Chapter 1: The Fates!

Luke smiled at Percy as he coughed out blood, "I guess in the end I can be the hero huh Percy?"

Percy looked down at Luke's mangled body and cried, "I'm sorry Luke."

"'s not your fault, thank you Percy….for giving me the chance to be a hero once more," Luke turned his eyes to Annabeth. He smiled, "I'm sorry Annabeth, I'm so so sorry. Please, forgive me."

"Luke," Annabeth choked out tears as she looked at son of Hermes slowly bright the cursed dagger up.

"I need you to tell me something Annabeth, please."


"Did you love me?"

Annabeth's tears fell down, "y-yes Luke, I did."

Luke smiled, "then I'm sorry," he turned to Percy, "take care of her for me Percy. I leave her and the world in your hands. Promise me Percy, Promise me."

Percy nodded as he sniffed, "I promise Luke."

"Good," Luke brought the blade up to his armpit and smiled, "goodbye," and pushed the blade in.


The scream came from Luke's mouth, but it wasn't him. It was Kronos, the Titan was crying out in pain.

Suddenly a wave of energy burst out pushing Percy and Annabeth on their back. Percy saw waves of bright yellow evergy come out of Luke's body as spots of the same energy started to burn Luke alive.

"Luke!" Annabeth cried out as she tried to crawl back to him only for another wave of energy to push her back.

Percy grabbed Annabeth and pulled her close. He turned to Luke in horror as the boy's body slowly started to burn up.

Luke turned to Percy, his eyes gold, it wasn't Luke anymore, it was Kronos. "JACKSON! YOU! YOU DID THIS! NO! I WILL NOT FAIL AGAIN! DIE JACKSON! DIE!"

A blast of energy bigger than all before came at Percy and Annabeth. Percy grabbed Annabeth's by her hip and threw her away with all his might. The blast hit him in the back, and Percy knew no more.

The son of Poseidon blinked. He looked up and stared at a giant iconic, it was familiar to him, it was iconic to everyone in the Western world. Big Ben stood before him tall and proud behind a grey sky.

Percy blinked, he looked down and patted himself. Everything was there, arms, legs, feet. He still wore the orange camp half-blood t-shirt and jeans along with a pair of sneakers. A greek style leather chest plate was founded over it.

Percy sighed, 'okay, I'm still in one piece, good news. Bad news, I'm in freaking London! How can things possibly get worse?'

Thunder roared as suddenly it started to pour once more.

Percy snapped the sky and yelled, "that wasn't a challenge Zeus!" The people walking around looked at him like he was crazy but Percy didn't care. He had other problems.

Percy ran looking for shelter from the horrible London weather, finding it in underneath a shop's banner. Percy looked at the dull sky, he didn't understand what was going on.

He wasn't dead, Kronos' last attack didn't kill him. Though it should have. He was transported to London, obviously he needed to find a way back.

Percy looked around, so far he was drawing a lot of suspicious looks to him, he followed their line of sight to his armour.

'Wait, they can see it? But the Mist should...right, leather armour isn't exactly devine, it's probably not important enough for the Mist to hide.'

Percy sighed, the laws of his world were strange to say the least. 'First thing's first, I need to get rid of my armour, now. And then I need to contact Chiron or maybe dad and tell them where I am. Maybe I can get a lift or something.'

Percy quickly found a small alleyway to hide in as he ran inside and took off his armour. He tossed it aside, the thing had been shredded to pieces, barely holding together by the strings. Percy rolled his shoulders, now free of it's weight.

It was still raining, Percy couldn't Iris call anyone until it stopped, and from what Percy heard about London that wouldn't happen any time soon. Percy sighed, he didn't like this, not one bit.

He quickly walked out of the alley way and walked down the streets. He looked to the corners and found a small cafe near the end of the block.

Percy's stomach growled, he was hungry as hell but he didn't have any pounds on hand. Percy checked his pockets and found a few dollars, a few drachma and a single pen, which wasn't really a pen.

"Percy Jackson," the voice came from behind him. Percy immediately took out his pen and threw off the cap with his thumb. The pen transformed into a greek style leaf blade as Percy leveled it at the person who spoke.

There standing before him were three old women wearing identical grey dresses. They looked old, older than time itself.

They wore thick glasses, but behind those lenses were eyes that had seen the rise and possibly will see the fall of the human race. And Percy had seen them before.

"The Fates," Percy realised as he sighed, "oh I'm so glad to see you three."

"That is certainly a first," one of them spoke.

Then another pointed at the cafe door, "shall we?"

Percy looked wearily between them, he wasn't sure about theses three as usually nothing good ever came out of meeting them. But he didn't really have much of a choice now did he?

Percy sighed, "okay, but you're paying. I have no cash and I don't like dining and dashing."

"Understood," they said as one as they walked inside motioning him to follow.

Percy sighed as he pressed his pen cap to the blade turning it back into a pen. They quickly got a seat in the back, Percy sat down in front of the three, but before he could begin a woman came up and smiled, "hello there, what can I get you?"

"Three Earl Grey's and a white chocolate mocha with extra sugar for the boy," the Fate in the middle ordered.

"Alright, coming right up!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "how did you know I like, sigh, never mind, you're the Fates, I forgot."

"Indeed you did Percy Jackson," one of them spoke up.

"Now, what are you doing here?" another asked turning the conversation into full business mode.