Chapter 92: Neptune!

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So Percy went back to the Hufflepuff common room and put away all his stuff.

He then spent an hour finishing up his Arithmancy homework before he wrote the letter to Hecate telling her about his day and how to patent his quick quill idea.

He managed to find the school owlery, after he stopped and asked directions from a few paintings that is, and used a school barn owl to send Hecate said letter. Hopefully this thing would be able to find the goddess of magic.

By the time Percy was done with that the last class of the day had ended. Students were coming out of their respective classes and soon the hallway was filled with students once more.

Percy went with the crowd as he found himself back in the common room with all his friends.

"So how was your day Percy?" Gordan asked as the sith years boys sat down around a table near the corner of the common room that had been reserved for the sixth years.

"Okay, not that bad, though I think I might need to come up with a hobby or something, I'm bored already," Percy groaned, as Kelly patted him gently on the cheek.

"Well sucks to be you man," Juan growled as he took out his notes and parchment, "me? I have a different problem, too much damn homework!"

"You said it Juan," Heather said as she sat down next to Percy smiling at the boy, "heya Percy. Rough day huh?"

"Yup," Percy grumbled, "and yours?"

"Not bad, Flitwick was a pain, but Hagrid was alright. I think Tollway has finally lost it though, kept going on and on about Neptune descending upon us."

Percy blinked as he sat up straight, "what? What do you mean Neptune is descending?"

"It's just something our divination teacher said," Heather grumbled, "Kristen, Margaret? Do you remember what she said exactly?"

Two other sixth year Hufflepuff girls sat down at the table. Kristen had brownish red hair that came down to her lower back tied in a pony tail. She had black eyes and a very pale complexion with a skinny from. She shock her head, "sorry, no clue."

"I think she's just losing her mind," Margaret shrugged. She was a slightly chubby girl with short blonde hair and a flat face. However she did have a very curvy body, "she mentioned that the planet Neptune shines his light upon this castle, and from his blessing come a new age."

"Wait, she said him? Him? Not it?" Percy asked.

"Yes, why?" Margaret nodded as everyone turned to Percy.

"Well….if she said it that means she meant the planet. But if she meant him….then-"

"-You think she meant the actual God Neptune?" Gordan snorted, "yeah right."

"Wait Neptune is a God?" Michael asked surprised.

"Yeah Michael, how did you ever pass Astronomy?" Heather groaned as the other girls chuckled.

"Neptune is the God of the seas and father of horses and the legendary pegasus. He is feared by the Romans, they believed that if he wanted he could have destroyed their entire empire in seconds so they did everything to please him," Miguel explained.

"But that wasn't his name," Percy spoke up.

"What do you mean? Of course Neptune is his name," Juan snorted.

"No, it isn't. At least not at first. He had a name before Neptune, the greeks called him Poseidon, the second most powerful God in creation, ruler of the seas," Percy closed his eyes, 'and my dad. Which means this divination teacher is talking about me.'

"What does this have to do with anything?" Michael asked.

"Nothing," Percy grumbled, "just curious…."

"Riiiight," Heather drew out as she looked away from Percy, "anyway did anyone get a start on the charms homework yet? We better start now or else we won't be able to finish it in time."

"Oh relax Heather we have a week," Kristien waved her friend's worry off.

"That's not the point Kristy, I want to do good this year, so I'm taking a page out of Ravenclaw's book and finishing my homework sometime before the day of submission."

"Grr, fine," Juan cribbed taking out parchment and ink, "I hate it when you are right."

Heather grin, "then you must be full of hate all the time huh?"

They all chuckled while they slowly took out parchment to do their homework in. Gordan noticed Percy leaning back yawning, "what's the matter Percy? Take out your parchment mate, just because you got us that 70 point head start doesn't mean we are going to let you off the hook you know? You are a proud Puff mate, don't make us look bad!"

Percy rolled his eyes, "I don't have to do shit Gordan. If you keep calling yourself a Puff you'll do the work for me. Seriously guys we need to do something about that name! I feel like a puff pastry every time someone calls me that!"

"Well you can try Percy, but good luck. We have been call that since forever. It's just the way things have been. We are Puffs, Gryffindor's are lions, Ravenclaws are Claws and Slytherin's are Snakes. It's just what they call us."

"Well I don't like it," Percy huffed crossing his arm, an action Kelly mirrored.

"Well if you want you can think of suggestions later, for now take out you parchment, if we have to suffer through this then so do you," Margaret growled.

"Oh that's okay, I already finished it," Percy shrugged as h took out his completed assignment and unrolled it on the table.

The Hufflepuff stopped and stared. Grodan snatched the parchment moment before Heather could and began looking through it.

"Holy Merlin! You did it! You got everything in here! Shit Percy, how did you do this?!"

"I used my quick quill, patent pending," Percy grinned as they passed his homework from person to person.

"Alright you have got to make us some of those!" Miguel cried out, "come on Percy, be a pall! I'll even pay you!"

Percy grinned, "I'll think about it." Gordan and the others groaned but accepted what he said without further complaint.

"Hey Percy mind if I copy off of you?" Heather asked while in the process of already doing just that.


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.