Days passed, and Isabelle's continuous coughing was getting dire. Damian decided it was time to summon a professional doctor for her, so he called for the best doctor in town, Doctor Basil. Isabelle was lying comfortably in her bed, while the doctor was examining her with his tools, Damian and Robyn were by her side, waiting patiently for the results, they just hoped it wasn't serious. After a few examinations, the doctor sadly diagnosed her with cancer. Isabelle, Damian and Robyn were shocked, scared, and sad at the same time, they couldn't believe this was happening to Isabelle. Doctor Basil was uncertain if Isabelle will survive cancer, most cancer treatments are impossible to cure, all he can do was give her painkiller medications, of course the medicine will be expensive and Damian was willing to pay for it, no matter the cost. Robyn too will do anything she can to help her mother get better, and she was willing to do all the household duties for her, while she laid in bed.
And so Robyn did what she was told, she did all the chores, cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, laundry, cooking, caring for her mother while she rested in bed. She knew how to cook warm soup for her, and she would always keep her mother company, and Isabelle would always assured her that she is going to be all right, but Robyn wasn't certain about her mother's claims?
The doctor's prescription, for Isabelle's cancer, is to take those expensive painkillers twice a day, which Damian payed for, she needs to lay in bed, get plenty of rest. And pray to God she will recover.
Because of that expensive elixir, Damian had to work extra hard out to earn more money in order to provide for his wife and daughter, and Robyn had to put off training, she had to help more at home, take care of her mother, and never complained about it.
She would sat beside her mother to keep her company, and Isabelle would tell her daughter fairytales, Greek myths, especially tales about Harmonia. Robyn loved that myth, she can relate to Harmonia's story, all the difficulties she's gone through at such a young age, not to mention losing both parents. Robyn couldn't think that, could that happen to her mother?
Isabelle calmed her daughter's troubling mind, she soothed her with her childhood song. They both started singing, humming the tune together. And Isabelle would remind Robyn about Harmonia's tragedies and triumphs, how she overcame them despite great obstacle, not because of her super strength she inherited from her father, it's because of the strength of her heart. Her big kind heart, just like her daughter, Robyn. Isabelle assured her that in time she will feel better, and she encouraged her daughter to continue her training as a huntress, and to play outside like all children should do, but Robyn wanted more time with her mother first.
One day, Damian didn't have much work to do, so he allowed his daughter to go play outside while he took care of his wife. Robyn gladly agreed, she can finally go play outside without having to worry about her mother, now that her father was taking care of her. Not only was Robyn playing, she was also practicing her hunting techniques, her tracking skills, testing it on strangers on the streets, like the big round man with the bushy beard, and the tall skinny man with the moustache selling tonics at the market, she would even follow some street kids running around messing and bullying other kids from time to time. Robyn would have to be very sneaky to track those little gremlins, fortunately for her she was an expert at being still with her movements, and the kids wouldn't recognize her because she was in hiding. Robyn was having a good time, at least while it lasted.
The next day, Damian decided to take Isabelle to St Bartholomew's Hospital, there they can provide better treatment for her. He discussed it with his daughter. "Robyn darling, I'm sure you've noticed your mother isn't getting any better, and these so called special expensive painkillers, I've spent all my good money on, isn't working. So I've decided to take her to St Bartholomew's Hospital, there they can take special care of her, provide better treatment than here at home, and hopefully your mother will be back on her feet, she has to. If not then... I don't know... what I'd do without my... wife..." for a moment Damian looked like he was about to cry. Robyn tried to comfort him. "Father, of course I would agree to this decision, anything for mother. I'm sure that hospital will help, and you know mother, her spirit is strong because she believes she will recover, and belief is the true magic."
Damian just chuckled at her daughter's cute comforting speech, and it was enough for him to believe that in time things will be all right again, Isabelle will recover, and they will be a happy family again.
And so they called for a carriage, and went to that hospital. When they arrived, a kind nurse welcomed them and asked how could she be of service to an innocent soul. Damian told her about Isabelle's cancer and the nurse quickly escorted her to a special private chamber, where she can be provided with the best surgery.
When Damian, Robyn, and Isabelle were alone together in that chamber, they had a moment to talk together. Isabelle was laying down comfortably on the hospital bed, gazing at her beautiful family with her tired eyes.
"Robyn, Damian" she said, tired. "Why don't you two go out hunting together in the woods, while its still daylight out there. I will be in the hospital for a while, so why don't you spend some time together, Robyn needs to catch up with her training."
Damian and Robyn were surprised by Isabelle's recommendation, they didn't know how to respond.
Isabelle smiled, tiredly. "Don't worry about me. I will be fine here, in the hospital, getting my treatment ready."
"But Isabelle, we can't just leave you like this" said Damian, worried. "Not when you need your family here, to support and comfort you during this difficult time."
"What? You don't believe I will get better?" Isabelle joked. "Have you forgotten what I've taught you? All the bibles I've taught you, their stories teaches us to believe, to have faith things will be better. I am certain after my treatment I will be better so I can come home with you, healthy and happy. In the meantime why don't you and Robyn hunt in the woods together, make up for lost time, then you can tell me all about it later."
