Joining the Premier League

After Lin returned to Germany from Brazil, Pere immediately met with him to report the results of his negotiations with Bayern.

Lin frowned after hearing Pere's report.

"Bayern won't guarantee my playing time?"

"That's right."

"What about Götze?"

"Götze is an important member of the German team. For next year's World Cup, the German Football Association intervened, and Bayern agreed to give him a starting position!"

"So, I can only be a substitute?"

"You could say that."

"Does my father know about this?"

"Yes, Pep knows. He said he respects your personal choice."

Lin nodded. Guardiola was in a tough spot. He surely wanted Lin to join Bayern to help him, but going to Bayern might not be the best choice for Lin personally.

"If Bayern prefers Götze, then we don't need to go there."

Lin had no attachment to Bayern; he was considering it mainly because of Guardiola. But since Bayern chose Götze, he didn't see the need to force himself into a team that didn't fully want him.

As the absolute core of Spain and the top scorer and best player of the Confederations Cup, he certainly wasn't going to play second fiddle at Bayern.

He wasn't willing, and the Spanish Football Association wouldn't be either!

Bayern wanted both players; Lin was immensely talented, and they wouldn't let go easily.

But their front-line positions were already full with Robben, Ribéry, Thomas Müller, and now Götze, plus Mandžukić as center forward.

Bayern's competition in the midfield and forward positions was too fierce, so they had to make a choice.

Signing Lin would indeed boost their strength, but they wanted to establish a core for the future.

Lin was unwilling to sign a long-term contract and had no emotional attachment or sense of belonging to Bayern.

Bayern worried he might be poached by other teams, rendering their tactical system useless.

Like Barcelona, which had grown dependent on Messi, losing him would be a disaster for them.

Bayern didn't want to become reliant on Lin and then lose him, creating instability they couldn't afford.

"Excluding Bayern, which other teams are options?"

Since Bayern was out, that eliminated most of the Bundesliga.

Borussia Dortmund was an option, but not a good one.

"Clubs from Serie A, La Liga, and the Premier League have all shown interest. You can choose whichever you like."

Lin wasn't some fringe player with no options; he was currently one of the hottest properties in the transfer market.

Top clubs were eager to have him; they feared he wouldn't come, not that he would.

"Exclude Serie A, and La Liga too."

Serie A was a declining league with decreasing competition and investment, coupled with Italy's poor economic situation, making its future bleak.

Lin had no intention of playing in Serie A at the moment, so he ruled it out first.

La Liga would suit him best; he wouldn't have to worry about adapting and could immediately gain a large fan base due to his popularity in the national team.

However, La Liga was heavily dominated by two clubs.

Barcelona was out of the question, and while Real Madrid was an option, his past with Barcelona would stir significant controversy.

So, he could only go to the Premier League!

Lin did want to explore the Premier League but had planned to stay in the Bundesliga until he matured, then move.

It seemed a bit early now.

"In the Premier League, many clubs are interested, with Manchester City, Manchester United, and Chelsea showing the most interest."

Lin glanced at Pere. Among the Big Four, Arsenal was undoubtedly the most interested.

But Arsenal didn't have the money.

That's why Pere thought they weren't interested.

He didn't understand Wenger. Wenger lacked money, not interest.

"Between Manchester City and Manchester United, which do you think is better?"

Lin excluded Chelsea, focusing on the Manchester clubs.

"Manchester United is one of the most successful clubs in both the Premier League and the world.

They have a huge, global fanbase.

Their commercial success is impressive, and they have a strong track record.

They offer high wages and various honors.

The only concern is whether the new manager can maintain the success after Ferguson's retirement."

Manchester United wasn't the club with many years of no championships. They had just won their 20th English league title, making them the most successful club in the Premier League.

But their glory was in the past.

The post-Ferguson era saw Manchester United in disarray, with various coaches unable to solve internal problems.

So much so that they didn't win a single Premier League title for ten years.

Lin didn't want to join such a turbulent team.

Joining Manchester United now was like joining a sinking ship.

