Three people just arrived in a completely different kind of world. Elis couldn't believe on her own eyes.
A world which is just under the ground surface, it's needed to be terrifying, but it's making the atmosphere like heaven just comes down on world.
A void like place under the ground surface makes a completely different type of world while cutting the connection from outside world.
A vast open world, the top and end isn't visible and strong mountain or so called pillar making the support to protect it from collapsing.
No matter where they look everywhere is full of greenery and beautiful views. Water falling from the top surface and creating an amazing atmosphere.
Even Fray is impressed by the creation of nature, he feels like he wants to stay there forever.
All of them slowly start walking again while enjoying the surrounding. There are countless little ponds are present here and even river water is flowing while creating relaxing sounds.
Unknowingly Fray grabbed Rechel's hand. His voice is showing his clear mind.
"Rechel, I want to stay there with you forever..."
They all comes in front of a gigantic tree, but there's something written on the tree that makes Fray laugh.
'I'm Kevin, the strongest.'
"Did Kevin come on this palace?"
Elis replied to Rechel's question, "Yeah, probably he comes there when he joined battle of Worth event back on his time."
Fray started to leaving from there while saying, "But he still failed to kill the creature present there."
It's something that makes Rechel so scared, even though Elis is little bit shocked after hearing that.
But Fray be like 'Now what's with this reaction?'
Elis explain him, "If Kevin failed to defeat the creature present there, then it's not a joke."
"First of all, if he were defeated the creature then Xen would never told me to come there. And second, don't make my Rechel scared."
He started to leave from there along with Rechel while grabbing her hand. Fray is totally embarrassed after saying that, even he couldn't able to look at Rechel properly.
Elis also go after them, which makes Fray more embarrassed.
"Please go somewhere else."
Just after saying that Fray jumped from there while carrying Rechel. Elis wants to warn him but it's too late. Because Fray is fast enough to leave from there before she can say something....
* *
Elis is closely observing all over the surrounding and different places to find out something about the creature.
But everything is so much beautiful that she couldn't able to focus on a particular thing.
She broke a flower and slowly smelled it. Her eyes become wide open by it's aroma. She couldn't stop smiling while imagining about a person, definitely it's Xen.
She slowly turned her gaze on a spot where is nothing but full of flowers on a open field.
She started walk to reach that spot, her heart is breathing so fast but still she feels so good while standing on the middle of a place like that, where is nothing but flowers.
She touches the flowers present there but she started to feel uneasy or odd. That's something that she couldn't understand no matter how many times she thinks.
"Is there really anything that we need to defeat there? On such a heaven like place...."
But no one is present there to answer her or tell her to leave from there.
Because Suddenly a sharp or spiky thing touched on her neck from behind.
Before she can even touch her sword....
* *
Fray and Rechel are setting under a tree. They are grabbing eachother hands nothing more than this.
Fray is thinking about something while looking at top, his eyes are focused at one palace but he is definitely thinking about something else.
Rechel also asked him about this, "Is that something are you worried about?"
"I think we should have takes Elis with us. I'm worried about her."
That's enough to makes Rechel angry little bit and her cute reaction is so adorable. But Fray slowly denied Rechel's thinking.
"Rechel, you are totally wrong with your thinking. There's only one I loved and cared about,... that's you. But the carrying nature I'm showing for Elis, it's different."
For to give more examples and confirmation, Fray slowly touched her jaw. Then He touched her down lips. While feeling the curve of her jaw by his index finger, Fray landed more closer to her lips.
Fray feels like time becomes stopped for them and giving the signal to continue his intentions. Fray's eyes are locked by Rechel's cuteness. As their lips meet Fray feels undescribable relief and satisfaction.
Fray and Rechel are now present in front of a little pond to drink water.
Fray slowly put his hand on the pond water, he feels little bit uneasy and difference.
Before Fray can take out his hand from the pond...
At the next moment, Elis crashed there along with a powerful thunder thrust.
Elis just wanted to tell them to leave from there but no words comes out from her mouth but Fray immediately realised it...
Before he can even react, long white hair flew away over his face. Something that he never imagined, that thing is now standing behind of him.
Fray moved his gaze to observe the creature behind of him, but Elis shouted at him.
"Fool kid!!!! Leave from there."
Elis immediately react from her spot but that's not something which will be so easy.
Around 6 feet long hight and covered with maximum size blue white hair. 2 feet long blue horn on the forehead is now pointing at Fray's neck. While crystal white blue wings are covering the area and charged itself to shot a powerful strike.
That 'Pegasus' gather all the power from the surrounding areas and mixed with it's own thunder power while focusing all the energy on the forehead horn, shot a powerful thunder thrust at Fray.
And the Yellow hair boy directly received that massive attack. Because everything happened under 0.4s.
The thrust shoot down Fray while piercing a mountain. Elis is so shocked that she isn't sure about his life and Rechel is just hoping for a better outcome.
But Fray comes out from there while breaking their imagination and surpassing their expectations.
Fray removed the eye patch from his left eye. It's overwhelming aura is coming out while surpassing the atmosphere by its dominating presence. Its too much pressure that even the crystals of the surrounding started to cracking. His left eye is totally dark, black marks are started to creating while breaking his skin from the left eye.
He is totally angry and annoyed now, because now he have to fight seriously. And he knows that's the reason why Xen told him to take care of that creature.
"Damn!! There's no doubt that the bastard Kevin failed to capture that creature. A Pegasus which is almost fast as Xen and almost as powerful like me while the durability as like Zyon."
Rechel immediately run for Fray but Elis grabbed her hand and Fray is also telling them to stay back.
"Elis go outside with Rechel, I won't be able to protect and fight at the same time."
Elis is so shocked by everything that happened under just moments but at the same time she is worried for Fray.
"Fray, Are you sure you can do it yourself?!!"
"If that's not me then no one...."
Instead of giving hope he just give them more tension, But now Elis clearly understands that Fray is more stronger than anyone around there. Taking a direct hit and receiving no damage, that's beyond From her expectations.
Fray looks at Rechel, "Believe on me like you did before. I'm Fray strongest person around there. It would be hard not impossible."
While rejecting their wishes, Both Elis and Rechel immediately left the area. Because Fray is the only one who can do it, after all his powers are thunder too.
But the Pegasus block their way, Fray appears in front of that. While charging his sword, Fray shot a powerful strike direct on the forehead.
After Elis and Rechel left the area Fray release a sword slash to block the way completely. He is ready to face that Pegasus head-on.
Fray point his sword at the direction of the Pegasus. Fray left eye is not totally full of overwhelming presence that even become incomparable to Fray.
Fray charged his sword with his lighting and the Pegasus absorb aura from surrounding while mixing its own thunder powers, now the overwhelming power is focused on its horn.