Three of them was directly summoned inside of a grand hall room. The size of this room is really huge, and the entire room was filled by wooden torch on the roof supporting pillars.
The sword which was half way inside of five meter radius and two meter heigh, surface stone. That was present on middle of the room.
Then the royal Knight placed some normal swords around the surface stone, then he released his aura and then those swords started glowing with fire.
Fray slowly asked to Xen,
"What he was doing right now?"
"Nothing big, he is just confirming that noone could take out the sword from the surface stone. Because if someone did that, then Kevin will get back his full power."
The moment when royal Knight complete his work, then a sword come from behind of Xen and Fray and it cuts the knight in half.
It's Ogen, who were present behind of Xen and Fray. Xen slowly turned his face back at him as he asked,
"Hey man, what was that stuff?"
Ogen funnily replied him, "I like to kill his knight body, that's all. And yeah old man is waiting for you two. Come with me."
They are walking up through the stairs. So basically till now they were on underground floor. And Ogen also confirmed that as he said,
"We use underground floor for storing items and artifacts. Sorry about that, they summed you on the underground floor. I apologise to you on their behalf, that you have to see underground at first."
Xen become annoyed by his respectful conversation and it's obvious that Ogen isn't going it intentionally.
"Cut it off and tell me who forced you for that much respectful conversation?"
Ogen make a awkward and annoying face as he cleared it to Xen,
"My sister....."
Fray started laughing madly after their more funny conversation. Both Xen and Ogen make an idiot like expression. One were forced to do it and other one is confused.
And Fray is enjoying their situation.
While enjoying that bit annoying environment, three of them reached out the surface.
The moment moment Xen looks in front of him, he saw the four sun which will be cross down through the horizon after a while.
They comes out from the underground floor by the stairs. Then Xen looked behind of him. There's a huge golden castle was present right there. That is tetrahedron shape like the pyramid. But not completely, because it's more unique and detailed with complexity design.
The moment Xen turned his face around, he found out that's the only big mention or castle there. Other leaving homes are small, exactly of one floor.
And the surface where they're standing, that's not soil neither stone. But it's metal, of course gold.
In the world where people can control element, gold is just like another normal metal.
Where they are present right now, that's a golden flat disk or plate. Which is floating on the air, present on far high top from the land level.
There's only one castle present on the middle of its surface area. And there are many, around some hundreds of small leaving homes. Which are just one floor high.
There are some garden and park also present there. Of course garden needs soil surface to grow that's why those garden are covered by spherical glass. And the soil is wet right there.
The size of this floating place isn't as big as lands, just 1 km to 1.2 km reduce.
Xen become impressed by this level of creation. He couldn't able to stop acknowledging that creator.
While they are walking through the golden path. Xen noticed that kids are playing on park, inside the glass. But there's not much children are present there. Before Xen could asked about the reason, Ogen explain it
"Number of fallen stars are countable, around some hundreds. And the castle isn't for leaving, it's for important and deep meeting purpose."
"Why around some hundreds?"
"Because our blood is too much strong, that's why our reproduction is too much slow. Only 0.01% chance."
Xen think about it deeply, human reproduction is normal but fallen stars are not on this. Their reproduction is too much harder.
Then Ogen waved his head as he looked at the park area. But then he makes a fool like expression. Xen asked him about that,
"What happened?"
"No, my little brother moved his face away as he saw you there."
Xen become confused, he is thinking what's wrong with this family. Where everyone is giving him deep attention but at the same time moving their face away from there.
While walking three of them reached close to the end of this floating place. Xen found out that Omniscient one was standing there. While he is just looking in front of him.
Then Ogen pushed Xen and Fray little bit. Then he started to leave from there while saying,
"Xen, she were looking at you all the time."
Fray again started laughing at Xen, Fray punch on his back as he said,
"Rizz king Xen, Elis would be mad at you..."
Fray and Xen come close to Omniscient one, who was standing on the edge. Then he noticed both of them. But he still remain silent. Xen asked him at first,
"Why you called us there?"
Omniscient one smiled before replying to his question,
"Oh young stars arrived there already. Xen, I didn't called Fray, you take him there."
Fray make a shocking expression as he realised something. Fray immediately grabbed his sword, but Xen stopped him.
Fray looked at Xen with deep cold eyes.
"Xen, don't tell me that you didn't noticed that yet."
Xen slowly grabbed his shoulder, then Xen also makes cold expression and his voice is deep too
"Fray, it doesn't matter that, they are pointing their weapon at us. I also bring my Spear there."
Omniscient one started laughing after knowing their thinking. Then he slowly pet Fray's head while rising up his other hand.
Fray is still serious but Omniscient one cleared him about all of those stuff
"Fray, they are afraid of you not Xen."
