Iron Will!

"Am I seeing things? Did Lin just bulldoze over the opponent's defender?"

"Haha, I saw it too! Fulham's 1.8-meter-tall left-back rushed at Lin, trying to knock him down, but he got humiliated instead!"

"Awesome! I didn't know Lin was so strong in physical confrontations!"

"Just to clarify, Lin might only be 1.73 meters tall, but he weighs 73 kilograms. Fulham's left-back Richardson, though taller at 1.8 meters, weighs only 70 kilograms. They thought Lin was an easy target, but it turns out he's a brick wall!"

"No way, is Lin really that solid? You can't tell just by looking at him!"

"Don't judge a book by its cover!"


"Lin, great job!"

David Silva, seeing Lin beat the defender and score, ran over excitedly to high-five him.

"These Premier League guys only respect strength. If you show weakness, they'll bully you even more. You've got to teach them a lesson to make them back off!"

This was Silva's advice, valuable for Lin's future Premier League journey.

"Thanks, David!"

Lin nodded thoughtfully, glancing back at Richardson, who was just being helped up by his teammates.

Was Silva encouraging him to keep teaching this guy a lesson?

"What happened? How did you lose to that kid?"

Taarabt asked, helping Richardson up.

"It's nothing. I just slipped. Next time, I'll show him what I'm made of!"

Richardson didn't want to admit he lost the physical battle, so he made an excuse.

"Alright then, next time I'll help you deal with him!"

Taarabt patted Richardson on the shoulder and returned to his position.

Just then, Lin glanced over at Richardson. Feeling Lin's unfriendly gaze, Richardson felt a chill down his spine.

The game continued, and under Lin's organization, Manchester City's attack became smoother. Fulham's players lacked the technical skills compared to Manchester City. Without fouling, it was nearly impossible for them to take the ball away from City players.

But this was the Premier League. Fouling was inevitable!

Like many lower-tier Premier League clubs, Fulham excelled in using their physical advantages. Consequently, they frequently fouled City players.

In other leagues, most of these would be called fouls. But Premier League referees allowed more physical play, encouraging confrontations.

The loose officiating encouraged Fulham's players, making them even bolder. As a result, Manchester City's attacks faced constant interruptions.

Among City players, Lin suffered the most fouls. As the focal point of City's offense, he held the ball the longest. Fulham players, failing to take the ball from him, often resorted to fouling to stop him from breaking through.

In just thirty minutes of the first half, Lin had been fouled at least ten times.

Richardson committed the most fouls. Learning from his earlier mistake, he knew Lin was strong physically. Trying to use fair physical play wasn't effective; fouling was the way to stop him.

With the Premier League's lenient officiating, some fouls weren't even called. Even if they were, as long as no card was shown, it didn't matter.

After fouling Lin once again and only receiving a verbal warning, Richardson smugly said to Lin:

"Welcome to the Premier League, kid. This is how we greet newcomers!"

Fulham fans cheered every time Lin was brought down by their players.

This was the sight they wanted!

But after one, two, three, four times...

Each time Lin was fouled, he got up immediately, without rolling around or wasting time.

Once up, he quickly rejoined the attack, as if nothing had happened.

This made Fulham fans start to lose their smiles.

Although Lin was the opponent, Fulham fans had to admit they liked this Manchester City number 10.

"Why can't we knock this guy down?"

"This is crazy! Is he made of iron? He's so tough!"

"I thought a guy with such good footwork would be like those dainty players, always complaining to the ref and rolling on the ground, but this guy doesn't even say a word!"

"This playing style reminds me of Keane and Cantona, though not as unruly as Cantona."

On the other side, seeing Lin not intimidated by the fouls and adapting to the Premier League's pace, Wenger's eyes lit up. His earlier concerns about Lin's adaptation to the Premier League seemed unnecessary.

Thinking about it, Wenger felt a pang of regret.

What a great player, but he couldn't join Arsenal. What a shame!


Fulham fans, who initially wanted to mock, seemed to be impressed by Lin's tough playing style.

When Lin was fouled again and got up quickly, they didn't laugh. Some even applauded.

Having technical skills alone didn't earn respect in the Premier League. But if you had skill and played tough, you earned admiration.

However, Fulham fans' smiles soon disappeared.

While being fouled, Lin also observed the referee's leniency.

Once he confirmed the referee's lax officiating, he decided to take control!

In the 38th minute, Fulham attempted a counterattack. Richardson, with the ball, was about to assist, but a sliding tackle came in, knocking him to the ground.

Richardson rolled on the ground, clutching his leg and screaming in pain.

Fulham fans were outraged. Seeing who committed the foul, they cursed loudly!

"Red card!"

"Send that kid off!"

"That dirty Spaniard is too despicable!"

The foul was committed by Lin, who had been fouled repeatedly by Richardson.

The referee, close by, saw it clearly. Lin's foot touched the ball first before taking down Richardson. It was a clean tackle.

In other leagues, it might be called a foul, but this was the Premier League. The referee's previous lenient calls meant he couldn't suddenly tighten up, or it would seem biased against Manchester City.

