Chapter 10 - Era of Young Stars (1)

----[Exactly 7 years ago from the present timeline || Time of Young stars]----





Inside the brand new castle of future 4th Emperor Xen, Fray is still sleeping on a comfortable bed.

Fray slowly opened his eyes due to the light of the four sun. Which is coming from the window, on the side of his bed.

"What a beautiful dreamless sleep."

He slowly leaves the bed and comes to the ground floor to take a hot bath. Fray is enjoying his time without any normal feelings.

He wears his normal clothes and puts a black eye patch on his left eye, that Xen gave to him.

Then he turned his face around and observed the outside view. Not long after, he understands what they are doing.

Fray just takes his sword and immediately leaves the castle.





* * *



"Xen, you don't have to directly cut their heads. Just destroy their heart that would be enough."

"And why do you think I'll follow your instructions?"

"Because I'm stronger than you."

Both Xen and Zyon are killing Monsters all the time. But now they become tired and stand in one place together. Zyon is still wearing his white blindfold. They observed their surroundings.



"Didn't you say you are stronger than me...."


"I'm leaving, I believe in you. You can kill all of them."

They are now surrounded by giant Dragons. Who are just looking at them continuously. Xen is about to say goodbye to Zyon. But that is not acceptable in this situation.

Suddenly powerful thunder Strom crushed all of those dragons at once. Instead of becoming happy, Both of them are just confused.

"Hey Xen, didn't he just take all the attention?"

A very young kid is now standing in front of them. With his sword which is full of thunder flow. While his yellow hair is glowing due to his thunder power. Fray gives a tariffing look...

"Are you two okay?"

Xen put his spear and calmly replied to him.

"Yeah we are okay. Did you eat your breakfast?"

"Where is breakfast?"

Xen and Zyon look at each other with confusion expressions. It's not like they forgot about breakfast, it's more like they don't know how to do breakfast properly.

"Yeah Xen, where is breakfast?"







In that place three of them are eating dragons meat, cooking from the campfire. Even though they are not very hungry, they are still enjoying their meal.

"I have to accept that, you are such a good chef Xen."

Xen replied to Zyon in annoying voice, "Who told you to accept it?"

Fray interrupted their conversation while rising a question.

"Will they come today to buy those monsters body?"

"No, the Royal Knight will come today. There are really too much demands from the main lands. But central star land give us too much for those monsters body."

"Then when will they come?"

"When I'll call them."

"Do it just now!"

"Fray, why are you giving me orders?"

Xen tried to behave like superior front of them. But at the end he started to release his Aura. But Fray and Zyon be like.

"He is still so energetic, let's throw him into the cave of dragons..."

After some time a Royal Knight arrived there, his yellow armour and cape are shining. Instead of giving respect he spread out his words in cold voices.

"Young man Xen, would you take gold coins in exchange or important resources for daily life?"

"Just give me gold coins, I'll go on lands after some days."

"Okay, btw you asked me about Omniscient one previous time. Today he is going to arrive at central star land. For the 'Battle of Worth' event. You are also invited for the event, as a candidate."

"Just give me those gold coins and leave from there. I know about my way better."

As Xen said, Royal Knight gave him many gold coins in the exchange of monsters death bodies. And he teleports with those monsters and dragons bodies.




Fray asks something to Xen with sad expressions. "Didn't he say Omniscient one?"

"Yeah, will you go with me?"

"If he is truly an Omniscient existence then I would definitely like to meet with him. I have many questions."

"I also have questions..."


"A question which is just hurting me from inside for one year, about the day when you came into this world."

"Wait, wait, if you two are going then why will I stay there?"

Both Xen and Fray are annoyed by that interference. They shouted out at the same time.

"Who told you to stay there?!!"





* * *



Three of them now present at their castle. Xen and Zyon come out after taking a bath. Even though most of the wounds on Zyon's body are already recovered. But two wounds or cuts on his shoulder blade, those two didn't cover yet not even a little bit.

Zyon and Xen wear their clothes. Zyon wears his white t-shirt and new type of white blindfold with some black marks.

But Xen wears his completely back outfit; black t-shirt, black pent and black leather gloves. Then put the red Spear on his back and covered his body with a black long cloak while reviling the left side of his body from left arm.

"Let's go..."

Xen couldn't even complete his words because both Fray and Zyon grabbed his shoulders. They are angry and cold at the same time.

