Lin's Relationship Exposed

On October 12th, at 6:30 PM, at the Electric Cinema in London.

The director of "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones," Harold, along with the main cast, arrived early at the cinema to welcome the guests attending the premiere.

Many guests attended the premiere, including stars from the film industry and some sports celebrities. Recently retired David Beckham and his wife Victoria also attended the premiere.

While the director went to welcome the couple, the male lead, Jamie Campbell, quietly approached the female lead, Lily Collins, and said to her:

"Lily, want to hang out with us after the premiere?"

He gestured to the other cast members. Many of the actors in the film were British and even natives of London.

Lily Collins stepped back cautiously and refused:

"No, I have plans."

Jamie Campbell was a bit annoyed. He was a well-known Hollywood actor who had appeared in major productions like "Twilight" and "Harry Potter."

Lily, a newcomer, dared to refuse his invitation, which made him very unhappy.

"What could be more important than networking within the industry? I'm telling you, many big directors will be there. This is your chance."

Lily Collins remained unmoved, not believing what he said.

Jamie Campbell was getting angry and was about to say something harsh when he saw Lily suddenly leave, heading towards the guest entrance quickly.

Following her gaze, Jamie Campbell saw a handsome Asian face.

Lin had just entered the cinema when he saw Lily Collins walking quickly toward him.

Before he could greet her, Lily grabbed his hand and pulled him into the cinema.

While walking, she kept glancing around like a thief, observing the reactions of the director and producers.

Obviously, she didn't want them to notice Lin.

In her view, Lin was just an ordinary audience member, not an invited guest.

It was the time for invited guests to enter, and ordinary audience members would only be allowed in after all the guests had arrived.

If the director saw an ordinary audience member at this time, he would definitely be furious.

Thinking of this, Lily Collins blamed herself for not telling Lin that it was a movie premiere and that he didn't need to come early. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come so soon.

"Why are you here so early?"

Finally, after pulling Lin to a hidden corner in the back row, Lily Collins breathed a sigh of relief.

She patted her chest and asked with a slightly surprised tone.

"I thought this was our first date, so I left early!"

Lin joked, waving the two movie tickets in his hand.

"Hmph, who wants to date you? We've only known each other for less than a week!"

Lily Collins' cheeks were a bit red, either from walking too fast or from Lin's words.

"I just saw the poster outside and realized you're the lead actress. So, don't you have something to say to me?"

Lin said while looking around.

This cinema is the oldest in Britain, built in 1910, over a century ago.

The interior decoration was very distinctive, mainly adopting the Edwardian Baroque style.

Some areas were simplified and perfectly integrated with modern functions, making the cinema both retro and modern.

The front row had six red velvet double beds with cashmere blankets, allowing viewers to watch while sitting or lying down.

Lin and Lily Collins were in the back row, with a few small double sofas, very comfortable and hidden, perfect for couples.

In addition, all seats were equipped with footstools with various snacks and drinks provided by the cinema, including high-end wine.

Viewers could enjoy food and wine while watching the movie.

"I thought you'd recognize my name. Turns out you didn't..."

"Well, it's not too late now."

Seeing them chatting so happily, Jamie Campbell felt even more displeased.

"Lily, is this your friend?"

He walked over with a fake smile, pretending to be friendly.

Seeing him approach, Lily Collins' expression changed slightly.

If this guy found out, he would definitely report it to the director and producers.

"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend."

Lin, seeing Lily Collins' reaction, guessed the relationship between the two.

So he deliberately omitted a word to test their reactions.

Lily Collins glared at him, her cheeks turning even redder.

Opposite them, Jamie Campbell's smile froze on his face, and his outstretched right hand awkwardly stayed in the air.

Lin then shook Jamie's hand:

"I've seen your movies. Didn't expect to see you here. Can I have your autograph?"

He acted like a fan asking for an autograph out of nowhere.

Lily Collins stomped her foot in frustration. How could he think about autographs at a time like this?

The jealousy from the other person was palpable. Didn't he notice?

Jamie Campbell was disgusted!

From Lin's words and actions, Jamie Campbell confirmed this guy was just an ordinary person.

Anyone with status wouldn't ask for an autograph out of context like this.

The thought of an ordinary guy getting the woman he couldn't made him feel like he'd eaten something disgusting.

"Hmph, Lily Collins, it's the guest entry time. Why did you bring an unrelated person in?"

Jamie Campbell raised his voice, attracting everyone's attention.

"What's going on?"

The director Harold and the producer, who had been chatting with the Beckham couple, walked over.

"Director, Lily Collins is neglecting her duty to greet the guests and is here with her boyfriend. Does this seem appropriate?"

Jamie Campbell said indignantly.

Director Harold frowned. A lead actress's relationship being exposed was usually not good for a movie.

