Pirlo: The Young Don’t Follow the Rules!

Hearing Bosque's words, the players nodded expressionlessly.

After playing for a half, if they still thought Italy was a pushover, they were in for a rude awakening!

"We'll change our approach in the second half!"

Seeing the players' expressions, Bosque knew they were starting to take things seriously.

So, he took out his new tactics and began assigning tasks to the players.

Italy's chain defense was unique, compressing the attacking space.

In front of the player with the ball, they formed two chains.

The first chain blocked the player's passing routes.

The second line, keeping a distance from the first, protected the area and blocked the receiving points, preventing the forwards from getting the ball.

This way, they could almost completely stifle the opponent's forward attacks, keeping them outside the penalty area and denying them shooting opportunities.

Moreover, their defense wasn't static; it moved with the ball carrier, maintaining the integrity and synchronization of the two lines.

This required high player skills and mutual understanding!

If any part failed, the chain defense could collapse.

Only tactical masters like the Italians would spend so much effort training players for such a complex defensive strategy.

Bosque's solution was simple: give the ball to Lin and let him break through.

Using his skills in one-on-one situations, he could break the defense.

This would force other defenders to cover, creating openings.

Of course, if there was a good opportunity, Lin could try to break through both lines, potentially getting a one-on-one with the goalkeeper.

When the match restarted, the Italian players quickly noticed the change.

The number 30 was getting the ball more often and actively seeking to break through, unlike in the first half where he passed more.

On the sidelines, Italy's coach Prandelli frowned.

Italy was clearly prepared, with many arrangements specifically targeting Spain.

A year ago, the 4:0 defeat in the European Championship final left Italy humiliated.

Prandelli, who insisted on offensive football, was heavily criticized by the Italian media and fans.

Reflecting on this, Prandelli brought back the old chain defense.

Against strong teams, playing defensive was smarter than head-on offense.

The first half's 0:0 result proved this tactic worked.

Even Spain was forced into a goalless draw.

So, Prandelli didn't plan to change tactics.

Reverting to their previous style might result in a heavy defeat.

Spain's strength had increased since the European Championship final!


In the 55th minute of the second half, Lin received a pass from Xavi.

This time, his defender was Pirlo.

Born in 1979, Pirlo was 34 years old.

At this age, he might not be a starter in other national teams.

But in Italy, Pirlo was the indispensable midfield commander.

Without his passes, Italy's attacking power would be halved.

However, Pirlo's age and weak defense made him a poor match for the dribbling king, Lin.

Lin respected veterans like Pirlo but wouldn't hold back.

Not only would he not hold back, but he would also target Pirlo specifically.

Pirlo was the weakest link in Italy's first line of defense!

Pirlo's right arm had a black armband, commemorating the late Italian national team forward Borgonovo.

Italy had asked FIFA to observe a minute of silence for Borgonovo before the match, but it was refused.

So, the Italian players wore black armbands in mourning.

Facing the young rising star Lin, Pirlo didn't dare be careless.

Though young, Lin's skills were top-notch.

Before the match, Italy's coach even listed Lin as Spain's top threat.

Facing Lin, Pirlo could only silently curse.

"How are your knees, senior?"

Lin, holding the ball, didn't rush to break through but moved horizontally, chatting with Pirlo.

"Not bad, I'm not a forward, so my knees are fine!"

This was a lie. Two years ago, Pirlo's right knee was seriously injured, making his right leg almost unusable for two months.

Though recovered, it wasn't the same as before.

"In that case, excuse me!"

Before Pirlo could react, Lin quickly changed direction, trying to break through on Pirlo's left.

Pirlo turned quickly, trying to block Lin's path.

But it was a fake move. Lin saw Pirlo fall for it, then changed direction, breaking through on Pirlo's right.

Watching Lin disappear, Pirlo could only shake his head.

Lin's speed and ball control were too fast and ridiculous. Even ten years younger, he wouldn't have stopped him!

To stop this guy, they needed Gattuso.

But where was Gattuso now?

"Stop him!"

Seeing Lin pass Pirlo, De Rossi and Chiellini immediately closed in.

One attacked from the side, the other from the front.

With a time gap, Lin had a chance to break through one by one.

He moved quickly, touching the ball three times and changing direction twice, passing De Rossi and preparing to break through Chiellini.

Chiellini, not giving him a chance, decisively tackled.

Chiellini's timing was perfect. The ball was less than a meter from Lin's foot, but Chiellini cleanly took the ball.

Seeing their defense hold, Prandelli breathed a sigh of relief, applauding and encouraging his players to maintain this level of defense.

Lin wasn't discouraged. If one attempt failed, he'd try again.

In the 62nd minute, Lin got another one-on-one with Pirlo.