"I don't know?"
"Trust me, dear" Isabelle held Damian's hand. "Remember you need to have faith, just like Elijah did."
Damian just sighed. He held his beloved wife's hand and tried to put on a hopeful smile. "I do trust you, my strong lovely wife" then he kissed her hand. And so Robyn and Damian departed from the hospital, they wished Isabelle good luck, and promised to return to her at dusk.
At noon time, Damian and Robyn hunted together in the forest, once again, but Damian wasn't his jolly - loving - father self, instead he was moody, depressed, sad, that he couldn't focus, he wore a frown on his face and Robyn noticed. She had to do something to make him believe, she had to cheer him up somehow, then she saw it, she saw two magpies. "Look father, two magpies!" Robyn said, cheerfully.
"So?" Damian replied, dully.
"So it's a good sign" Robyn explained. "Mother said, the sight of two magpies is a sign of good luck, perhaps those two are love birds."
"Yes, until one of them passes away, until there is only one left, and the sight of a single magpie is said to bring bad luck and sorrow" Damian said in a melancholy voice.
Now that was grim, Robyn needs to change the sentence into something more Christianity, and as if sent by God, she saw doves fluttering so beautifully. "Father, look! Doves!"
"What about them?"
"They symbolize the Holy Spirit, they bring peace and love" Robyn explained. "Perhaps they are a good sign from God."
"Perhaps." Damian seamed to believe it, but it wasn't enough to lift his sorrow.
"Father, look at the-"
"Look at what Robyn!?" Damian shouted in frustration. "Why are you showing me these superstitious birds, when you should be training, like your mother told you to?!"
Robyn was taken aback by her father's anger, he had never shouted at her like that. "I... I was just going to show you the robin" Robyn whimpered. "Mother's favorite song bird."
"The bird that symbolizes luck" Damian guessed.
Robyn nodded in response.
" 'The robin is only lucky once' you know I don't believe in them superstitions."
"But father, if we believe with all our hearts, anything is possible. We need to have faith that mother will feel better, and belief is the true kind of magic."
"Robyn, there is no such thing as magic" Damian said to her sadly. "It's all just make-believe."
"But mother said-"
"I know what your mother said... but there all just stories, myths. The bibles are true, because they were written by real Christians from God."
"And the bibles are supposed to give us hope" Robyn added.
Damian sighed sadly. "Of course they do. It was your mother who taught us the bibles, and talking about these... tales, just makes me feel worse."
Now Robyn really started to worry about her father. "Father I-"
"I know, Robyn. I know you were only trying to cheer me up, but I think it's time to return to the hospital to see your mother."
Robyn agreed with her father, and together they returned to St Bartholomew's Hospital to see Isabelle.
When they returned, the nurse informed them of Isabelle's medical treatment, and judging by her sad face the operation must've failed. "I am so sorry" the nurse said with sympathy. "We did everything we could."
Damian and Robyn were anxious. The nurse allowed them to see her in the private chamber, they hurried to Isabelle's side to be with her at a time like this. They saw Isabelle laying in her now death bed, she looked so pale and weak, like she isn't going to make it, she gazed at her husband and daughter with a smile on her face. Damian and Robyn were speechless, they didn't know what to do, all Damian could do was to hold Isabelle's hand tight, while sobbing.
Isabelle looked into her husband's tearfully eyes and said. "Damian, my loyal husband, it appears we have tried everything we could, but unfortunately nothing worked, I failed to get better."
"No, I failed, I should've done more, I should have stayed by your side more not waste time hunting" Damian cried.
Isabelle smiled weakly and said to her husband. "It's no one's fault dear, you and Robyn did everything you could, you did your best that's all that matters. Damian, my beloved, you are a great man, a high - spirited man, a loving father, a caring husband, and that's what I love about you. Promise me you will remain that man and take special care of our precious daughter, keep her safe by your side."
While shedding tears of sadness, Damian kissed his wife's cold hand and replied. "I promise you, with all my heart, I will take good care of our daughter, raise her to be proper so she can have a stable life. I will do everything I can to protect her.''
Isabelle smiled gratefully, then she turned to Robyn and said. "Robyn, my darlin daughter, I know I kept telling you that I will get better soon if I keep believing with all my will, but I'm afraid it wasn't enough."
Robyn looked scared and sad at the same time, she began to cry. Isabelle held her hand to comfort her, and continued her final words. "Listen to me, you are the most courageous, adventurous, kindest girl I have ever raised and loved, and I want you to remain that amazing girl so you can grow up to be an incredible beautiful wise maiden. Look after your father for me, cheer him on, inspire him to be a believer. I want you to remember all those stories I've told you, keep telling stories, believe in them, sing my songs from the heart, know that I love you Robyn Wood." And with her last dying breath, she passed away.
Robyn and Damian were heartbroken, they mourned her at her funeral, a few people attendant it. The sky was grey and gloomy, a fitting weather for such a sorrowful day, her grave was offered with her favorite white Camellias flowers, which kind of looked liked white roses. Damian cried his heart out to Isabelle. Ever since that dark time, he was no longer the same man anymore.