Ping Pong

The Cathedral was an ancient building. Even with the spotlessness of the building it was clear that it was old. It was made of a pristine white stone and had 5 towers spiraling into the sky. And in the center lay a massive dome with a bell on top. "This is where you woke up right?" Winter asked me. "Yes," I responded. This was a lie though. It was more of a technicality really. For The past 17 years of my life I was on a place called earth. The Day of my death was uneventful, except the part where I died of course.

"...evin … Kevin Wake up!" just 5 more minutes "Come eat something!" Ugh Groggily leaving my bed I made it on the way out and went down stairs. My mom was just sitting on the couch reading a book as I grabbed a bowl to eat some cereal. After eating I took a shower and made a sandwich for later. It was a nice and sunny day out with the trees swaying with the breeze as I walked over to the place where the schoolbus would pick me up. As I drew nearer I saw my friend Allen waiting too. He lived closer so he usually got there faster. He was around my height and had dark hair. He noticed me getting closer and looked up from his phone to wave before looking straight back at it. Walking next to him I glanced at his screen and saw that he was playing some random game. So I just pulled out my phone and also pulled up a game to play.

After arriving at school I went to my 5th period class which was orchestra. The school operated on an A B system and today was a B day. I played the violin in orchestra. After a fun hour and a half I went to precalc, one of my least favorite classes. I mean who really enjoys doing math anyways. After precalc was over I met up with Allen for lunch. Usually for lunch we would head over to the gymnasium as fast as we could so that we could occupy one of the ping pong tables in there before anyone else. Today we were lucky and there were still a few not being used. We came here most days so at this point we were pretty good. Picking a paddle and a ball, I walked over to the table and bounced the ball a few times before serving. It was quick and had a bit of a spin to it so it hit a corner and would be almost impossible for an inexperienced player to return. But Allen was just as experienced as I was so he managed to return it with a swift flick of his wrist. I hit it back, and then it came back, back and forth and back and forth. Just then a golden opportunity! Allen hit the ball at a greater angle than he intended to so the ball was in the air long enough for me to spike it and win a point. "Damn, I knew what was going to happen but it was too late," Allen said. "Yeah it do be that way." I said with a smile on my face. We played to 11 and you needed to win by two points. The final score was 13-11 with me barely winning the last point. We played one more game that ended 10-12 with Allen getting the win. Right after we finished the second game the bell rang and we had to go to our next classes. Right after that I had Biology, and then my last period was English. And the school day ended uneventfully. I decided to not take the bus home for a bit of fresh air that day. And as I was walking I saw that two people were about to get hit with a car. So I jumped out into the road to try to save them, but in my haste, I failed to notice a different car that was driving right where I was jumping out. With no time for the car to swerve, I was hit, and my efforts were for nothing. As my vision faded to black I saw that the other people were also hit. "Damn it, It's not like I could have reached them anyway, the car was already too close to them for me to do anything. If only I made it a habit to use my brain on occasion!" I chuckled a little. And now all I could do was lament my choices as my consciousness faded.