Born in troubled times

Madam and my Lord, something is very wrong." From outside the house came Five's anxious shouts.

Mo ask smell sound down bamboo flute door and out, small five at this time just ran to the east door, see Mo ask after he rushed to Mo ask to open, "young master, just now there is a single military grandfather ran to buy medicine, said that the Hu has broken the Qingping city."

"Huh? How so fast?" Mo ask suddenly startled, Qingping city is west Yang County north of the military checkpoint, less than fifty miles from here, for the north gate of West Yang County.

"He said the hookers had sent monsters to the front, and they couldn't hold it..." Small five said here to see the master and lady from the main house walked out, quickly turned to inform them of the situation.

"Monsters, what monsters?" Mrs. Mo was suddenly frightened and her face turned white.

Mo master heard speech is also a big surprise, but the old heart is steady, after a brief frown immediately made a decision, "go, go right away!"

Mrs. Mo turned to want to go back to the hall to pick up things, was Mo old man probing hand held, "before the almost finished, the throw away, you go to help ask son pick up."

Mo lady smell speech immediately to the east wing, Mo ask also responded at this time, back to the house with mother and wife to pack up soft, after a moment to pack up, three carriages immediately set off.

"Hu people are coming soon, the villagers do not know, Xiao Five, your legs are quick, go to the Lin home, tell Master Lin and all the villagers to hide as soon as possible, we will wait for you at the river." Mo master said to small five.

Small five smell speech nod agreed, the riding whip to Mo ask, turn off to run back to Mo home medicine shop weekdays please have help, only Lao Wu family and two servant girls, Mo ask and Lao Wu and father each drive a carriage, quickly out of the gate to the south.

Xiyang County is a dozen miles from the Yellow River, after the three people out of the city to drive a horse and run, although they have not seen the murderous people of the Hu, but listen to the people who fled from the north, the big nose Hu people not only long with the Han people, even the temperament is completely different, the Han people fight between each other only to seize the territory, after the city will be kind to innocent people. However, if the Hu conquered the city of Jin, they would wantonly plunder, and naturally there would be no livestock and grain left, and all the women would be taken away, and they would feed the Hu at night, and during the day they would be slaughtered for food. Now the northern Qingping city has been lost, the Hu will soon come, if it falls into the hands of the Hu consequences are unimaginable.

After running out of three miles Mo ask turned to look back, found that the alarm of the Xiyang County people such as ants from the south gate of the general from the gate, all did not think that Hu people will come so fast, in the panic, drag children with women even roll with crawling, call the young men cry women, the scene is extremely chaotic.

Three carriages were previously a medicine shop to transport herbs, without a canopy, Mrs. Mo and Lin Ruochen sitting in the head of the car Lin master drive. Mo asked to drive the second carriage followed, the car carrying the two servant girls in the home and the wife of the Lin family. Lao Wu and his wife at the end, the carriage was mainly filled with the utensils of the medicine shop and various medicinal materials.

It snowed yesterday, there was three inches of snow on the ground, the horses ran in the snow from time to time slip and slip, the car was jolted very badly, but when they fled for their lives, they also ignored so many, frequently whipped the horse, and after a moment, they could see the ice covered river five miles ahead.

"Father, can a carriage run on the ice?" Mo ask shouted loudly, Mo ask has been Shouting father before, but on the time of death also do not care to bite the words.

"Hard to say." Lord Mo shouted back.

"Then let's leave the wagon when we get to the bank. We need our lives." Don't ask.

"The whole family's livelihood is in the car, how can we live after losing it?" Master Mo shook his head and said.

Mo asked for the first time in his life to encounter this kind of thing, the heart will inevitably panic, because of worries about the safety of the small five from time to time to look back, so in the snow several times in distress, the last carriage almost turned over, after a cold sweat Mo asked no longer dare not be distracted, concentrate on driving behind his father.

After a incense stick, the carriage reached the river, and the people stopped to catch their breath and wait for Xiao Five.

Mo Wen stood in the car and looked north, and found that in addition to the fleeing people and did not see the Hu people's soldiers and horses, this situation made his heart slightly fixed, and then turned to look around, and soon he found the small five running in the front of the crowd.

Five born with good foot strength, plus familiar with the terrain here, so quickly ran close. However, when Xiao Wu was still a hundred feet away from here, Mo Wen saw a large number of riding Hu people appearing on the northern ridge, less than five miles from the river. Because of the distance, Mo Man could not see the Hu man's face, but he could see the Hu man chasing and slashing the people fleeing from the city.

"Dad, the man is coming." Don't ask the frightened shouted at his father.

Mo master smell words frown, looking back anxiously at the distance of the small five.

"Sir, let's go first." At the critical moment, Lao Wu shook the REINS and rushed to the ice first.

