Just Like Messi!

On the sidelines of the training ground, Rosell and Enrique were in conversation.

"Guardiola has left, and next season Bilanova will take over the team. However, Bilanova's health is not very good, and he might not last long," said Rosell casually as his gaze scanned the young players playing on the training ground.

It's a tradition for Barcelona to promote talents and coaches from the youth academy. As the head coach of the Barcelona youth team, Enrique has a good chance of becoming a coach of the first team.

Upon hearing this, Enrique's eyes lit up, feeling a bit excited. Barcelona is currently one of the best-performed and strongest clubs in soccer. Coaching such a top-level team is a dream come true for a young coach like him.

Especially for a coach who has such a deep Barca background, going to coach in other teams may not yield great results. Enrique had previous coaching experience in Italy and struggled. After a unsuccessful season in Rome, he was sacked and had to return to Barça.

Upon Guardiola's resignation and departure, Enrique saw new hope. He learned that the club intended to choose between him and Martino as the club's head coach.

Bilanova was predetermined to be just an interim head coach and wouldn't last in the head coach position.

Therefore, if he could defeat Martino, the Barcelona head coach position would be within his reach. Winning the support of the club president is crucial in beating Martino in the competition.

"Chairman, you can rest assured, I will give my all to cooperate with your work!" Enrique responded promptly, expressing his loyalty to Rosell.

For him, spending a few years in the position of Barça head coach and achieving some commendable results would build a strong coaching resume for prestigious clubs in the future.

If he could lead Barcelona to a Champions League victory, he might even surpass Guardiola and become a new legendary young coach!

Thinking of this, Enrique's eyes towards Rosell became eager.

"Yes, Luis, I believe in you!" Rosell nodded satisfactorily and then casually remarked:

"I heard there's a young player here closely related to Guardiola. Is it true?"

Enrique nodded quickly, pointing to Lin who was training on the field and replied, "Yes, the young player in the number four jersey, that's Guardiola's ward!"

"Oh, I see," Rosell nodded lightly and ordered nonchalantly, "Since Guardiola is no longer with the club, those players who came in through his connections, get rid of them. Barcelona doesn't need such connection players!"

Enrique wanted to say something but ultimately remained silent. Although he wanted to speak up for Lin – who was talented and not just a connection player – the club president didn't like him. To be precise, the president didn't like Guardiola. Being Guardiola's "son" indirectly led to this consequence.

"Yes, Chairman, I know what to do!" Enrique nodded in agreement, accepting the task.

"Do it nicely; I don't want any gossip spreading around!" Rosell patted his shoulder and left after dropping those words.

Watching Rosell leave, Enrique couldn't help but curse. Just as Guardiola had left, the club was now getting rid of his "son." If this matter got out, the impact would be severe. As the individual managing this issue, if he didn't handle it well, he might end up taking the blame.

So, how could he fulfill the club president's task without receiving backlash? He quickly thought of a solution!

He decided to loan Lin out to a team with less strength, allowing him to play in the first-team matches. If Lin couldn't establish himself in the first team, Barcelona could then terminate the contract. The plan would ensure that even if Lin would eventually be cleared, Enrique wouldn't face criticism.

Pleased with his cleverness, Enrique couldn't help but admire himself. "I am indeed a genius!"

He then called his assistant coach, Jordi Blancas, over and said, "Blancas, where are the loan requests submitted by other teams?"

"They are in your office!" Blancas replied.

"Good, keep an eye on them, I'll be right back!" Enrique left after instructing him. As he turned to leave, Lin successfully executed a brilliant breakthrough on the sideline.

Since he was placed on the substitute side, Lin faced the defense lineup from the youth team's main squad. As they had played together, the players knew Lin's strengths. Notably, his physique wasn't strong, and his defensive abilities were weak.

Therefore, the defenders could aggressively press him while defending, engaging in direct physical confrontations to impede his advance or even steal the ball.

Previously when faced with such situations, Lin would immediately pass the ball, reducing his time on the ball and denying opponents chances for physical confrontation. As a defensive midfielder, as long as he had excellent passing and ball control skills, great awareness, and vision along with some intercepting ability, he would be set.

Expecting him to break through like a winger, well, that's not very realistic.

But today, when receiving a pass from his teammate, he almost subconsciously flicked the ball outwards with the outside of his foot, while dropping his right shoulder, making a move to breakthrough from the right sideline.

The defending player, Laphiniya, froze for a second because this was a common move used by wingers to break through from the outside. Was he trying to go past him?

He immediately stopped and moved laterally, trying to block the position, to push the opponent out of bounds.

But before he could make his move, Lin quickly trapped the ball, the ball passing by his right side.

As the ball was on his right foot, Laphiniya almost instinctively stretched his foot out, trying to stop the ball.

But he forgot, at that moment his body was moving sideways, his right foot had just lifted, his body twisted like a pretzel, and he fell down with a thud.

Meanwhile, Lin successfully completed the breakthrough along the sideline.

Wow! When Lin outmaneuvered Laphiniya, all players on the field, including the coaches on the sidelines, were stunned.

They all had a similar thought in their minds: Why does Lin's style of play feel just like Messi's?