My first steps

I know you're probably thinking after that night I couldn't wait to rush off to some new world. Yes a part of me did want that but unfortunately it just wasn't the right time. For starters the entire planet was in chaos. Almost the entire population of the planet got the same message aside from supposedly a handful of others. After a few days most governments were urging anyone who had received these gifts come forward. So far they were just urging so I didn't see any reason to out myself.

Honestly after a few days a lot of things kind of went back to normal. Aside from the power being out in many places around the world due to people crashing into telephone poles taking out the power lines. The Show Must Go On they say. However I have a sneaking suspicion I'm fired. My manager the next day blew up my phone several times leaving many messages telling me I had to come in. After everything happened some people decided that somehow it translated secretly to the world was going to end so naturally everybody flocked to the nearest store to buy everything. But I just couldn't show my face at work everybody knew I was overweight before if they saw me now they would tell someone. So I pretty much just been home rationing my food.

Well that pretty much just leaves where I am now and that would be Mr Johnson's apartment about to try for the 6th time to get the hang of this traveling to another world thing. I had my phone on me a pocket knife and the pistol my father left me tucked into my waistband since I didn't have a holster. " I get you wanting to test this thing out kid but why the hell are you in my apartment doing it?" Mr Johnson asked sounding annoyed as he cracked open another beer in his recliner.

" because you're the only person who knows. So I kind of need you to watch what happens and have at least one person know what happened to me if something goes wrong." I told him as I closed my eyes trying to picture again someplace to go. " kid this is a sign that you're not supposed to go anywhere. You don't know what's out there that 9 mm of yours might not protect you at all." He said as I tried to tune him out and picture when I wanted. A place of Adventure something different from this world, a place you could only read about in a book somewhere. I pictured so many things at once as I drew my hand up into the air before sticking two fingers out and slicing downwards at a slight angle. " Jesus Christ!!!" Mr Johnson yelled loudly as he spilled his beer and causing me to open my eyes.

It was a strange wide opening with swirls of blue black and purple. For some reason I wasn't afraid of it when I should be terrified. " kid you're not going in there are you?! I mean what if you can't get back?!" Now that this part of the gift was real Mr Johnson was only getting more worried. I don't know why but I looked over at him with a small smile on my face. " I'll see you a bit later Mr Johnson." I told him as I took my steps into the portal.

There was a pressure that surrounded my body as I continued to step forward through the color. I don't know why but something told me I needed to keep picturing kind of place I wanted to go. Not really sure how many steps I took could have been five could have been a hundred time felt so different. All I saw was swirling colors and I didn't check but I'm pretty sure if I turned around I just would have seen the same. Before I knew it one more step in the veil of colors was lifted.

It was so bright out. The sun was out just like where I came from but I was not in Mr Johnson's apartment anymore. No now I was outside. To my left it looked like a Great Meadow that spanned for miles only the occasional tree. However to my left off in the distance I could see a big Forest. Taking a quick turnaround there really wasn't much around me. I was really hoping I could at least show up near a town or something.

It was honestly several hours of me roaming around and I didn't even think to pull out my phone to start recording until after the first hour. I took a few 5 minute videos here or there took a lot of pictures. The first thing that I came across that made me think of pulling out my phone was a flower that looked like a buttercup except it was a very deep blue color. It honestly made me very curious of what other things there was that could be very similar but with slight a slight difference.

Roaming around the meadow side eventually got boring since I couldn't see anything like a town or human-made structure anywhere close. Eventually that led me to Circle back to the forest area to check out the tree line. I didn't dare go inside it looked far too dense for that. The trees look normal enough though nothing really unique about them or stood out to me. Not that I was an expert on trees or anything.

" shhh Quiet we hunting!" Said a strange and hushed voice. My first instinct was to duck down but then quickly look for the sound of The Voice. I was astonished that I could understand whoever it was figuring there was going to be a major language barrier problem with anyone I came in contact with. Walking just a few feet down the tree line to my left and then I saw them. The first word to pop into my head was Goblin. Just the way they were shaped but their skin wasn't quite as green as what current media would show just a slight greenish tent. Made me nervous so I put my hand on my gun but something stopped me. It's because most of the modern media out there perceived something that looked like these creatures as dangerous doesn't mean they automatically were going to be. Besides it was first Contact and I didn't want to pop out in this world killing.

I noticed there was three of them and they looked like we're about to move on. The last thing I wanted to do was let this opportunity slit by and I finally stood up and called out to them. " hey! Eh.... sorry. Just I haven't met anyone from around here. So I was wondering if maybe you could talk to me?" The garbage looked stunned looking at me with such a confused expression. " humans don't speak Goblin tongue!? How are you talking to us?! Do you speak the goblin tongue?!" It was very clear that I was causing a bit of a panic. What wasn't clear was that there was a fourth Goblin that had exited the tree line several feet to my left and had snuck behind me. It was sudden when I felt the sudden pain of accrued blade slicing into my calf through my jeans.

The moment I felt it my slowing time ability kicked in and it felt like forever that I was falling to the ground. Once I did I quickly tried to flip over to see the Goblin clinging to my leg trying to Scurry up my body. In a panic I quickly lifted my uninjured leg and kicked the Goblin in the face knocking it out as well as sending it flying back at least 6 ft. Looking back towards the other three their weapons were drawn and they were charging at me. They were saying something but with my ability slowing everything down I couldn't understand it or bothered to focus on it. Drawing my pistol after a little bit of a struggle with my pants I raised my gun firing quickly only striking and killing two of the goblins. A dangerous thing not thinking to conserve your ammo. Seeing the slide lock back and a final Goblin still charging at me I dropped it as the goblin lept into the air. I was able to place one hand on its throat and the other hand on the crude dagger was holding as my slow motion ended. " you kill friends human die! You feed the clan!" The goblin said in a rage.

With My level up to my strength it was easy enough to push the goblin off of me and take it stagger. With all the fear and adrenaline pumping through my veins I quickly began stabbing the Goblin in the chest. On the 6th plunge I left the dagger there pushing myself off onto my ass and crawling backwards before rolling over and throwing up. There was a cold sweat on my face as I managed to push myself up past the pain in my calf. It was a bit painful but I squatted down to pick up my gun and tucked it back into my waistband . I didn't dare look at my calf since I could feel the blood filling up my shoe I knew it had to be bad. " need to get the hell out of here." I said as I desperately thought of Mr Johnson's living room swiping my hands through the air and opening the portal. I wasted no time stumbling through leaving behind the dead goblins.

I assumed I would have to fight for my life eventually I just didn't expect it to be so soon and on my first outing.