"Be careful." Mo master drove up with the master servant for many years, he naturally knew that Lao Wu first drove on the ice is for them to explore the road, Lao Wu drove the heaviest carriage, as long as he can pass, behind the two carriages can safely pass.

"Young master, go quickly, I can follow." The sound came before the five arrived.

Mo heard the sound and did not immediately drive onto the ice, but marveled at the north not far from horseback riding Hu, those Hu are dressed in barbary clothes, big nose, full of beard, at this time is loudly Shouting and chopping the fleeing people, they use extremely sharp machete, chopping people's heads like cutting melons, after the heads of those people were cut off the blood spewed more than two feet high, There was a cut in the back of the people not to die, in the snow issued a desperate and terrifying pain howl, Mo ask has never seen such a bloody scene, under the shock shaking like chaff, hands and feet did not listen to.

"Drive!" Xiao five ran over in a sweat, took the REINS instead of Mo asked the carriage caught up with the ice.

The river is hundreds of feet wide, the ice is very slippery, horseshoes, the ice does not dare to go too fast, otherwise the horse may fall down, three carriages maintain a distance of about five zhangs trembling to the opposite bank.

"Dad, hurry up." Xiao Wu looked back, turned his head to wash away Lao Wu in front shouted.

"Father! Small five voice just fell, in the middle of the carriage on the Lin Ruochen to the north issued a heart-wrenching scream. Mo ask dazed back, see is ran to the bank of the father-in-law was Hu from the left shoulder to the right rib split in two of the tragedy.

Lin Ruochen called after he fainted, Mo asked not dizzy, but he vomited, he saw his father-in-law's blood also saw his father-in-law's heart and lungs, and two hours before the father-in-law was still alive and smiling to send him on the horse.

Just as Mo Man vomited, a cold snap made his hair stand on end, the sound of ice cracking under its weight.

"Sir, not here, down the river..." Lao Wu was drowned out by the loud clicking sound before he finished speaking.

Mowen stopped vomiting and looked up, and saw that Lao Wu and his wife and the carriage they drove had fallen into the ice cave, because the carriage was wooden, after falling into the water, the horses struggled to swim under and did not sink immediately.

"Lao Wu, grab the whip!" Mo master hurriedly got off and ran to the edge of the ice cave to rescue.

"Mom, Dad, I'll save you." Five jumped out of the carriage and rushed forward.

'Don't come! Master Mo quickly shouted to stop. But it was too late, there was already a crack in the ice, and the ice collapsed again before Xiao Five ran to the crack, and the two people on the ice and the second carriage fell into the water instantly.

Originally frightened and helpless Mo ask suddenly square inch chaos, in the instinct of blood and blood affection to jump off the carriage to run to the ice cave, to reach out to pull the position closer to the mother and Lin Ruochen, but once the ice is broken simply can not bear, a pull under the foot a light, the ice water suddenly choked the mouth and nose.

Mo ask rough water, after falling into the water immediately hold your breath to hold the Lin Ruochen who has been frozen by ice water to put it on the ice, and then try to rescue the mother, but the mother middle-aged fat, and wear cotton clothes, cotton clothes into the water heavy, several attempts can not.

The ice water was extremely cold, and after an instant Mo Wen felt his body numb and stiff. Looking around, he found that his father and Lao Wu had disappeared, and little Five was doing the same thing as him.

"Where's my father?" Mo ask Chong small five shouted loudly.

"It's all washed away! Mom, what are you doing? What are you doing?" Although the river is frozen, the water under the ice is still flowing.

"Baby, save the lady." Xiao Five's mother struggled to break off her son's fingers, and disappeared into the water in an instant.

"Mother! Small five crying into the water to try to find, a few ups and downs and how to find.

Small five eyes hopeless, struggling to swim over, and Mo ask together to support Mrs Mo, two people together finally put Mrs Mo on the upper body of the ice, but Mo ask immediately felt abnormal, the mother who has been climbing up suddenly did not move, the probe, only found that the mother's forehead inserted a ruler Xu arrow, before entering and after, has died. A one-eyed man is pulling the wagon that did not fall into the water to the north bank, Lin Ruochen and the several servant girls all in the car, excessive fright made them dumb.

"I'll fight you." The tragic death of his mother and the captivity of his wife made Mo Wen extremely sad and angry, and gave birth to a strong force under the sadness and anger, and quickly climbed onto the ice and shivered to the Hu man.

Mo Wen's cry startled the Hu man, Hu turned and opened the bow with an arrow, the distance between the two sides was less than five feet, Mo Wen suddenly fell on the ice with an arrow in his chest.

Mo Wen did not immediately lose consciousness after the arrow, but he was badly injured and could not move, and he could only watch the red on the carriage drifting away...