"Oi Xen!!"

"Stop pretending like a Boss!"

They pull Xen and throw him back on the floor, they slowly leave from there with a cool expression.




* *


Now they are standing on the rooftop of the castle. They can see the view of central star land a little bit blurred from there. Fray looks at Xen to ask something.

"Are you perhaps going there for some other motives?"

Xen didn't answer, with a smile he just put another question instead of replying.

"Fray what about a race till the central star land?"

Instead of Fray it's Zyon's reply who replied with full of excitement.

"Just go ahead, I'll surpass both of you badly."

Three of them are now totally ready for a race. Xen releases his aura while dominating their scenes and presence. But that doesn't affect Fray that much. But Zyon immediately left them behind, Xen slowly smiled and looked at Fray.

Xen jumped from there in the direction of central star land but Fray used him as a boost and launched him in the direction of Zyon. Since he is using the power of thunder lighting that's why he was able to use Zyon as a power point. Fray directly comes on the back of Zyon. While kickoff him on the ground he takes another external boost and starts flying at the speed of sound.

But Fray becomes shocked when he notices that Xen is casually running on the ground while surpassing his speed limit. Fray thinks to change his plan for that match.

Xen is casually running on the ground and he is pretty sure that he will win the match. But Xen again observed his destination....

'if I could just fly like Fray or just like Zyon by using a metal board. Then it would be easier.'

He looks at Fray and thinks about using him as a boost point.

But Fray is charging his sword with too much lighting power so that his sword can attract him from a certain point.

Fray suddenly became shocked because someone grabbed his shoulder. Fray thinks that it would be Zyon, since he can fly. But his reaction just blocked when he found out it was Xen.

"Fray, I have to say something, first you just stay with me for 1 year so stop pretending you know about my every action. And second, revenge is done."

Xen throws him in the direction of the ground. And immediately used that impact for the destination.

While falling down Fray threw his sword in the direction of Xen.






The moment when Xen reached the central Star land at the next moment he noticed Fray's sword arrived on his side. Just after that he received a punch from behind.

"I just threw you on the floor and you are about to throw me on the ground from the top of the cloud level."

But Xen is just shocked after seeing him there. He wasn't even able to answer his words. Before he can say something Zyon also arrived there.

And he is coming in the direction of Xen with a treble and angry look.

"Oi Xen!!"

Actually Xen also threw Zyon on the ground like Fray but Fray managed himself from falling but Zyon directly fell into the ground.

Fray stopped Zyon and asked Xen a question.

"What is your dark aura? It's just blocked my power from some moments."

"Why are you even asking? You are the one who immediately used my own Aura to track my direction with a sword."

Zyon is still mad, he just doesn't want to accept that Xen is the winner.

"Zyon, he is the winner. It's the result and we can't deny it."

Yeah, as the conclusion they accept Xen as the 1st person to reach the end location of the match.

Xen takes a deep breath in satisfaction. And closed his eyes.

"I'm a 1st rank holder, compared with two people who are way stronger than me. Lol."

But Fray still wants an explanation from Xen, about what type of stuff he just did. But Xen doesn't answer him. And slowly said

"Don't share your secrets too easily, if you have some. Because those are the reasons why people showed interest in you."

Fray didn't reply to him not even Zyon, because they know those words have deep meanings since this comes out of his mouth. They moved to the place of the castle.

While walking Fray asked something to Xen, which is kinda abnormal.

"How old are you?"

"Exactly 17 years old, and why are you asking that?"

"No nothing, forgot about it."

Xen smiles after looking at him.

"Fray...This story is about what will happen if you become the strongest."

"I know. Your destination will be decided by your knowledge, understanding and wealth. Not by your father's name."




A Royal Knight is present in front of the castle gate.

Xen asked him, "where is that old man?"

"Come with me."

The Royal Knight takes them with him. Fray is truly curious to meet with Omniscient one. While Zyon just wants to know who the old man is. But Xen isn't sure if he will answer or not. But Xen can't miss a chance, it doesn't matter what he needs to pay for it.






The Royal Knight takes three of them in a garden on the back side of the castle. The Omniscient one is present there with all the 8 elders. They are standing in front of a Blue Portal.

Omniscient one becomes so happy after seeing Xen.

"Welcome, fool prince. I'll answer all of your questions, just go inside the portal and join the 'Battle of Worth' event as a candidate."