Seeing Lin dismiss Manchester United, Pere perked up and introduced Manchester City:

"Manchester City's owner is very wealthy and sincere. He reached out to me early on and is a big fan of yours.

But Manchester City isn't a prestigious club, just nouveau riche.

They lack the heritage of a top club, with only one Premier League title and two failed Champions League campaigns.

This club has nothing but money!"

Lin nodded. Manchester City was still on the rise, spending lavishly but falling short in competitions.

They were spending the most and achieving the least.

But wasn't this perfect?

A team with almost no honors was ideal for him to build from the ground up.

If he joined another top club, any success would be on the shoulders of giants.

But if he built a dynasty at Manchester City, he would be the giant!

With that thought, Lin made up his mind:

"Decline other offers. We're going to Manchester City!"


When Manchester City's owner, Mansour, learned that Lin might join his team, he immediately flew his private jet to Germany to personally bring Lin to Manchester.

The speed and treatment shocked not only Lin but also Pere and Guardiola.

"I apologize for not informing you in advance and disturbing you," Mansour said politely, worried that delays could lead to Lin being swayed by other clubs.

Manchester City was still in its early stages, spending big but unable to attract top stars.

Finally, seeing hope with Lin, Mansour didn't want to miss the chance.

This didn't need his personal intervention, but to show Manchester City's sincerity, Mansour came himself.

"Please come in!" Pere hurriedly invited Mansour and his assistant in.

After greeting everyone, Mansour got straight to the point:

"Lin, I formally invite you to join Manchester City."

After speaking, Mansour signaled his assistant.

Abu Dhabi Group's executive, Fahim, handed over Manchester City's contract.

"What's this?"

Guardiola and Pere curiously leaned in, their eyes widening at the figures on the contract.

"Hehe, just a small token," Mansour said.

The "small token" was a check with a one followed by eight zeros.

"What's this?" Guardiola instinctively straightened up, asked.

"The signing bonus, in pounds," Fahim explained.

A 100 million-pound signing bonus?

Guardiola and his brother exchanged looks. They'd heard of Manchester City's lavish spending but didn't expect this extent!

"Sorry, we can't accept this money; the amount is too large!" Guardiola said, unsure of Manchester City's intentions. The sum was beyond his imagination, prompting a reflexive refusal.

No one disliked money, but too much money brought fear and unease.

A 100 million-pound signing bonus was unheard of.

"Hehe, I didn't explain clearly, causing a misunderstanding," Mansour smiled.

"From what I understand, Lin is currently a free agent.

If we sign him, we save a huge transfer fee. This 100 million pounds is what we planned to offer Bayern in the winter.

For a player who's been with them less than half a year, Bayern would struggle to refuse such an offer.

If Lin agrees, this transfer is highly likely.

Even if it doesn't happen this winter, it might in the summer.

But by then, with Lin leading the World Cup win, we might have to offer 120 or even 150 million pounds.

Since the money will be spent anyway, whether to Bayern or the player, the earlier, the better for us.

Great players only get more expensive!

Even if the transfer happens later, we'd still pay Lin a signing bonus.

Giving it now is like paying both the transfer fee and signing bonus at once, saving us millions.

It's a win-win, right?"

What a business genius!

After hearing the explanation, even Guardiola thought the money was rightfully theirs, without any psychological burden.

But he had one more question: Was Lin really worth 100 million pounds?

"You're so confident in my son?"

Winning the World Cup wasn't easy; it was the goal of over thirty top teams.

Spain's chances weren't great, especially with their aging squad.

"Of course, I'm a die-hard fan of Lin's. No exaggeration, he's Manchester City's Messi in my eyes!"

Mansour's mention of Messi shut Guardiola up.

He might not know other players, but he understood Messi's value.

Was Messi worth 100 million pounds?


If Lin was considered Manchester City's Messi, then he was worth the price.

"Alright, I have no objections!"

Guardiola raised his hands in surrender. The massive signing bonus had him tempted too.

Had he not signed with Bayern, he might have asked:

Does Manchester City need a coach?

