant degree."
Icarus was silent for a moment before a sudden realization struck him.
"I think I know what's going on Father. As we paragons instruct our children in your law a seed of faith is sprouted. That faith generates pure energy which is directed towards us to grow our strength, and as we grow so do you."
Seemed straight forward enough to Veron so he didn't think much of it. The miniscule amount of energy being directed towards him wouldn't allow him to do much anyway.
"Continue as you are. Teach them, love them, I will go away for a while. But rest assured that I will return, and when I do I will require an accounting of you."
Icarus knelt before Veron and declared a solemn vow to uphold his will. After that was done Veron left and visited each of the 7 delivering them the same kind of message, along with instructions on how to love and teach their new children. He also made a point of making sure that faith was pointed towards the 7 themselves, he found that the energy he gained was stronger when the 7 grew as they were his direct creations. That may change in the future as more mortals began to inhabit the world, but that was something to be looked at in the future.
After completing all of his work in his new domain he returned to the celestial world he came from. It was time to visit his eternal estate and check up on the state of his wife, and see what kinds of things he could learn about this eternal conflict he now found himself partaking in.
"lets hope my new place comes with a library."