Chapter 105: Lor…!

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The lake was cold, and when the water reached Percy's knees, he jumped in and began swimming inwards like a bullet out of a gun.

The roar of water running past his ears was thunderous. The bubbles were warm as they rolled of his body. The water was murky green, but Percy could see everything clearly.

Percy swam like a fish, up, down, sideways. He traveled along the lake bed, seeing all the amazing plants growing there. He even recognized a few of them for having magical properties. The longer Percy spent underwater the deeper and deeper the lake became, until eventually Percy could barely see the surface anymore.

Just then something moved, Percy turned just in time to see a tentacle come right for him. Percy rolled his eyes, he drew back his arm and just as the tentacle was about to wrap itself around him pushed it downwards and kicked up.

Percy then grabbed the tentacle and jerked it towards himself, pulling his would be attacked towards himself. Percy's eyes widened as he saw the tentacle attached to the a giant squid, presumably the squid everyone talks about living in the lake.

"Alright buddy, you have one chance to explain why you tried to hit me," Percy growled, bubbles came out of his mouth, but his words could be heard clearly. Side effect of being a son of Poseidon.

The squid blinked it's giant eyes, "you can speak?!"

"Of course I can speak, why wouldn't I?" Percy frowned crossing his arms.

"You can understand me?! How?!" The squid waved its arms in a panic.

Percy blinked, 'wait why...oh right, ' "Well it's a long story, kind of a family power passed down from father to son. I can breath underwater and talk to aquatic life, pretty cool right?"

The squid blinked, "amazing, I have never heard of such a power! The only thing that would even come close would be….AH! You're a son of Neptune aren't you?!"

"Shush!" Percy hushed looking around, paranoid that someone heard that, but being so deep in the middle of the lake made him realise he was being silly. He sighed, "how do you know about that?"

"All children of the sea know about it. Wait...but that means," the squid turned a darker shade of it's natural pink hue as it bowed its head and wrapped it's tentacles in surrender, "I'm sorry my lord! Please forgive me for attacking you! I didn't mean it! I was just doing my job! Please don't destroy me! Please! I don't want to die!"

"Woah, woah, relax there, who said anything about killing?" Percy asked motioning the squid to look up, "relax man, I'm not going to harm you. It's not your fault."

The squid looked up in awe, "so kind, truly you are the son of the sea God!"

"Shh! Keep it down!" Percy hissed, "I don't want people finding out! So do me a favour and don't tell anyone okay?"

The squid nodded frantically, "of course my lord, anything you wish."

"Thanks, and please call me Percy, I'm not really one for titles, make me feel old," Percy shivered.

"Understood Lord Percy," the squid nodded.

"No, just Percy, no lord or anything."

"Are you sure my lord? I don't want to seem too familiar."

"Oh relax it's fine, I prefer it if people acted my like my friend than my servant," Percy shrugged, "wanting servants are more off the Gods department anyway."

"Y-you consider me a friend?" the squid asked, "you are so kind," it cheered loudly as it used its tentacles to grab Percy in a strong hug holding him tightly.

"Hugger are you?" Percy chuckled as he hugged the squid back, "so what's your name buddy?"

"How rude of me, forgive me my lord-" Percy shot him a glare, "I mean, Percy. Sorry. I'm Nick, I'm the squid protector of this lake!"

Percy smiled, "nice to meet you Nick! I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon!"

The squid bowed, "pleasure to meet you Percy."

"Same Nicky," Percy grinned back. They spent a few minutes chatting, mostly Percy asking Nick about the lake and so on. Percy eventually had to leave, but he promised Nick he would come back and visit him again, after all one can't keep a son of Poseidon away from water for long.

Later Percy found himself in The Forest looking through his potion texts and several other notes looking up the Felix Felicis potion. He fully intended to make said potion, especially now that he had a place to actually do that.

Sighing, he quickly put the books back and started to figure out a way to create a map of Hogwarts.

If he could just find a way to create a map that used magic to trace out the area around Percy then he would be able to create a device that automatically mapped out Percy's present location.

There were several charms Percy could use, like humano revlo and other types of location tracking charms. But for what Percy was planning to do, he would need to make up his own spells and incantations. Obviously this was going to be a very long project.

Percy worked into the night, working out what he needed, which spells he could use to get that and what spells he would have to create if they didn't already exist. It was hard work, very hard. Percy had lost track of time. Eventually he got hungry enough to realise he had missed dinner, it was already 11 in the night!

'Oh shit!' Percy cursed, he was out past curfew. He had never been out past curfew! This was both exciting and nerve racking for the young demigod.

He needed to get to his common room without anyone seeing him, but the prefects and the teachers would be going through the hall, and Percy wasn't exactly a stealthy person.



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