Not a 100-million-pound signing bonus, but 50 million, no, 20 million would do!

With Guardiola's approval, Lin continued reading the contract.

Manchester City offered a five-year deal with a weekly salary of 400,000 pounds, translating to an annual salary of about 2.1 million pounds.

If he signed, Lin would surpass Eto'o to become the highest-paid player in football


Manchester City's salary offer matched their nouveau riche status.

Beyond the annual salary, various bonuses for goals and appearances added up.

Another significant part was the loyalty bonus.

If Lin played for Manchester City for five years without transferring, he'd receive a 50 million-pound loyalty bonus in the fifth year.

That's 10 million pounds a year!

Totaling the contract value, it was about 2.5 billion pounds over five years.

An average of 500 million pounds a year!

It was an extremely lucrative deal; even Guardiola couldn't find fault with it.

There was no way to complain with such an offer.

"To show our sincerity, we won't take Lin's image rights."

Seeing the silence, Mansour thought they were dissatisfied.

"So he added:

"When Lin moves to Manchester, we'll take care of his accommodation and travel, not part of the contract, just my personal sponsorship."

Lin felt overwhelmed by the offer, turning to Pere and Guardiola.

They looked as dazed as he did, like it was an unbelievable dream.

After speaking, Mansour nervously awaited their response.

Manchester City had nothing but money. If that didn't work, they were out of options.

Lin and Pere both looked at Guardiola.

Guardiola shrugged:

"I can't find a reason to refuse such a contract.

But Lin, think carefully. With the world's highest salary comes immense pressure.

If Manchester City performs poorly, you'll be the first criticized.

If you're ready for that responsibility, then go to Manchester City!"

Lin nodded, saying:

"I'll wait for you in Manchester!"

Guardiola and Mansour were stunned.

Guardiola reacted first:

"Brat, who said I'm going to Manchester? It's not like I can't live without you!"

Mansour's eyes lit up. He came for Lin, but if he could get Guardiola too, Manchester City would soar.

"I promised Bayern to help them transition smoothly after winning the championship. I don't want to break my word."

Mansour was disappointed, but since it wasn't a firm refusal, there was still hope.

Since Mansour had come with a private jet, Lin didn't need to fly commercial.

With Pere and Guardiola's help, he quickly packed.

With the help of Mansour's assistants, they loaded everything onto the private jet.

"Premier League matches are fast-paced and physically demanding. Take care of yourself and avoid injuries."

Guardiola couldn't accompany Lin to Manchester due to pre-season training with Bayern.

Before leaving, he gave a lot of advice, with "worry" practically written on his forehead.

"Manchester City will be in three competitions next season. Even as the top star, request rest when needed.

Don't play in unimportant matches to avoid overexertion."

Guardiola wasn't worried about Lin fitting in but about injuries in the Premier League.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful. You do well at Bayern and don't get fired!"

"Brat, always saying the worst things. If anyone's getting fired, it's me firing Bayern!"

Lin's transfer left Guardiola upset with Bayern. Knowing his connection with Lin, they still made this move.

Guardiola felt disrespected.

He had a three-year contract but might not stay that long.


Manchester City acted quickly. While Lin was still on Mansour's private jet, they announced the signing on their website.

"We are pleased to announce that after friendly negotiations, we have reached an agreement with Spain international, Bundesliga top scorer, Confederations Cup Golden Boot & Golden Ball winner, Lin. He officially joins Manchester City.

Next season, Lin will wear the number 10 jersey for the Blues!"

Actually, joining Manchester City was part of the plan. Originally, he would play for Bayern for a year and then transfer to Manchester City for a record fee.

But while I was setting up the move to Manchester City, many readers misunderstood, thinking it was happening immediately. Plus, some readers were against him going to Bayern, tired of the Bundesliga after a season and wanting something new.

And many readers wanted the protagonist to succeed on his own, without relying on Guardiola.

So I cut the Bayern storyline and sped up the move to the Premier League.

This transition is a bit abrupt, so I wanted to explain it to everyone.