This time, Pirlo, learning from the previous encounter, immediately called for help.

If Lin wanted to break through, they'd double-team him and tackle him during the dribble.

No matter how good his dribbling, he couldn't avoid all mistakes.

Seeing the unfair play, Lin didn't force it.

He passed to Iniesta and started walking.

Seeing Iniesta get the ball, De Rossi retreated to defend him.

Other Italian players quickly moved to block Iniesta's passing routes.

Iniesta didn't pass forward but shifted horizontally to Lin.

Receiving the ball, Lin switched from walking to dribbling.

With De Rossi and Marchisio still closing in, Lin attacked Pirlo.

Pirlo was frustrated!

This guy was targeting him!

He was twice Lin's age. Was it fair to bully an old man like this?

Italian players moved quickly, but not faster than the ball.

Lin knew his time was limited. He had to break through Pirlo before the others arrived.

So, he didn't chat with Pirlo, immediately changing direction to break through on Pirlo's right.

From their earlier encounter, Lin knew Pirlo's right knee wasn't as healthy as he claimed.

Breaking through this side, Pirlo's slow turn wouldn't block him in time.

This was Lin's chance.

Chiellini sensed the danger and tried to intercept.

But De Rossi wasn't in position, leaving Chiellini alone.

Lin feared no one in a one-on-one!

Chiellini was world-class, but seeing Lin touch the ball three or four times per second, his expression changed!

This high touch frequency meant Lin could perform more actions in the same time.

Chiellini might lose rhythm and be beaten!

So, Chiellini focused, in his best form.

He didn't know if he could stop Lin, but he had to try!

Lin didn't talk, lowering his left shoulder and moving the ball to his left foot.

Left or right?

Chiellini faced a universal dilemma: guessing Lin's direction!

One chance, guess wrong and get beaten!

Chiellini hesitated, not daring to move.

Lin moved.

He chose to break through on Chiellini's right.

Chiellini, seeing the high commitment, guessed it wasn't a fake because Lin's action was almost complete. He had to react or lose him!

Chiellini moved!

But as he did, Lin retracted his foot and, before Chiellini could react, broke through on his left.

Chiellini couldn't stop him. Realizing it was a fake, it was too late.

Lin's higher frequency allowed more actions in less time.

Chiellini's mind kept up, but his body couldn't.

So, he watched Lin leave, unable to do anything!

After beating Chiellini, Lin charged into the box.

Though he had overcome many, the final challenge was the hardest!

He faced a world-class goalkeeper: Gianluigi Buffon!

Buffon watched Lin closely, well-positioned half a meter from the goal.

Buffon didn't rush out, as it could increase his blocking area but risk being beaten by the dribbling king.

He bet Lin wouldn't dribble further, as Bonucci and Barzagli were closing in.

Lin had only a second to decide.

Buffon would save after Lin chose his shot.

As Buffon predicted, Lin didn't dribble further.

No space, no time.

Seeing Buffon's position, Lin shot decisively.

It was a curving shot, a tricky angle.

Buffon's position was perfect. As Lin shot, Buffon dived, fully stretched, forming a wall before the goal.

But the curve was beyond Buffon's expectations.

Seeing the ball over his fingertips, Buffon thought it would miss.

But before he landed, he heard a thud—the ball hit the post!

Buffon turned, seeing the ball in the net.

It went in!

Buffon, wide-eyed, looked at the net, then at Lin, celebrating.

One question filled his mind:

How did that go in?

Buffon, having saved countless shots, had never seen this.

The replay answered Buffon's question.

Lin's curving shot created an odd arc, avoiding Buffon, then curving in off the post.

Even Lin's teammates were amazed.


 how did that go in? Was it luck?"

Xavi, rubbing Lin's head, asked curiously.

"Probably not. Didn't he score weird curves against France too?"

Fabregas remembered Lin's exaggerated curving shots against France and laughed.

He had advised Lin to adjust his shooting touch, which Lin did, leading to goals.

So, this goal might be partly his credit!

Hearing Fabregas' explanation, teammates relaxed.

"Didn't know curves could be so effective. I should practice this too!"

Pedro and David Silva, frequent attackers, were eager to try scoring such goals.

Lin's goal not only turned the tide but also extended his scoring streak to four games.

His goal tally reached six, widening the gap with Neymar to three.

Catching up would be tough for Neymar!

Trailing, Italy had to attack.

They increased offensive pressure, seeking to equalize.

Italy's attack highlighted Pirlo's importance.

After several dangerous passes, Lin stood before Pirlo.

Roles reversed: Pirlo attacked, Lin defended.

"Kid, my defense isn't great, but my offense isn't like my defense!"

Seeing Lin again, Pirlo felt relieved.

Like him, Lin was better at offense, and Pirlo doubted Lin could stop him!