Chapter 121: Map!

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"Why?! They are calling me a liar!"


"Because getting you to feel alone is exactly what he wants you to feel," Percy narrowed his eyes, "you are always stronger with those that are your friends, always. If he manages to separate you from them….well then he has already won. Listen to me Harry, go to Ron and Hermione and tell them the truth, and if they don't believe you tell them again."

"Make them listen to you Harry, I'll do my best to help you out, but if you want to get through this thing alive you need all the help you can get. Especially the support of your friends."

Harry sighed, "I…..yes….fine...I'll talk to's just unfair."

Percy patted him on the back, "when you are fighting for your life it doesn't matter what's fair or right Harry. You suck it up and do what is needed."

Harry narrowed his eyes, "you know Percy sometimes I think you act like a goof ball. But other times….there's a lot you're not telling me isn't there?"

Percy smirked, "yes, there is. And I can say the same to you can't I?"

Harry blushed red, "I..I didn't mean to keep things from you it's just-"

"-Relax Harry, I don't blame you, I keep things from you too, everyone's entitled to their secrets," Percy smirked as he watched a few more Hufflepuff's walk into the Great Hall, among them was one Susan Bones.

Percy leaned down and whispered, "I talked to my house last night, I told them I believed you were innocent and someone probably put you in this tournament to kill you."

Harry was surprised, "and they believed you?"

Percy shook his head, "not at first, but then one of the fourth years spoke up for you and said that you didn't seem the type to do something so crazy.

Heck if it wasn't for that person I don't think I could have convinced them otherwise."

"Who defended me?" Harry asked in surprise.

Percy smirked, "Susan Bones," Harry cheeks blushed red as he whipped his head around and saw Susan sit down with her friends and eat breakfast.

She looked up and saw Harry looking at her, she smiled and waved to him and Harry turned away in embarrassment.

Percy chuckled, "young love, so sweet."

"Shut it!" Harry growled back.

"Seriously Harry, she seems like a nice girl. You know….I think we have a Hogsmeade weekend next week. You should probably ask her out, show her you appreciate her sticking up for you."

Harry's entire face turned scarlet as he looked down and mumbled, "what makes you think she's even interested?"

Percy smirked, "what makes you think she isn't?" Harry looked surprised at that as h stared in stunned silence, Percy laughed as he got up, "I'll see you around Harry. And remember, we badgers got your back."

Percy walked out off the Great Hall and decided to go to The Forest for a while. He didn't feel like taking his board out for a spin, much too late in the morning and his head was still not alert enough for that.

He managed to get into the Forest fairly easy, all he had to do was jump a few feet, no big deal for a demigod.

He opened up the windows and let the fresh morning air inside. The then quickly went over to the three cauldrons of Felix felicis he had brewing and checked up on them.

He started brewing them on the first of October, today marked the first month passing by.

Percy added a few more ingredients and made sure to keep all the conditions stable on the potion, they would only be ready at the beginning of may, Percy had to make sure they were all stable until then.

After that Percy turned his attention to his mapping project. It was honestly going very slow. Every problem he solved three more took



For now the map could use the user's magic like a leech and send it out in waves. Percy had based this on the runes carved into his blood band, all he had to do now was for a way to absorb back the magic sent out and make the map design the location.

His work took up all his time that day, it became well known that one the weekends Percy would disappear around noon and wouldn't be seen until the next day.

His friends were used to it now and didn't ask where he went, though Juan did hint his curiosity several times over.

As Percy worked that day his mind began to wander, he couldn't help but think about Fleur. Why was she mad at him?

Was making a few jokes that bad a thing to do? He didn't like the fact that she was angry at him, there weren't best friends or anything, but he still didn't like it when a good person hates him for no reason.

Percy didn't feel like she deserved an apology, he was defending his friend and he refused to apologize for such an action. No matter how beautiful Fleur looked.

The next day Percy came down for breakfast and saw Harry and Hermione sitting together and away from the other Gryffindors, who were constantly glaring at them.

Percy narrowed his eyes, he noticed Ron sitting and happily talking to his friends, ignoring Harry and Hermione.

With a sad sigh Percy sat down next to Harry and Hermione, "morning you two, hows life?"

Hermione smiled, "good morning Percy."

Harry however groaned, "morning."

"Oh dear, let me guess Ron didn't take to the talk you guys had?"

"No," Harry sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, "it's not fair! I didn't even do anything and yet I went and apologized to him! And he's still mad at me?!"

"Harry give it some time, he'll come around, you'll see," Hermione softly patted Harry's shoulder calming him down.


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