Chapter 153: Morning!

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Next day morning;

'Annnnd it's 8,' Percy groaned as he jumped to his feet and shook his head. He summoned a ball of water above his head and let it go splashing himself. He sighed, 'there, awake.'

It really wasn't his fault though, he fully intended to wake up at 6, but he had such a weird dream last night that he simply couldn't seem to wake up from.

In it he was facing the dragon and losing, but in the last moment Kelly jumped out of his pocket, grew to like the size of Hogwarts and then crushed the dragon underneath her cheerleading boots.

And then the weird part came when Kelly then proceeded to pick up Percy and place him between her cleavage for safe keeping.

Percy slowly turned and looked at the sleeping doll, she was grinning and chuckling darkly, 'I wonder what she dreams about?...Knowing her is probably the same thing I just dreamed about.'

He got up and stretched, his back was paining, he should have not slept on the bed, it was a very crude piece of transfiguration, plus the mattress wasn't fluffy enough.

He quickly grabbed three wooden boxes and stashed each one with the potions he made.

They were for Harry, himself and Fleur, in case they needed it.

He carved each of their names on the box inside of which had a flame resistant potion, a bravery elixir and a small bottle of the draught of living dead. The very basic of what they would need.

He knew Fleur wouldn't accept his help...she probably hated him still, but he didn't care. This would keep her safe and that was all that mattered.

Percy also shrunk and put his 'borrowed' armour inside his own box, he wouldn't be able to carry it on him, and it would be best if he didn't summon it from afar separately.

Percy also wrapped up his cape and stuffed it into the box, until he could get the emergency summoning feature working it would be best if he carried it like this.

Casting a strong locking charm on the boxes Percy shrunk them each and posted them all. He then grabbed Kelly, who was just waking up from her sleep, and proceeded to walk down through the trap door in The Forest.

Percy reached the Great Hall and saw the place packed with people. All the students were eagerly talking to each other and the moment Percy stepped in they all stopped and turned to him, staring.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "what's wrong? Never seen someone awesome before?" Kelly popped out of his robes and yelled at everyone waving her arms.

The hall laughed, making Percy feel a little bit better about himself. He walked to his table and sat down, his friends were already there, and the moment he sat down the questions started.

"So are you ready?" Gordan asked.

"Did you make something cool?" Miguel leaned in.

"Are you and Fleur getting back together?" Jaun asked. Everyone turned to him, "what? We were all thinking it." The others nodded, but Kelly hissed, glaring daggers at Juan who mentioned such an idea.

Percy rolled his eyes, "relax you guys, I'm fine. And no Juan, I don't think she' any mood in talking to me."

"So what did you make?" Heather asked.

Percy grinned, "that's a surprise."

They all groaned but quickly began to eat. Percy was nervous, but he didn't let that stop him from eating, after all if he was going to fight a dragon he would need all the energy he could get.

After his first helping Percy looked around and saw Harry slowly walk in Hermoine, both looking exhausted, concerned Percy excused himself and walked over to Harry. He sat down next to him, "hey Harry, how's it going?"

Harry looked up and gave a shaky smile, "it's….it's okay."

Percy and Kelly rolled their eyes, "dude you look like you're about to go one on one with Typhoon himself. Relax, you'll be fine, I promised you didn't I?"

"Yes, I know," he sighed, looking unconvinced.

"You know I always did wonder, why do you always mention Greek myths, Percy?" Hermione asked as a way of distracting Harry.

Percy shrugged, "my dad's greek, and my mom loves the culture. So I kind of just grew up with terms like, 'Hades', 'Gods' instead of 'God' and 'Holy Zeus' instead of 'Holy Shit'."

"Hum, that's strange, I don't think I have ever seen a Greek person like that."

"You've met other Greek people?"

", but I mean not every culture would influence one's vocabulary so much right?"

Percy shrugged, "what do I look like? A son of Athena?"

"There you go again!" Hermione groaned as Harry chuckled.

Susan then came over and sat down next to Harry. Harry looked at her and smiled as she took his hand in hers, "Harry, you'll do great today."

"Thanks Susan," Harry smiled back, "that makes me feel better." Kelly then jumped out off Percy's robes and walked up to Harry patting his arm as well. The green eyed boy looked down and chuckled, "thanks Kelly."

Susan sat at his plate and saw a single slice of toast, sighing as she spoke, "Harry you need to eat something."

"I can't," Harry groaned, "I'm too nervous to eat."

"So I am," Percy spoke up, he grabbed Harry's plate and loaded it up with food, giving large helpings of eggs and bacon, "but you know what we are going to face in the first task, and you need all the energy you can get."

"Wait, you know what you are going to face?" Susan hissed out.

Harry nodded, "yeah...dragons."

"What?! Dragons?!" Susan yelled out.

"Shush!" Percy hissed, "we aren't supposed to know!" Percy looked around and saw several people looking over, he sent them all a glare, "sorry folks, official champions business! Please return to your regularly scheduled breakfast, thank you!"

Susan blushed, "sorry."

"It's okay," Harry smiled, "but yeah, dragons."

"That's crazy! How are you supposed to fight a dragon!"

"With a broom," Harry smiled, Susan looked confused but he didn't want to explain.

"Relax Susan, everything's going to be fine," Percy patted her shoulder, "Harry has a plan, and it's probably a perfect one considering he probably got help from Hermione."


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