But it wasn't necessarily bad, provided the person had high enough notoriety for the press to hype it up.

The young man before him didn't ring any bells, confirming he wasn't from the entertainment industry.

In other words, there was nothing to hype about him.

"Sir, who are you?"

"I'm here to watch a movie!"

Lin waved his movie ticket and answered honestly.

"Could you please leave and come back after all the guests have entered?"

Seeing Lin couldn't produce an invitation, the director lost patience and ordered him to leave.

With so many people around, if Lin got kicked out, both he and Lily Collins would lose face.

Lily Collins tried to plead with the producer, but he pretended not to see her and didn't intervene.

"Lin? What are you doing here?"

At that moment, a surprised voice came from behind.

Everyone turned to see David Beckham and his wife walking over.

They had clearly heard the commotion and came to check.

To their surprise, they saw someone they knew.

"Mr. Beckham, do you know this gentleman?"

The director was surprised by Beckham's reaction and quickly realized the young man's identity might be significant.

"Of course, he's one of the hottest stars in football right now!"

Beckham gave Lin high praise.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

They stared at Lin in surprise:

This guy is a top football star?

Apart from being handsome, he didn't seem to have anything to do with football!

"Mr. Beckham, it's great to see you here, but your praise is a bit too much!"

"Haha, I'm not exaggerating. Many people think so!"

Lily Collins, hearing Beckham's words, widened her eyes at Lin.

So, Lin had been hiding a lot!

She thought she was the only one hiding her identity. She didn't expect him to hide it better.

Lily Collins didn't follow football and knew little about it.

Lin had only recently risen to fame, so compared to older stars, his global influence wasn't that big yet, and many people didn't recognize him.

"So what if he's a football star? He doesn't have an invitation and shouldn't be here!"

Jamie Campbell stubbornly argued, thinking Lin being a footballer meant nothing to the entertainment industry.

"Oh? Is that so? Can I give him my invitation?"

At that moment, a dignified voice came from behind.

Turning around, they saw it was Prince William.

"In the UK, you can do without movies, but not without football!"

Prince William offered his invitation to Lin:

"Lin, I've seen your games. Your performance is amazing. Keep it up, and I believe you'll become the best in football!"

Since he was just making an appearance for the press and wouldn't stay long, the invitation was useless to him.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have my invitation!"

Lin showed his own invitation, declining the prince's offer.

Seeing Prince William supporting Lin, Jamie Campbell immediately backed down.

Especially hearing "best in football" from the prince, he realized Lin was not someone he could mess with.

Director Harold also realized Lin's significance and immediately tried to appease him, offering a VIP seat.

"No, this spot is fine. I'll stay here!"

Lin remembered the director's earlier attitude, so he wasn't friendly now.

If not for Lily Collins, he would have left already.

"Alright. Collins, take good care of our guest!"

Harold, knowing Lin might still be upset, didn't stay and left Lily Collins to attend to him.

The reporters also noticed Lin and started taking pictures of him instead of the director and main cast, sensing a big story.

Lily Collins, with arms crossed, stared at Lin, seemingly waiting for an explanation.

"We're even now, right?"

Lin had been annoyed at her for hiding her identity. Now it was her turn.

"So, you're a football star?"

"We usually don't call it that!"

"Then what?"


Lily Collins was speechless, taking a moment before asking:

"Did you do it on purpose?"


"Those three words, was it deliberate or accidental?"

"Um, it was deliberate... accidentally!"


This guy is so infuriating!

They hadn't known each other long and weren't dating.

But after today,

 no one would believe otherwise, no matter how she explained it.

"Lily Collins, can I be your boyfriend? If not, I'll ask again tomorrow!"


Lily Collins, trying to stay stern, couldn't help but laugh at Lin's cheeky remark.

How could anyone be so thick-skinned!

"Ask me again tomorrow!"

Lily Collins smiled slyly, not giving a direct answer.

But Lin knew her non-rejection was as good as acceptance.

By tomorrow, everyone in Britain would likely know their relationship!

Sure enough, the next day, Fleet Street's major papers reported Lin and Lily Collins' romance.

However, many netizens doubted the gossip.

"Fake. They've never interacted publicly, and no one's ever seen them together. These unscrupulous reporters love making stuff up!"

"Yeah, the producers probably want to use Lin's fame to promote the movie!"

"I swear, Lin spends all his time on the field or training. When would he have time to date?"

Soon, paparazzi uploaded photos showing Lin and Lily Collins shopping, sightseeing, and dining together in Liverpool.

"Uh... I take back what I said!"

"Damn, Lin's really dating her, and she's gorgeous. I'm so jealous!!"

"This is what winning at life looks like!"

P.S.: The female lead's age has been adjusted to match the male lead's age.