Chapter 35 - Cousin's wedding (3)

Xen Fray Zyon and all the other young Successors are present on a place inside of the deep forest.

They all are thinking what Hedro was doing right now with his wives. But they are the one who became embarrassed about it too.

Then they split up for to collect important things for campfire. Xen and Elis are collecting wooden sticks and dry leaf.

Both Xen and Elis are preparing the base for campfire too much carefully. Then they placed dray leaf and after that they started to setup the structure of campfire by wooden sticks.

After finishing that, Elis light up the campfire. Then everyone started gathering there. Xen asked them about,

"What you all have as for night dinner??"

Everyone just moved their face away from there, because they didn't know they have to eat before sleeping. But then Fray and Rechel arrived there along with some fish and vegetables...

Zyon asked to Xen, "Now who will cooked them?"

Xen immediately kicked off him from there. Then Xen asked for a knife. But everyone think he is going to kill Zyon, because his face reaction is something like that.

"No, don't worry I won't kill him now. I want a knife to prepare food."

Zyon immediately create a knife and give it to Xen. But Xen point the knife at him as he said,

"Now make a table for cooking along with a fire spot."






Zyon did that as Xen order him. Zyon created a cooking table or a cooking stove on bit distance from the campfire.

Xen precisely cut those fish in small pieces. His knife movements are so smooth that everyone is impressed.

After cutting those fishes he asked for water,

"Hey Frank, I need water."



Xen clean those fish pieces multiple times. Then he collects those into a dish, which is full of water too. Then he placed it over the cooking stove and covered the top. He set the flame on low or medium.



Then he also washed those vegetables properly. Then he removed the outer layers of some vegetables. After that he took onions, and started to chop them. And placed them on a side.

After that Xen took some garlic and chop them too. Then he put those things with onions.

Xen slice some red chili pepper. And he chop some green chili pepper.

Then he noticed that the dish where he placed fish to boil, that's already started boiling up. After that Xen added some dry herbs on it. And covered it again, but he off the flame and take the dish out from the cooking stove.

Then he took a big size dish and placed it over the cooking stove. When it heated up then he oiled over it. The moment when Oli became hot then he added all the cutting onions, garlic and chili pepper...

Xen moved fast and slice some tomatoes. Then he added it on the oil too. Then he done it and covered that too.

After a while he added those fish pieces on it and the full flavour water too.





His cooking is done, then he served the fish soup too everyone.

All of them became impressed by Xen's cooking skills. They all noticed that Xen is too good at cooking and cutting.





* * *




Xen is resting under a tree, but everyone doesn't care about it. They are singing or playing something around the campfire.

Elis asked to Fray who is more stronger between Xen and her. Then Fray turned his face at Xen who is bit tired and resting under the tree on little distance from there.

"I'm not sure, you are must strong at first. But you can't ignore Xen will improve during the fight, too fast. So you have to kill him with first attacks to defeat him."

But Zyon grabbed his hand and asked to Elis who is more stronger between him and Fray.

Elis think about it deeply before answering....

"Hmm, you can win....."

Zyon become happy and his mouth is wide open in excitement. But Fray is looking at her deeply because he knows Elis didn't complete his words.

Then Elis added that, "Probably after thousands years of training...."

Now Zyon is shocked and Fray started laughing madly. Even though it's true but Zyon become annoyed about it.

They all started laughing and started to discuss about their understanding.

Then Logan asked to Fray, "Hey boy, what is Xen's understanding?"

Fray looked at Xen who is about to sleep under the tree, he think about that deeply.

"Who knows or cares?"









Xen feels bit different type of presence from his side, then he immediately opened his eyes and found it's Fray.

Fray was sitting there in a calm position, he slowly looked after him as he said,

"Nice you already wake up, Logan and Zyon went from there for some drink bottle."

"I just suddenly fall asleep...."

"You can sleep more if you are feeling tired...."

Xen slowly smiled but right now he has no intention in sleeping again. Fray is serious about something, it's like he wants to say something.

Fray opened his lips many times only to close them. It's like he isn't confident much right now. But Fray again tried to tell him.

Then Zyon and Logan arrived there with some drinks bottle. Fray takes a deep breath and calmed his mind, then he say

"Xen, when I were reborn in future time. Then my so called father pulled me up warmly but his expression was like he knows everything. But still the first thing he said is 'Your Father Will Protect You'. And he sent me back in time when I grew up. So, That's how a father cares about his child."

But Xen isn't there anymore to hear his words, Xen left from there before Fray started. Fray found out, Xen is present along with others.

Of course he felt bit sad... No, he feels really sad about it. He thought he would started crying now. Because no one is there to hear him, neither the person he chose to share his words.

Unknowingly a drop of tears falls from his right eye. Probably tears fall from his left eye too, but who knows since it's covered under eye patch.

Fray removed tears from his eye and Started to move forward to the spot of campfire. Everyone is sitting over some tree parts, those parts are arranged on a circle shape around the campfire.






Fray sit on the side of Xen, then Rechel stand up and she sit on the other side of Fray. And Elis is sitting on the other side of Xen. There was bit more distance between Xen and Fray, compared to the distance between Xen and Elis or Fray and Rechel.

Then Fray takes a bottle of drink but Xen immediately takes it from him. And passed a bottle of orange juice to Fray. But that's makes Fray more angry, Xen slowly pet his shoulder as he said,

"Boy, that's perfect for you."

"Don't be fooled! I must be more older than you if I count the age of my previous life!"

Xen looked at him with serious eyes. Xen did everything on a cheerful and funny mindset but right now he is too serious. His voice is deep too, but while smiling a bit he said,

"Who cares? I won't allowed you, till I'm present there."