But Xen immediately point his spear at Omniscient one. But everything was still silent but when Fray take out his sword. Both Xen and Fray feels too much strong pressure from around there.
"So, Xen. They aren't afraid of you but Fray."
Right now three of them are normal. Then Omniscient one tell them about the reason, why he called Xen...
"Actually there's a nest of dragons present on the middle of three supporting pillars of central Star land."
But Xen and Fray be like, 'what's new there?'.... Omniscient one understand that, they already knew about it. Because their expression is something like that.
But what Omniscient one say after this, that just makes their face wide open,
"Dragon's are going to comes out from their nest."
After that, both Xen and Fray started to looking at Omniscient one with an innocent expression. Which make him think that, they are scared about it.
But then water started to coming out from their mouth. Right now Omniscient ones face was wide open.
Xen told to Fray,
"This time we will capture the biggest one."
First Omniscient one closed his eyes, then he opened it and immediately punched on their head as shouted out at them,
"Are you two out of thinking!!!! The dragon which will comes out that can destroy this world. Since it's on ground surface so that's the reason why, you two have to look after that at first!!!"
Xen stopped Omniscient one and shouted out,
"If that can destroy this world then why you all wait until it's comes out?!!!!!! And we are not the only one who lived on ground surface.!!!!!"
Omniscient one understand that Xen has a point on his words. That's why he calmly explained him,
"Because we are still not sure about it, will those dragons attack on us or not. And the most powerful dragon there, that were from 3rd Emperor's time."
Xen understand that what is this situation, because they can't attack on dragons until they attack on them first. Since they will break out on the ground surface at first, that's why it's Xen's responsibility to look after it.
Omniscient one slowly pet their head as he give them another news,
"You all, who were fight against Kevin. Fallen stars and elders give a legendary title. 'Young stars'."
Omniscient one was smiling while saying that. Then he slowly touched Xen's spear. After that his expression became bit serious, when he looked after Xen's eye.
"This spear belongs to 3rd emperor. He made it and now you are using it. But....."
But before he could complete his words, Xen passed a hopeful smile at him. Right now Omniscient one has no choice but to trust on Xen and Fray.
While leaving from there, Omniscient one slowly suggested to Fray,
"Believe on Xen. Because he started to trust on you."
* *
Right now Xen and Fray are standing on the border of that flat floating disk. Xen observed the sunset, then he slowly raised his hand. But suddenly he feels like something is stopping his hand.
Xen placed his hand over that, that's energy barrier. Which is covering entire floating place. Since it was present on too much high top. That's why it's covered in spherical shape energy barrier, just because to gather oxygen and air inside inside of it.
But then Fray moved his face down from there, and his face left a shocking expression. Fray slowly pulled Xen's clothes. Xen looked at Fray, his expression is too serious.
Then Xen also looked down or below from that floating place. Xen's expression was shocked. Because as he looked down, he found out there's 8 too much small stones are present over white surface. Those eight stone are making a circle shape, and there was a ninth stone on the middle of eight stones.
Those are present on the middle area, while the world is vastly expanded. That's why eight lands and central Star land are looking like small stones. Since those lands are present over cloud layer that's why it's feeling like it was over white surface, because ground surface isn't visible from there.
The world is still extremely huge, even from this high top. World edge isn't visible, it's too much blurred. That's why they didn't figured out that the world is flat.
"Fray, it's time to go for us."
"Okay, let's jumped from there..."
Xen looked at Fray with a fool like expression, before he could say something. Fray added that,
"When I arrived on this world for the first time. I fall from more higher than this floating place."
Just after hearing that Xen prepared himself and tightly grabbed Fray's hand. While remembering his life, Xen jumped from there. Along with Fray.
Fray is laughing uncontrollably because Xen was closing his eyes while grabbing Fray's hand tightly.
Because of his laugh, Xen slowly opens his eyes.
And the first thing he observed, the amazing view of nature.
Environment is totally red because of sunset timing. There's nothing over them without the floating place. But right now, both of them are over everything or their world.
Xen slowly released Fray's hand. Then he spread out his arms and legs in a defenceless position. Xen started to feeling the beauty of this existence openly.
Xen feels like he is over the existence he knew about. His arm and legs become calmed. His body started to become cold, but Xen accepted this feeling as one of the best feelings ever.
Fray also spread his body, Fray's bit long hair started ripping along with weak air pressure.
While reacting to this beautiful environment, Fray exclaimed with joy
"This is..... Amazing!!!!"
Since they are falling with too much speed and when they entered on air full atmosphere.
Xen and Fray deflected from each other, because of air pressure and friction. Xen shouted out at Fray, before they go more further,
"We will unite on our castle."