Chapter 5




My father and I are sitting eating a good meal after my ring absorption, I was thinking that my first ability is extremely powerful, "I don't want to imagine when I will be a Titled Doulou, hehehe", I say to myself mentally, I feel like someone look and it's my father, "maybe now you are rank 12 and your ability is strong, don't get overconfident", my father continued eating.


"Son, do you remember that you asked why your mother and I did not want to continue farming?" I stop before taking a bite of a piece of bread and without saying anything I let my father continue, "I was a simple child then excited to be a spiritual teacher but....", my father stopped to think a little, "my innate power was 5, I had the talent to be a teacher but unfortunately I couldn't go far, one day when I was 20 years old I was going to get my third ring, I was doing it alone since no academy accepted me because I was a civilian and my low power, I only survived with the subsidy of the spiritual hall", my father takes out a bottle of alcohol and starts drinking it, "when I went for my third ring "I had to do it alone and I didn't have the money to pay someone higher up to help me."


My father gets up and looks at the sky that can be seen through the leaves of the trees, "that day I almost died and I was only able to kill a 2000 year old beast, but unfortunately when it finished absorbing the ring, another beast attacked me taking advantage of it." that I was weakened, but if it weren't for your mother I would have died, your mother made the beast escape and then she healed my wounds, seeing her in her eyes I fell in love at first sight, beautiful and lethal hehehe", my father spoke in a way that he really loves my mother, "your mother and I had a lot in common, she was the daughter of a nobleman but since she was born weak, they treated her badly, so one day she ran away and started living alone, living off the subsidy, After raising enough money, your mother and I decided to leave the path of the grower and opened the Bar and Inn", I don't know why my father tells me this.


"Son," my father turns to look at me, "you have a better chance of becoming strong and being something that your mother and I couldn't, so we will support you in everything necessary as far as we can, but after we no longer If you need it, you will have to work alone to get to the top, but you must keep in mind that your mother and I love you very much", my father smiles at me and I respond in the same way, "finish eating and let's go back or else your mother will tell me." he'll kill hehehe," he sighed, "he may seem serious, but when it comes to my mother he gets silly."


1 month later Pub and Inn


Today I find myself dressed in simple black pants and a white shirt with a black vest and red shoes, "Today is my first day at Nuoding Academy, the month after I got my spirit ring, my mother congratulated me with many hugs and that took me to another party, but that night something interesting happened to me."




I am meditating in my room, trying to create the first core and I discovered that when I obtained my first ring, the place where I was going to create my core became a bright world of flames, so following my theory of condensing my spiritual power and giving it shape, Not only the spiritual power that I absorbed from outside restored what I lost, but all the fire that is inside me began to gather, so that the Lion that I killed materialized and was absorbed by the core and the core was formed but now it has a ring surrounding it as if it were a Saturn, the planet looks like a giant ball of fire inside, surrounded by the ring, but another strange thing is that when I kept moving to adapt to the changes I received, I noticed that the ring absorbed the spiritual power and I saw that it increased by 1, the 700 year old ring became 701, "incredible, if I meditate and absorb spiritual power my rings can evolve, this changes everything", I invoke my martial spirit and the ring is formed, the ring is now It came back from yellow fire, not only that I feel that my control over fire improved more and my first ability has improved in power and now it takes less time to charge and I have better control in how much I can use, another thing I noticed", I look at myself in the mirror and I noticed that I grew a few centimeters, because before I was 1.33, now I am 1.40, "not only did I grow but I also gained a little muscle, without a doubt spiritual teachers mature faster", after admiring myself I decide to lie down and rest because although I don't seem tired physically, mentally I'm finished."




After that my parents were not surprised by my growth, during the month I managed to increase my rank up to 15, so I remember something from a sleeve, and I began to condense my spiritual power, although the speed is slow it is not so much thanks to my core , but if I compress my spiritual power in my core I can have even a greater amount of spiritual power, already dressed under the stairs, I eat a good breakfast and I say goodbye to my parents and the clients and I run out to the academy, then I stop at the entrance , "here begins the change in my life, I must be prepared for what is coming, but first find out how old Tang San is and depending on that, start my plans", determined, I entered the academy following the new students.




NAME; Len Reiki

Age: 6 years old

Gender: Male

Spirit Rank: 15 (Spirit Master)

Martial Spirit 1: Cestus of the heavenly lion (1st 701 years ring, Spirit skill: King Fist)

Martial Spirit 2: Chains of the heavenly restriction
