The coin rush

The Rank 5 members gathered in a room, awaiting an explanation for their sudden summons. Faltu spoke up, "Hey, why have they called us here?" Jaden shrugged, "Don't know, but I think we'll find out soon enough."

Just then, Akuma entered the room, prompting Maya to ask, "Hey Akuma, where have you been?" Akuma began to respond, "Well..." but was interrupted by Moho-sha's arrival.

The tension between Akuma and Moho-sha was palpable, and NAMI noticed, "Something isn't right. They won't be happy to see each other." As if on cue, Faltu grabbed Akuma while NAMI held back Moho-sha. The two leaders' attitudes shifted instantly.

"Let me at him, Faltu!" Akuma demanded. "Yeah, let me at him!" Moho-sha echoed. The Rank 5 members tried to intervene, "You two should stop!" but their words were ignored. Faltu and NAMI were forced to take drastic measures, delivering a knock to the heads of both Akuma and Moho-sha, leaving them with swollen bumps.

The room fell silent, the tension broken. The Rank 5 members exchanged worried glances, concerned about the sudden rift between their leaders.

"Stay put, you two!" NAMI admonished, her voice firm as Akuma and Moho-sha continued to grumble to each other. Their bickering was interrupted by Matt's arrival, a cheerful grin spreading across his face.

"Hey, guys! Since you're all off duty and free, I think it's time for our annual Sports Day!" Matt announced, his enthusiasm infectious. "We'll have games, relays, and plenty of fun. It's a great way for us to bond and show off our skills."

Akuma raised an eyebrow. "Annual Sports Day? Are we still in school?" he asked, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Moho-sha chuckled. "Annuity spawn day, more like it!" he teased, earning a playful roll of the eyes from Matt.

"Hey, come on, guys! It's all in good fun," Matt said. "And who knows, you might even discover a hidden talent."

The group teased Matt good-naturedly, "Dimwit, it's annual Sports Day! You're such a nerd, Matt."

But Matt was undeterred. "Before we get to the main event, I have a little competition in mind. I've hidden ten coins around the Corps, and whoever finds the most wins a prize! It's a small challenge to get us warmed up for the games ahead."

Moho-sha's eyes lit up with excitement. "What's the prize? Is it something cool?"

Matt grinned mischievously. "Ah, that's for me to know and you to find out! But trust me, it's worth your while. Now, all of you, go! Search high and low, and may the best person win!"

The group dispersed, each member searching high and low for the hidden coins. "Okay, let's go!" Moho-sha exclaimed, already racing off to start the hunt. "I'm going to find all the coins and win that prize!"

As they searched, they went their separate ways, the Corps grounds echoing with laughter and shouts of excitement. The competition was on, and only time would tell who would emerge victorious.

The group spread out across the Corps grounds, searching high and low for the hidden coins.

Moho-sha was the first to strike gold, literally. He found a coin buried in a cat's collar, but as he reached for it, the cat turned and peed on him. Moho-sha yelped, spraying the cat with water. "Bad kitty, bad kitty!" he shouted, laughing.

Next, Akuma found two coins hidden in a nearby bush. "Ah, sweet luck!" he exclaimed, grinning.

Faltu stumbled upon a single coin buried in a pile of leaves. "Yes! I'm rich!" he shouted, holding up the coin.

Felicity found three coins hidden in a hollow tree. "Woohoo, I'm on a roll!" she exclaimed.

Meanwhile, NAMI, Jaden, and Matt came up empty-handed. "Well, someone's got to buy us drinks," NAMI joked.

As they regrouped, Moho-sha held up his four coins. "I'm the champion! Pay up, guys!"

Akuma rolled his eyes. "You only won because you got peed on by a cat."

Moho-sha chuckled. "Hey, that's just part of my winning strategy!"

As they regrouped, Matt announced, "And the winner of the coin hunt is... Moho-sha! With a total of four coins!"

The group cheered and congratulated Moho-sha, who grinned triumphantly. "Yes! I'm the champion!"

Matt smiled. "And as promised, Moho-sha will be the captain of our annual Sports Day! Congratulations, Moho-sha!"

Moho-sha's eyes widened in surprise. "Whoa, really? That's amazing!"

Akuma teased, "Well, I guess we'll have to suffer under your leadership, Moho-sha."

Moho-sha chuckled. "Hey, I'll make sure to lead us to victory! Or at least, not get us lost in the obstacle course."

Just then, Jordan and the mysterious figure appeared, leaving everyone in shock. "Well, well, well," Jordan said, eyeing Moho-sha. "Looks like we've got a new captain. Congratulations, Moho-sha."

The group exchanged uneasy glances, wondering what this unexpected turn of events meant for their team

As the group celebrated Moho-sha's win, they suddenly sensed a powerful presence behind them. They turned to see two Rank 7 standing there, their eyes gleaming with intensity.

One of them was Jordan, Jaden's twin brother, who had been separated from him at the Corps due to his exceptional skills. Matt, who had known Jaden long enough to be aware of his twin brother, nodded in recognition.

"Jordan," Matt said, his voice low. "Long time no see."

Jaden's eyes flicked to his brother, a mix of emotions on his face. The rest of the group, including Moho-sha, looked on in confusion, unaware of the connection between Jaden and Jordan.

"Who's this?" Moho-sha asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"He's my twin brother," Jaden said simply, his eyes still locked on Jordan.

The mysterious figure beside Jordan remained silent, their piercing blue eyes scanning the group with an unnerving intensity.