The strength within

And then matt explained

Lola had been closely monitoring the aliens, noting they could only be defeated by opponents with higher strength levels. One of these aliens had a strength of 350. She explained that she placed a chip on everyone's jersey during the annual sports day to measure their strength during recreational activities.

"I see," Faltu said, understanding Matt's plan.

"Now, you guys should drop your chips into this device," Matt instructed, pointing to a machine resembling a laptop, but with a plain surface where the keyboard would typically be, and a hole in the middle perfectly fitting the chips.

Beam went first, placing her chip into the device. The screen displayed calculations before revealing her full name, face, date of birth, and finally her strength percentage.

"Linda Beam, strength percentage: 63," the machine announced in a robotic voice.

"Not bad, Beam," Matt commented.

Next, Jaden placed his chip in, and the device repeated the process.

"Jaden McDaniels, strength percentage: 68," it revealed.

"Yes! How do you like that, Beam?" Jaden gloated.

Maya followed.

"Maya Lunar, strength percentage: 63."

Then Felicity.

"Felicity Rose, strength percentage: 67."

Nami was next.

"Nami Dabi, strength percentage: 69."

Then Ochitsuita.

"Ochitsuita Hidoi, strength percentage: 75."

"Wow, that's really high for a rank 5," Lola exclaimed.

Faltu stepped up.

"Faltu Singh, strength percentage: 100."

"That's incredibly high," Lola remarked, surprised.

"That's awesome!" Jaden exclaimed.

"Moho-Sha, you're next," Faltu said.

"Okay, let me try," Moho-Sha replied, confident. "I think I'll get up to 100," he thought to himself as he placed his chip in the device.

"Moho-Sha Cycle, strength percentage: 20."

"Huh? You dumb machine, I think you've lost some nuts because there are literally nuts lying on the floor," Moho-Sha exclaimed in frustration.

"Calm down, Moho-Sha," Matt said.

Moho-Sha grumbled in response. "Don't worry, Moho-Sha. I'll be the strongest for you," Akuma said, trying to mock him.

"Show off," Moho-Sha muttered.

Akuma placed his chip into the device, and suddenly, yellow lightning spread from the chip, causing the device to malfunction.

"Ak-Akuma Ma-Deki-Ki, strength percentage: 1 million, 1 billion, 2 trillion," the machine stuttered before breaking down.

"Oh no! My device, your chip destroyed it!" Lola exclaimed in panic. "Drone Robot 84, please take the device for repair," she ordered, watching as the robot quickly moved to retrieve the malfunctioning machine.

"Oh, sorry," Akuma said sheepishly.

"See? You broke the device, devil," Moho-Sha snapped back.

"At least my strength percentage isn't 20, you psycho," Akuma retorted.

"We don't even know your real strength percentage. Maybe it's zero, and that's why the device broke—because your number was too low," Moho-Sha shot back.

"Psycho!" "Devil!" "Psycho!" "Devil!" they yelled at each other, their argument growing more heated by the second.

"Enough, you two!" Matt's voice cut through the noise, bringing an abrupt end to their bickering.

Matt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Now, based on these strength percentages, I think three of you should be able to handle one alien."

"How many are there?" Nami asked, his tone serious.

"There are three," Matt replied.

"But I can take on three with ease!" Moho-Sha boasted, puffing out his chest.

"These ones are different. Let me show you their tubes," Matt said, leading the way to another room.

We all followed Matt into a large chamber where three enormous tubes stood. The glass was shattered, and pieces lay scattered across the floor. Behind the tubes was a massive hole, indicating where the aliens had escaped.

"Whoa, these tubes are huge! Does that mean the aliens will be bigger than normal?" Faltu asked, eyes wide with astonishment.

"Even bigger," Matt confirmed. "The longer they stay alive, the larger they grow. And since Lola has been experimenting on them, they're faster and stronger than normal."

"Alright," we all chorused, steeling ourselves for the upcoming battle.

"I'll pair you guys into three groups again," Matt continued. "Moho-Sha, Ochitsuita, and Felicity—you three have a combined strength percentage of 162. I believe you can handle this. Akuma, Nami, and Beam—you three have a combined strength percentage of 133, but since Akuma's strength is unknown, you might still have a good chance. Faltu, Jaden, and Maya—you three have a combined strength percentage of 231, giving you the best chance of winning. We will send the location to your cars. Now go!"

We all hurried to the garage to choose our vehicles.

"I'm taking the BMW," Moho-Sha declared confidently.

"No, I am," Jaden argued, stepping forward.

"None of you are taking it. As you can see, the battery is really low and it needs charging," Nami pointed out, crossing his arms.

"Okay, then we'll take the neon Koenigsegg. How does that sound, Ochitsuita?" Moho-Sha suggested.

"It's fine. I don't care about which car we use," Ochitsuita replied indifferently.

"Yeah, it's okay," Felicity added.

Akuma, Nami, and Beam chose the neon Lamborghini, while Faltu, Jaden, and Maya opted for the neon Bugatti. Engines roaring, we flew into the sky with our cars, the city lights blurring beneath us.

The GPS systems in our cars pinged with updates, guiding us closer to our targets. The first notification indicated that one alien had been spotted at 123 Four Que Street. Akuma, Nami, and Beam received another notification about a sighting near the bus stop, while Faltu, Jaden, and Maya were directed to the railway station.

The Corps' announcement continued, urging civilians to evacuate these areas immediately. "Civilians, if you are in any of these places—123 Four Que Street, the bus stop, or the railway station—you are advised to leave immediately. The Corps' neon buses will pick you up shortly."

"Huh, another mission," a man in the crowd muttered, shaking his head as he gathered his belongings.

"They should make it quick," a woman replied, glancing nervously around, her grip tightening on her child's hand.

In the cars, our communication systems activated with a beep, filling the interiors with Matt's voice.

"Hey guys, the mission starts now," he announced, his voice steady and authoritative.

"Alright!" we all exclaimed in unison, the excitement and tension palpable.

Our vehicles, sleek and gleaming, roared to life as we sped towards our respective destinations. The neon lights of the city blurred past us, casting vibrant hues on the streets below. Each team was focused, determined to face the unknown challenges ahead.

Akuma, Nami, and Beam flew towards the bus stop in their neon Lamborghini, the vehicle slicing through the air with precision. The trio exchanged glances, a mix of anticipation and resolve evident in their eyes.

"Ready for this?" Beam asked, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the dashboard.

"Always," Nami replied, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

Meanwhile, Faltu, Jaden, and Maya navigated the neon Bugatti through the cityscape, heading towards the railway station. The atmosphere inside the car was a blend of confidence and readiness, each member mentally preparing for the imminent confrontation.

"We've got this," Jaden said, a determined look on his face.

"Just remember to stick to the plan," Maya reminded, her voice calm yet firm.

Moho-Sha, Ochitsuita, and Felicity sped towards 123 Four Que Street in the neon Koenigsegg, the engine's purr a constant reminder of the power at their disposal. Moho-Sha glanced at his teammates, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Let's show them what we're made of," he said, his voice filled with unwavering confidence.

The GPS systems in our cars pinged with updates, guiding us closer to our targets. As we approached our destinations, the Corps continued their announcements, urging civilians to evacuate.

The streets began to clear as people hurried to safety, heeding the warnings. The air buzzed with a mix of fear and urgency, the city holding its breath as we closed in on the alien threats.