So, despite the fans' protests, the referee signaled for play to continue.

After making the signal, he glanced at Lin, who, after the tackle, acted nonchalantly and went after the ball.

This toughness reminded the referee of United's old captain, Keane.

But aren't you a City player?

How can you have United's iron will?

Fulham fans weren't happy with the decision.

They booed the referee and Lin loudly.

Previously, when Fulham players fouled Lin, they cheered. But now, when Lin retaliated, they couldn't accept it and wanted him sent off.

Fulham fans' double standards were clear.

As play continued, with Manchester City in possession, Fulham players couldn't tend to Richardson.

Realizing no one was helping him, Richardson had to get up on his own, limping back into the game.

Lin's tackle was hard, making Richardson wonder if his leg was broken.

It was just a bruise, but the pain was sharp.

Feeling the pain, Richardson instinctively kept his distance from Lin.

He no longer dared to provoke Lin. The tackle left a psychological mark.

Richardson understood that Lin was the type to repay eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. He was tough on himself and tougher on others. Best not to provoke him!

Can't provoke him, but can't avoid him either.

But avoiding Lin didn't mean Lin wouldn't come after him.

In the 44th minute, Lin had the ball again, attacking Fulham's penalty area from the right.

As the left-back, Richardson had no choice but to confront him.

This time, with the ball at his feet, Lin couldn't foul him, right?


Seeing Richardson hesitate, Lin sped up to pass him.

Richardson blocked the path and grabbed Lin's shirt.

This was what Lin was waiting for. He leaned into Richardson, using a shoulder charge to send Richardson stumbling and falling.

Lin broke into the penalty area, dribbled past Stekelenburg, and shot into the empty net, making it 2-0.

After scoring, Lin didn't celebrate with his teammates. Instead, he walked to Richardson:

"Thanks for the welcome. Hope you enjoy my hospitality!"

Both teams' players and the fans were stunned. A Premier League rookie had schooled an experienced player?


Leading 2-0, Manchester City made many substitutions in the second half. Pellegrini tested different defensive combinations.

With City's defense reshuffled, it should've been Fulham's chance.

But Fulham's attack was too predictable. They couldn't coordinate on the ground, relying on high balls and crosses.

Once City's defenders adapted, it was no longer a threat.

In the 79th minute, Lin assisted Agüero for another goal, making it 3-0.

Ultimately, with goals from Lin and Agüero, Manchester City won 3-0, opening the new season with a victory.

Five days later, back at Etihad Stadium, Manchester City faced Premier League giants Arsenal.

Arsenal was much stronger than Fulham.

Their players excelled in quick ground passing, unlike Fulham's high balls.

Against Arsenal's dazzling ground play, City's defense struggled.

Before halftime, Arsenal scored twice.

The scorers were Theo Walcott and Aaron Ramsey, with Walcott also assisting a goal.

Walcott, signed by Wenger at 17, was a player Wenger highly valued.

He lived up to expectations.

Last season, Walcott scored 21 goals, averaging 0.5 goals per game, Arsenal's top scorer.

This season, to keep Walcott, Arsenal gave him a contract with a weekly wage of £100,000, about €6 million annually.

For a 23-year-old, this was a high salary.

But Manchester City had a player with four

 times that salary.

Seeing Walcott dominate, Lin couldn't just watch.

He also scored and assisted Silva, making it 2-2 by halftime.

Both teams were unhappy with the score.

Pellegrini was unhappy with how easily Arsenal broke through City's defense, while Wenger was frustrated his midfield couldn't control the game and his defenders couldn't stop Lin.

Both teams made adjustments at halftime.

Arsenal substituted Ozil, who feared physical play, with Spanish international Cazorla.

This change worked well. Cazorla quickly assisted Giroud for a goal.

Arsenal led 3-2.

But Cazorla wasn't physically strong either.

While his coordination with teammates improved, Arsenal's midfield remained weak.

With Lin dropping back, City controlled the midfield.

City had more possession, but with Lin deeper, the attack lacked connection, reducing its effectiveness.

City fans saw Lin's importance.

Though new to the team, Lin was already indispensable.

"He can organize attacks, control the midfield when deeper, break through and score as a winger, and deliver high-quality crosses. He's like a versatile monster!"

In Arsenal's dugout, assistant coach Pat Rice marveled at Lin's performance.

Though Lin played as a free man, this was too free!

This roaming player made it tough for Arsenal to defend.

"Yes, Lin is a genius player!"

Wenger rated Lin even higher, having once missed signing him.

In the 72nd minute, Lin received the ball in the defensive midfield. Before opponents could pressure him, he surveyed their defense.

Seeing Lin with the ball, Agüero made a forward run, looking for space.

Having received many assists from Lin, Agüero trusted his passing.

Despite the distance, he was confident Lin could deliver.

Agüero was right.

Seeing Agüero's run, Lin made a 40-meter long pass.

The ball seemed to have eyes, landing perfectly for Agüero.

Agüero found himself in open space.

Lin's pass and Agüero's run broke Arsenal's defense!