Chapter 1



I open my eyes looking at the same ceiling for 6 years, "I reborn in this world 6 years ago when I open my eyes and see the face of my new mother, then after that I fell asleep, after that I take some time to know in which world, I find myself in, but when I remember my old life the memories of my family, friends is empty, but the memories of my knowledge and other things like anime, manga, etc. but know let´s continue, one time my mother told me a story about a poor man that awake a martial spirit and become a powerful Tittle Doulou, after that I knew which world I am, is the Doulou World a place where only the strong is respected, in the beginning I was scared but with time I accept the changes so I decide to embrace this new life and family, let me tell you been a baby is hard, especially faking when to cry and he normal thing babies do".

I get up of the bed and sit on it and look around my room that consist on a simple closet, a wooden desk and chair and small library with some books about fairy tale, "I didn´t like a lot to read but in this backward world I needed something to entertain myself so I read a lot and even ask my mother and father to take me to the library…..ah I forgot to say in which town I find myself in, I am in the Nuoding city in the Fasinuo providence in the heaven dou empire, and yes is the same city of where the protagonist knew his future wife and start his adventure", I get up and grab some clothes that consist in some underwear, blue shorts and a white shirt with a pair of shoes and go out of the room and see the corridor that had another two doors besides mine, one that go to the room of my parents and the other go the bathroom, "my parents are owners of a pub and inn that consist on four floors, one is for us and the other three are for the people that came to stay here", I walk on the corridor and enter the bathroom

After I go in I look at the toiled with a huge wooden tub fill with water, "my mom or my dad take turns to care of the pub and inn, so when one is going to rest in the morning let the water in the bath ready and go to awake the other, I help something down there but I am just a kid and they always says that I need to play more", I go to a full long mirror and see my appearance, I had black short hair with both of my eyes are yellow and white creamy skin, a cute face, "I will be so handsome in the future…is a shame this is not the era of Yuhao because in my past life I had a crush on him", I continue looking at me, "my name is Len Reiki"

After a good bath and put the clothes I bring and the other in another bucket for dirty one I go out of the bathroom I go down to the main floor and on the way I say hi to people that just awake, sometimes spirit masters stay here so I when I can ask questions, after I reach the main floor I see a lot of people filling the tables, eating and chatting, then I see my mom on the counter and when she saw me she say smiled. My mom her name is Lin Seirin, she has blond hair with yellow eyes and had a nice body, she is a spirit master rank 22 and her martial spirit is a Dagger, she is 30 years old and is the favorite person in this place

"good morning my little Teng", she greet me, "morning mom", I greet her and sit on a empty table, then after some seconds my mom sit in front of me with my breakfast, "happy for today", she ask me, when I am eating so I nod with my head, "remember son your dad and me will hate you if you doesn´t become a spirit master ok", she say and pat my head, "is ok mom I understand", I know I will be a spirit master because since I was born I practice meditation and create a new meditation technique where I created my spirit core, is still not created but I think when I awake my martial spirit It will be complete, "that´s good my little Teng, when you finish let´s go to the spirit hall building", she get up and go to the counter

After a good breakfast and my mom let in charge to one of the waiters and she grabbing my hand we walk through the streets of Nuoding city, "It always surprise me how something I see draw can be real and besides there is a lot of people and the city I huge even I don´t know everything here, when we are walking and my mom humming a song, I start thinking, "Spirit hall...I don´t know which side I will take, I follow the footsteps of Tang Sang, the spirit hall or created my own path...but the problem is that I don´t know if Tang San is the same as me or I am older, hope is the second one because I need all the time I need for the shit the nest 10 years or so will be in the continent".

