Chapter 21: Rare Core!

Percy jerked surprised, before he knew it, Riptide was in the palm of his hand as he turned around facing the voice. The man who spoke was old, long curly hair with a surprised expression. He looked at Percy's pen and nodded impressed, "you have good reflexes my boy."

"T-thanks," Percy said as he eyed the man up and down, "are you Ollivander?"

The old man nodded as he walked behind the counter, "indeed I am. And you are?"

"Percy, Percy Jackson," Percy told them man as he out Riptide away.

"Ah, I see, American yes? And what might an American boy need with a wand? Did you not get one when you turned 11?"

Percy gulped, he remember what Hecate told him to say, "I broke it sir. I came here for a replacement."

"And what was your old wand made off young Percy?"

"I don't' know, it was my father's," Percy lied once more. Hecate was very specific he didn't tell anyone about who he was or about his past. Before she even let him out of the house she told him again and again to not reveal his identity to anyone, together they devised a backstory for him that seemed possible.

"I see...well then let's start shall we?" A measuring tape suddenly flew out of the man's pocket and started measuring Percy. It measured his arm length the distance between his elbow and wrist, the length of his fingers. It then started to act funny as it measure between his fingers, toes, and even the space between his nostrils!

"Right then, try this," Ollivander placed a wand box on the counter revealing a honey brown wand. "11 inches, Elm and dragon heartstring. Very stiff and good for advanced magic."

Percy looked at the wand, "'s very pretty?"

"Well? What are you waiting for?! Give it a wave!"

Percy nodded as he quickly grabbed the wand, but the moment he did Ollivander snatched it away, "hey!"

"No, no, not right at all!" Ollivander quickly went into his stacks of wands and quickly pulled another wand out, "here try this. 13 and half inches, Hazel and phoenix feather. A sensitive wand, hazel often reflects its owner's emotional state, and works best for a master who understands and can manage their own feelings. It has the unique ability to detect underground water reserves."

Percy nodded, 'water, maybe it will suit me then,' he picked up the wand and waved it. Immediately however he felt a surge of emotions reach him, and he felt disgusted by what he felt. The wand hated him, and he couldn't' stand the sight of it. Percy quickly put the wand back, "I don't think so."

Instead of looking sad at the rejection Ollivander looked excited. He quickly went in and brought out wand after wand.

Finally Ollivander brought out a black box with silver runes etched into, Percy recognized the runes, they were useless, just for effect. He opened the box and presented a wand that shined almost as if it was made of wooden gold.

"English Oak, 15 inches with a phoenix feather core. Very rigid, unchanging," Ollivander said in whispered tones.

Percy picked up the wand and wrapped his hand around it. The grip on the wand felt perfect, his fingers finding a perfect hold on it. Suddenly a rush of warmth felt him as a wave of energy shot out of the wand in bright sea blue sparks.

Percy gasped. Ollivander smiled, "I believe we have found your wand."

Percy looked over the wand enchanted. He had never felt like this before, he felt complete. When he received Riptide he felt content, but now he felt as if he was looking for someone all his life, and now he finally found them.

"English Oak is as loyal as the wizard who deserves it. Their partners are strong, brave and loyal to a fault. The wielder is said to have powerful intuition, and an affinity with the magic of the natural world, with the creatures and plants that are a part of magic itself. It is said that Merlin's wand itself was made of English Oak, though we have no basis for that."

Percy looked at the shining wand he possessed, he was wrong about it looking golden, now that he held it in his hand he realised it didn't shine gold, it shined like the polished surface of a celestial bronze blade. Like Riptide.

"And the core? A Phoenix feather?"

"Correct. A rare core, capable of the greatest range of magic. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won. You need to work hard to prove to the wand you are worthy."

"You say that like it's alive."

"In some ways, I believe they are," Ollivander smiled.

'I can get why I got this core,' Percy told himself, 'independent, detached, sounds like me. After all who else is more detached than a demigod that was sent back in time?'

"Thank you," Percy whispered, "this wand, holding feels so strange. Like I'm complete for the first time."

"Most feel the same," Ollivander nodded, "now, that will be 7 galleons."

Percy payed the man and quickly walked out of the store with his wand in hand. Hecate quickly walked up to him and eyed the wand. She raised an eyebrow, "English Oak, 15 inches with a phoenix feather core. Rigid, unchanging and yet adapting. Impressive."

"You can tell that with just a look?"

"Yes, after all I did help create the art of ward crafting," Hecate held out her hand, "may I?"

Percy didn't hesitate as he gave her his wand. She snapped her fingers causing his wand to glow red and then blue. Hecate smiled as she gave it back to Percy. "I removed the trace," she explained, "they won't be able to track you now."

"I didn't know you could do that," Percy sounded impressed.